• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Sawyer '14 - Seed Offer

A new season begins.  It's a work in progress, but here's my 2014 grow list as it now stands.  It will certainly have some additions as I'm still expecting some more acquisitions.  I hope it will have some deletions, too, because it's just too ridiculously long as it is now.  My hope is/was to grow at least 10 of each variety I grew and saved seeds from in 2013, in order to characterize the extent of cross pollination.  I may have to cut that back to 5 each, at least for some varieties.  Without further ado, here are the contenders:
7 Pots:

Brain Strain Yellow
Brain Strain Red
Brown (3 types)
(3)Chocolate Barrackpore (2 types)
Congo SR Gigantic
Large Red
Large Yellow
"not Red" (a serrano-/Inca Red Drop-shaped "not")
(5)Original Red

Trinidad Scorpions:
(5)Brown Moruga
(3,9)BubbleGum (2 types)
Butch T
Red Moruga/Moruga Blend
(5,12)Yellow Moruga/Moruga Blend
Yellow Original

(8)Black Naga
Brown Bhut
(8) Giant Bhut
Naga King
(1,12)Naga Morich
"not white" Yellow Bhut
Orange Bhut
(8)Purple Bhut
Red Bhut
White Bhut
(1,12)Yellow Bhut

(8)D'Bhut (7P Douglah x BJ)
(4)Elysium Oxide Bonnet
(3,8)Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion
(3)Jay's Red Ghost Scorpion
(1,6)FG Jigsaw
(1,7)Funky Reaper
(8)Sepia Serpent
Long Smooth Red
Spicy Bell

(8)Manzano Amarillo
(2)Orange Manzano (2 types)
(2)Orange Locoto
Red Manzano
Yellow Manzano
(11)Giant Mexican Rocoto

(2,3)Bahamian Goat
(2,3)Bonda Ma Jacques
Brown SB
Brown Congo
(9)Freeport Orange SB (Bahamian Goat?)
Giant White Hab
(12)JA Hot Choc Hab
Large Yellow-orange Hab (not GWH)

Orange Hab
(8)Snow White
Yellow Hab
White Bullet Hab

Yellow Fatalii
(8)White Fatalii
(3,8)White Devil's Tongue


(10)Heritage Big Jim
(10)Heritage 6-4

Alma Paprika
Amarillo Chiltepin

(3)Brown Egg
(9)Devil Serrano
(3)GA Black
(3)Hungarian Hot Cherry
Large Red Hot Cherry
Pimenta de Neyde
(1,3)Tobago Treasure
(3)Trinidad Cherry
Trinidad Seasoning
(11)Orchid/Bishop's Crown
(4,11)Goat's Weed
(11)Brazilian Starfish
(11)Mako Akokasrade
(11)Bull's Heart

(10)NuMex Twilight
Chilly Chilli (F2)

Seeds from:
(1) - My own 2013 Grow (as are all otherwise unmarked entries)
(2) - PaulG
(3) - GA. Growhead
(4) - capsidadburn
(5) - PepperLover
(6) - Baker Creek
(7) - Devv
(8) - gnslngr
(9) - meatfreak
(10) - CPI
(11) - PL
(12) - MGOLD86

By my count, that's around 75 82 varieties, not counting the TBDs and expected new acquisitions. :shocked:  I have more space available for in-grounds in the garden now, and also plan to expand the potted plant grow area.  I plan to add some enhancements this year, in terms of custom lighting for stage 2 growth (3.5" square pots), isolation techniques, cap-based repellents, and more.  Stay tuned to see what actually happens. :rolleyes:
Edited list 1/5/14.
Edited list 1/19/14
Edited list 3/2/14, additions=blue, deletions=strike-through
Congrats on all the new sprouts! That sauce looks pretty cool...you say not versatile?  Only on chicken or maybe fish? I am still trying to figure out what to do with all my white pods. I will be powdering some this weekend...we'll see how that goes.
Portuge said:
Seedlings galore at Sawyers, howd your sauce taste? Looks good
Thanks, James.  This one is not the hands-down ring-the-bell winner the brown one was.  For one thing, between the pears in heavy syrup and sweet white wine, it's really too sweet for an all around winner.  Like I said, it's really good on chicken curry and especially the shredded coconut.  I think tomorrow I'm going to try to make a candy out of some of it, mixing it with shredded coconut and then after that sets up, coating it with chocolate.
meatfreak said:
Wow, that's already a lot of seedlings :) Your gonna have your hands full!
Yes, yes it is, and yes I am.  And I'm only half done with pepper sowing; haven't even started anything else.  Thanks for stopping by, Stefan.
maximumcapsicum said:
Thanks for the notes Sawyer! I planted my plugs a bit too fast it seems! I may just try to gently dig up any seedlings I want to save and not cull with a plastic fork. May not end up saving any on the other hand. Will see...
You're welcome, Adam.  That's just what works for me.  Everyone has their own method and you'll find something that works for you.  I'm one of those who can hardly stand to intentionally kill a plant.  I lose enough through natural attrition and a lot can happen between now and harvest.  On the other hand, I'm not as constrained for space as many are.
Devv said:
Glad to see all the youngin's John!
And so many Manzano's, that's just great!
I have had just one Funky pop, it was from your seed. Still hoping for more....I do have the OW still..
Stay warm Polar Plunge Revenge coming back for what the first missed!
Thanks for stopping by, Scott.  Yeah, I'm amazed how well the Locotos/Manzanos are popping.  I haven't fretted over things as much this year as I did last, so that may have something to do with it.  Last time I looked, none of my Reapers, Funky or otherwise, had popped, but it's only been 8 days.  Some others in that flat hooked today, so I expect to see something soon.
Right now, temps are holding steady around 16.  At this point, I'll take anything that has more than one digit to the left of the decimal (and is positive).
HillBilly Jeff said:
Nice looking manzano and that sauce looks a lot like grapefruit juice!!! Love it.
Thanks, Jeff, I'm sure hoping to get some pods off the pubescens this year.  I've got 4 reds and two yellows OWing, but I hope these new ones will have a shot, too.

