• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Sawyer '14 - Seed Offer

A new season begins.  It's a work in progress, but here's my 2014 grow list as it now stands.  It will certainly have some additions as I'm still expecting some more acquisitions.  I hope it will have some deletions, too, because it's just too ridiculously long as it is now.  My hope is/was to grow at least 10 of each variety I grew and saved seeds from in 2013, in order to characterize the extent of cross pollination.  I may have to cut that back to 5 each, at least for some varieties.  Without further ado, here are the contenders:
7 Pots:

Brain Strain Yellow
Brain Strain Red
Brown (3 types)
(3)Chocolate Barrackpore (2 types)
Congo SR Gigantic
Large Red
Large Yellow
"not Red" (a serrano-/Inca Red Drop-shaped "not")
(5)Original Red

Trinidad Scorpions:
(5)Brown Moruga
(3,9)BubbleGum (2 types)
Butch T
Red Moruga/Moruga Blend
(5,12)Yellow Moruga/Moruga Blend
Yellow Original

(8)Black Naga
Brown Bhut
(8) Giant Bhut
Naga King
(1,12)Naga Morich
"not white" Yellow Bhut
Orange Bhut
(8)Purple Bhut
Red Bhut
White Bhut
(1,12)Yellow Bhut

(8)D'Bhut (7P Douglah x BJ)
(4)Elysium Oxide Bonnet
(3,8)Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion
(3)Jay's Red Ghost Scorpion
(1,6)FG Jigsaw
(1,7)Funky Reaper
(8)Sepia Serpent
Long Smooth Red
Spicy Bell

(8)Manzano Amarillo
(2)Orange Manzano (2 types)
(2)Orange Locoto
Red Manzano
Yellow Manzano
(11)Giant Mexican Rocoto

(2,3)Bahamian Goat
(2,3)Bonda Ma Jacques
Brown SB
Brown Congo
(9)Freeport Orange SB (Bahamian Goat?)
Giant White Hab
(12)JA Hot Choc Hab
Large Yellow-orange Hab (not GWH)

Orange Hab
(8)Snow White
Yellow Hab
White Bullet Hab

Yellow Fatalii
(8)White Fatalii
(3,8)White Devil's Tongue


(10)Heritage Big Jim
(10)Heritage 6-4

Alma Paprika
Amarillo Chiltepin

(3)Brown Egg
(9)Devil Serrano
(3)GA Black
(3)Hungarian Hot Cherry
Large Red Hot Cherry
Pimenta de Neyde
(1,3)Tobago Treasure
(3)Trinidad Cherry
Trinidad Seasoning
(11)Orchid/Bishop's Crown
(4,11)Goat's Weed
(11)Brazilian Starfish
(11)Mako Akokasrade
(11)Bull's Heart

(10)NuMex Twilight
Chilly Chilli (F2)

Seeds from:
(1) - My own 2013 Grow (as are all otherwise unmarked entries)
(2) - PaulG
(3) - GA. Growhead
(4) - capsidadburn
(5) - PepperLover
(6) - Baker Creek
(7) - Devv
(8) - gnslngr
(9) - meatfreak
(10) - CPI
(11) - PL
(12) - MGOLD86

By my count, that's around 75 82 varieties, not counting the TBDs and expected new acquisitions. :shocked:  I have more space available for in-grounds in the garden now, and also plan to expand the potted plant grow area.  I plan to add some enhancements this year, in terms of custom lighting for stage 2 growth (3.5" square pots), isolation techniques, cap-based repellents, and more.  Stay tuned to see what actually happens. :rolleyes:
Edited list 1/5/14.
Edited list 1/19/14
Edited list 3/2/14, additions=blue, deletions=strike-through
Devv said:
I can plant out between 3-1 and 3-15 weather permitting, so the window for seed starting is coming to an end, or else November pods like last year...
Nice.  I'm just hoping this year isn't like last year here, with snow in May.  Two years ago, I could have planted out 3-15.
stc3248 said:
Sweet list!!! Very ambitious! Lemme know if there are any holes you wanna fill in that list and best of luck to ya!
Thanks, Shane.  More seed is the last thing I need right now.  But there's always that one more interesting variety, isn't there?
The previously mentioned hook is legit and is a TS Chocolate from Baker's.  It's been joined by two more of its siblings, but nothing else in that flat is showing yet.  I'm have trouble keeping the temperature stable, so I'm sure that has something to do with it.  One day the highs will be in the 50s and the next, the 30s, over and over, like a yo-yo.  I really need to hook the heating pad up to a thermostat.
Planted three more flats today.  PF2:



I'm on a roll, now.

Edit: Labeled flat diagrams PF2, PF3, PF4, for future reference.
Thanks, Paul.  At the very least, I should have ample reserves to weather a catastrophe.
This morning I had 10 hooks and seedlings.  Last time I looked I now have 27.  Many Choc. Scorpions and a few Jigsaws from Baker's, and Orange Manzano, Orange Locoto, and Bahamian Goat (only one of these, so far), all from Paul.
By the way, Paul, if you already told me, I forgot, but what differences can I expect between the two different Manzanos and the Locoto?  Thanks.
Penny said:
Cant wait to see some pics as it all progresses!! :dance: 
Last year, I think I posted a pic of every new hook.  I think it's kind of like having to look at someone's new baby pics.  (Not kind of like, actually, exactly like.)  I mean, they all look pretty much the same at that age.  I'll get some pics up soon, though.
PIC 1 said:
John that's an amazing amount of peppers !.......dang, if I had that many Reaper's I'd certainly make some kind of "Reaper Madness" powder with the pods.
Best of luck with the remaining seeding.
Thanks, Greg.  "Reaper Madness", I like it.  I'm mainly interested in the Funky Reaper this year, just growing the standard for comparison... that whole trademark thing and such.  I'm only half-way done with pepper seeding, then it's on to a whole bunch of other things.  For example, I've got probably 3 or 4 flats worth of ginseng seed to plant.
maximumcapsicum said:
Wow amazing numbers! Bet you had a big smile when your hook count doubled in a day!
You know it!
I'm waiting for the evening weather report, the front was 3 hours late. Hoping I don't have to cut off the outside water and drain the pipes...dropped another few degrees. Really glad I don't have to go to work tomorrow, we may have some ice, and these folks (most) down here just don't get it when it freezes...
Thanks, Penny!  I'll be watching for it.
Seventy-five sprouts now, with at least one from 11 of 12 varieties.  The CAP 1144 C. praetermissum is the only one not showing any activity yet.  I'll post a photo over the weekend.
I experimented this time with planting the seeds deeper than usual.  As a result (and as hoped), I very few helmet-heads, even though the temperature has been higher than optimal much of the time.  Last year I suspected a too-high germination temperature of encouraging helmet-heads.  Perhaps that's not the case after all. 
It's all the way up to a blistering 18 ºF already here.  It was 0 when I looked at 4am.  No frozen pipes this time.
Well my dumb self let the outside pipes freeze. At sundown it was 30-31°, rain blowing horizontally, heck let em freeze. I cut the water off, and will check for issues in the Am...gonna be 60° tomorrow. I have glue and PVC parts...NPF ;)