• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Sawyer's 2013 Glog - Last Harvest/First Sauce

I haven't done a grow log before, but thought I'd give it a try this year. I'm growing mostly super hots, so I feel like I'm already behind schedule. Anyone know where January went? No pictures yet, I'll add some later when things (hopefully) start popping.

My setup is a basic home-made 2-tier 1" PVC plant stand. Each tier can accommodate 4 standard 1020 nursery flats and has three 2-bulb T-12 4' 40W fluorescent shop lights suspended above. The bulbs are a mix of Daylight, Wide Spectrum, and Power Twist. (I can't give you a K rating on these off the top of my head.) I use heater mats to try to keep the flats in the comfort zone for germination. They are wired to a dimmer switch so I can adjust the current. Even with the dimmer switch, in the past I've had trouble keeping uniform temperature, so this year I've put a layer of aluminum foil on top of the mats to spread out the heat and a layer of kraft paper on top of that. The flats go directly on the kraft paper. If anyone has any tips or tricks for controlling the temperature of heater mats (without purchasing an expensive thermostat), I'd love to hear about it.

I use standard 1020 nursery trays with 1206 (72-cell) inserts. I filled the inserts to planting depth with Sushine Mix #1 and planted anywhere from 2 (new) to 4 (old) seeds per cell. I then topped off the trays with some peat-based germination mix. I intended to use Fafard 3b germination mix, but didn't want to open a new bag for only four flats. I had a small bag of Miracle Grow and one of Ferry Morse left over from days past so I used one of those, I forget which.

The germination stand is in a back room in the warmest part of the house. As plants geminate and become established they'll be moved, either in whole flats, or potted out separately, to a 3-tier, 5 flat/tier stand in front of a bright picture window on the south side of the house. No lights on that yet and may not need them since the window gets direct sun for several hours per day. I'll be starting a lot of other seeds besides hot peppers, so I can't just leave them on the heater mats 'til plant out.

I started four flats today, one whole flat of self-propagated, pure-strain red Bhut Jolokia and up to 12 cells each of the following (note - I prefer the term 7 Pot to 7pod, but am keeping the 7pod nomenclature here out of deference to the vendor):

(First parenthesis is # of plants from first planting on 2/11, second is # plants/# soaked on 3/4)

Red Bhut Jolokia (my own isolated) (75)
Yellow Bhut Jolokia (PL) (0)
Brown Bhut Jolokia (PL) (1)
White Bhut Jolokia (PL) (8), (15/20)
Yellow Fatalii (RFC) (11), (6/10)
Giant White Habanero (RFC) (7)
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga/Moruga Blend (PL) (10), (28/35)
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga/Moruga Blend (RFC) (14)
T. Scorpion Moruga/Moruga Blend Yellow (PL) (6), (19/25)
T. 7pod Congo SR Gigantic (PL) (9), (2/7)
T. 7pod Large Red (PL) (4)
T. 7pod Large Yellow (PL) (1)
T. 7pod Brain Strain (PL) (10), (2/9)
T. 7pod Brain Strain Yellow (PL) (4), (11/12)
T. 7pod Brown (PL) (17)
T. 7pod Burgundy (PL) (8)
T. Douglah (PL) (5), (4/20)
T. Scorpion Butch T. (PL) (7)
T. Scorpion Yellow (PL) (18)
T. Scorpion Original Strain (PL) (1)
T. Seasoning (PL) (4)

New strains/sources started on 3/4:
Red Bhut Jolokia (PL) (45/50)
Scotch Bonnet Brown (PL) (22/34)
'12 7 Pot Yellow (RFC) (0/11)
'12 Bhut Jolokia Chocolate (PL) (0/14)
Datil (PL) (7/22)
Bhut Jolokia Orange (PL) (15/20)
T. Scorpion CARDI (PL) (7/20)
Tobago Treasure (PL) (8/20)

Started on 3/6:
Red Bhut Jolokia (own isolated) (>50)
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion (CPI) (13)
NuMex Pinata (CPI) (40)
White Bullet Hab (PL) (13)

Unrecorded plant date:
Orange Hab (PL) (2)
TS Cardi (PL) (7)
Dorset Naga (PL) (5)

Started on 3/25:
Yellow Bhut Jolokia (PL) - 8/?
Long Choco Habanero (AjiJoe) - 17/42
Pimenta da Neyde (PL) - 14/30
Giant Mexican Rocoto (PL) - 0/40
CAP 1144 (PL) - 0/21
(old) Yellow Habanero (Trade Winds) - 0/24
(old) Jamaican Red Mushroom (RFC) - 0/18
Trinidad Congo Red (PL) - 10/12
Datil (PL) - 9/22 (4 hh)
7 Pot Primo (PL) - 5/18
Early Jalapeno (PL) - 19/36
Cracked Jalapeno (PL) - 33/36
Large Hot Cherry (PL) - 33/36
Surprise Hot Mix (AjiJoe) - 97/144