Hah!  There's one bottle of that sauce missing from the pic and in all of them, there are 2 1/2 cups of gf juice.  It could use more, though, and maybe less sweet wine, because it's really too sweet for most applications.  (See above, also might be good on vanilla ice cream.)  I only used 1/4 cup of white pepper purée (GWH and white BJ) and it really should have at least twice that much. (I'm targeting the average pepper-curious consumer, not the chileheads.)  It seemed plenty hot enough when I first blended it, but by the time I finished with the reduction, it's quite mild, though definitely still noticeable.

I'm all outta likes for the day.  I'll fix that tomorrow.
stc3248 said:
Congrats on all the new sprouts! That sauce looks pretty cool...you say not versatile?  Only on chicken or maybe fish? I am still trying to figure out what to do with all my white pods. I will be powdering some this weekend...we'll see how that goes.
Thanks, Shane.  Yes, it's really good on the curry, but is maybe too sweet for many applications.  I'll keep the recipe, but have ideas for tweaking the next round.  I hadn't thought about fish... maybe?  Might go well in a white Russian.  My drying process was pretty brutal last year, so whites wouldn't keep their color.  Most (all?) of my whites are in purée. 
Pinoy83 said:
babies are lookin good and those hot sauce....looks tasty :drooling:
Thank you, Jericson.  Thanks for stopping by.
Your seedlings look great, John, healthy and robust!  You are going
to have quite a grow going when all the dust settles!  Good luck with
the alliums and row cover!
Your BJ Yellow, Reaper, Funky Reaper, and 7 Pot Burgundy are just
going to town on my grow shelf!  Thanks for the great seeds, brother!
Great to hear the seeds are coming up for you, guys!
Here's a germination update, as of this morning:

The numbers in the bright green fields are the changes from the last update.  They represent the total number of plants germinated for that variety, not the new additions.  I didn't update the numbers for PepperFlat #1 (PF1), since there haven't been any significant change there.  Some of the other numbers are pretty skimpy, but it took me ages to get the heater mat stabilized.  Now that that's okay, things seem to be picking up.  I'm disappointed none of the White 7 Pots, from either source, have popped yet, but I'm not giving up hope yet.
Not sure why I'm dragging my feet on sowing the rest of the seeds.  Guess I'm thinking about how crowded things got inside last year with just this many plants.  And I'm shooting for twice that many.  It's February, so I guess I'd better get cracking on that. 
Hello, my name is Sawyer, and I'm a pepper addict.  I ordered even more seeds two or three days ago, from CPI, Heritage Big Jim, Heritage 6-4, and an ornamental called Twilight (to round out the order).  Local grocer is interested in the Hatch-types and the Twilight should be popular at the nurseries.
Glad to hear it, Scott.  I'm happy with the numbers of Reapers I have, both varieties, both sources.
BTW, planting the Hungarian Hot Cherry this early was a mistake.  I picked up the wrong ziplock and didn't notice until too late.  Also, those GA Blacks are a very strange-looking sprout, twice as big as everything else, with huge cotys.  I'll try to remember to make a note of them next time I post pictures.
Well, Denver is off to a great start, aren't they?
I started white 7s from SLP and they took the longest out off my early starts. 3 week plus. Haven't planted any of the saved or new pepperlover seeds I got as a freebie yet. I might need to get on that if they are going to take forever too.
Overall germ rates aren't that bad there. Feeling ya on the numbers. Counted 163 standing in my round one starts that will have to be separated and potted up soon, with a ton still not up yet!
Addicted too my friend. See you at the next meeting!
I also noticed that with the GA blacks. Gotta be an annuum mix. Have a silver fuzz almost like goat weed, annuum looking, but multiple pods per node. Was listed as chinense on semillas.de but swore it was an annuum until pod up. Should have told ya that I guess. my bad.
Pepperheads Anonymous 
Hello, my my name is .........
I grow peppers from seeds.
I used to be satisfied with what ever peppers I could find at the grocer.
But then it got to where a Jalapeno or even an orange Hab just didn't pack the heat I  felt I needed.
Then a guy on the internet sent me some seeds...............
Chart looks good John, but what is up with the white 7 pots. seeds from two sources and no sprouts? Weird. 
Great that you got some hatch chilies. They are great grilled and slapped on a sammie. Got new plans for some of mine later this year. 
JJJessee said:
Pepperheads Anonymous 
Hello, my my name is .........
I grow peppers from seeds.
I used to be satisfied with what ever peppers I could find at the grocer.
But then it got to where a Jalapeno or even an orange Hab just didn't pack the heat I  felt I needed.
Then a guy on the internet sent me some seeds...............
GA Growhead said:
I started white 7s from SLP and they took the longest out off my early starts. 3 week plus. Haven't planted any of the saved or new pepperlover seeds I got as a freebie yet. I might need to get on that if they are going to take forever too.
Overall germ rates aren't that bad there. Feeling ya on the numbers. Counted 163 standing in my round one starts that will have to be separated and potted up soon, with a ton still not up yet!
Addicted too my friend. See you at the next meeting!
I also noticed that with the GA blacks. Gotta be an annuum mix. Have a silver fuzz almost like goat weed, annuum looking, but multiple pods per node. Was listed as chinense on semillas.de but swore it was an annuum until pod up. Should have told ya that I guess. my bad.
Hey Jason, thanks for stopping by.  That's odd the white 7s are so slow to germinate, but you hit the nail on the head.  As of today, I have one hook from each source.
Another thing about the GA Blacks, they sure suck up the water.  The six pack they are in dried out, even though the rest of the tray was plenty moist.  I got to them in time to save the plants, but not the cotys.  I was going to post a picture of those long, lush cotys, but not now. 
I like multiple pods per node.  I wonder what the record is on that.  My 7Pot Peach had seven pods at one node last year.  I'm sure that's nowhere close to a record, though.
JJJessee said:
Pepperheads Anonymous 
Hello, my my name is .........
I grow peppers from seeds.
I used to be satisfied with what ever peppers I could find at the grocer.
But then it got to where a Jalapeno or even an orange Hab just didn't pack the heat I  felt I needed.
Then a guy on the internet sent me some seeds...............
And the first seeds were free...
Jeff H said:
Chart looks good John, but what is up with the white 7 pots. seeds from two sources and no sprouts? Weird. 
Great that you got some hatch chilies. They are great grilled and slapped on a sammie. Got new plans for some of mine later this year. 
Thanks, Jeff.  I was surprised at the White 7s, as well, but Jason had it right; they are just slow germinators.  As noted above, I have one of each as of today.
I'm looking forward to trying some of the hatch-type chiles.  The local grocer last year got some straight from NM and rented a roaster.  The store smelled very pleasant on those days.
Spicegeist said:
Great list.  I'm curious how some of your brown and white peppers will turn out...
Thanks, Charles; thanks for stopping by.  I, too, am curious how things will turn out.  I'm especially anxious to see how true-to-type my own non-isolated seeds will grow.  I plan to grow ten each of many of those.
stickman said:
Hi Buzz,
   Finally made it over here to check out your 2014 glog, and as usual it doesn't disappoint! Good luck with your season!
Hey, Rick, glad to see you here.  Thanks for the well-wishes and good luck to you, too.
Penny said:
JoeFish said:
Yes, indeed.
capsidadburn said:
Looks like your quite busy John!  I noticed several of the semillas varieties I'm growing were much bigger and faster than all my other stuff.
Have a great day!
You know it, Mike.  Hopefully I can avoid any significant losses.  I haven't procured seed directly from semillas, but your experience and my more limited one speaks well of his stock.  You have a great day, too!
GA Growhead said:
I'm guess 7 out 10 grow true on the non isolated. Looking forward to seeing those numbers.
I'm hoping for 8 out of 10 or better, but we shall see.
I finally got the dimmer switch wired into the second shelf's grow mat yesterday, so now I'm moving the germinated flats to that shelf and starting round two of sowing.  Stay tuned.
I (should have) learned this last year, but after repeating the mistake this past week, I think maybe the lesson is driven home.  When removing the humidity dome, I've found that if I just take it off, the shock of going from close to 100% humidity to whatever the low value is in my house, will cause cotyledons and even some leaves to shrivel up.  So far, I've lost very few plants to this effect (out of two flats), but from now on, I'm remembering to prop the dome up an increasing amount over two or three days before removing it completely.  I don't recall anyone else mentioning this, but surely I'm not the only one to have noticed this problem?  Has anyone else had this problem?  Or do you all have humidifiers running this time of year?