Edit 4/3: add sources PL=pepperlover, RFC=Refining Fire Chiles, CPI=Chile Pepper Institute
Edit 4/3: (in blue)
Edit 4/29: Edit title (again)
Superharvest :onfire:
I grew Brain Strains last year and mashed them to put on my sandwich, but it was way too hot for me. So now the superhot I grow will be blenden with habs and Bhuts :P
Sawyer said:
I'm going to try tasting one of those peaches tomorrow, GA.  Will report forthwith, if it doesn't kill me.  I meant to mention before, seven of the peach pods came from a single node.  That plant is a prodigious beast.  It's in-ground, but I will be potting it up to try to over-winter, plus taking some cuttings to try to root.  Just in case none of the seeds breed true (and I certainly wouldn't expect them all to do so, even if it the plant were isolated, which it isn't).
Now that I think about it, the yellow not 7 Red Large, may in fact be a 7 Yellow Large.  I remember now that I had a mix up with labeling some plants simply 7 Pot Large, with no color identifier.  And the seed came from pepperlover, so it's a plausible scenario.  The other not 7 Large, though, doesn't submit to such an easy explanation.  They look a lot like, possibly identical to the bullet-shaped not 7 Burgundy in the picture above.  Nothing I have should look like those.  Those are deceptive little buggers, too, because they don't look like they should be all that hot, but boy, they're right up there with the rest of them.
Great harvest, Sawyer!! Like Jason I'm really interested what the 7 Peach will taste like. Maybe it's crossed with a white variety previous season, but I sure would like to try it out next season. Did you happen to leave a ripe pod on the plant to see if the pod color changes any further besides the color it had when you picked them?
wahlee76 said:
Superharvest :onfire:
I grew Brain Strains last year and mashed them to put on my sandwich, but it was way too hot for me. So now the superhot I grow will be blenden with habs and Bhuts :P
Thanks, Wally.  I took a Brainstrain to the tasting a couple of nights ago, along with a 7 Peach.  The most I could eat of the BS at once was little 1 or 2 mm square pieces. 
WalkGood said:
Kick azz harvest John, happy you're pulling in da beasts … they all look awesome other than the worm eating your ghost … have a great week mon!
Thanks, Ramon.  I'll probably have another pull this weekend. 
JJJessee said:
Nice harvest, Saw. I've never seen that worm unless it's a corn ear worm. The one's that eat inside my supers are smaller and look almost to have a thin velvet  coat.
Thanks, JJJ.  That might be an ear worm.  Something didn't seem quite right for that, but it might just be because of diet.  At least I haven't seen anymore... yet.
Devv said:
Nice pull John!
That's way more than shown during progress, and I'm glad to see that. You will be busy!
I feel you'll have way more than you know what to do with soon...which is a good thang.
Have a great week!
Thanks, Scott.  Yeah, "busy" is the word.  Drying, purees, even sold some to the local grocer.
meatfreak said:
Great harvest, Sawyer!! Like Jason I'm really interested what the 7 Peach will taste like. Maybe it's crossed with a white variety previous season, but I sure would like to try it out next season. Did you happen to leave a ripe pod on the plant to see if the pod color changes any further besides the color it had when you picked them?
Thanks, mr. S.  I only picked about half the ripe Peach pods (and it's still setting pods, though they won't likely have time to ripen), so we'll see if there is any further change.  Most of the ones I picked had been that color for quite some time, so I think this is the terminal color stage.  Is that where peach comes from, white crossed with red?  You're on the list for some seeds.
I, along with several friends, tasted one of these a couple of nights ago.  I've just about decided I'm incapable of tasting the subtle differences in all these superhots, but the most common description others had was "sweet".  It's thin-walled and doesn't have much placenta on the walls away from the ribs.  That part isn't very hot at all, but even there all I taste is "pepper".  It has a crisp texture and as you get close to the ribs, it definitely heats up.  I was going to take a picture of the interior, but we ate it all (which I guess says something positive about the flavor).  I'll try to remember to cut another one today.
breaknecks2k said:
Great looking garden! Keep up the GLOG, very entertaining. 
Thanks, Arthur.  I try.
I've noticed the 7 Congo SR Gigantic is similar to the 7 Peach, in that there isn't much placenta on the inner walls away from the ribs, especially for the larger specimens.  Likewise, that part isn't very hot (relatively speaking).  I'm not sure of all the implications of that, but that's what I've observed so far.
Edit:  Your->You're  Ugh, pet peeve.
Sawyer said:
Thanks, mr. S.  I only picked about half the ripe Peach pods (and it's still setting pods, though they won't likely have time to ripen), so we'll see if there is any further change.  Most of the ones I picked had been that color for quite some time, so I think this is the terminal color stage.  Is that where peach comes from, white crossed with red?  Your on the list for some seeds.
I, along with several friends, tasted one of these a couple of nights ago.  I've just about decided I'm incapable of tasting the subtle differences in all these superhots, but the most common description others had was "sweet".  It's thin-walled and doesn't have much placenta on the walls away from the ribs.  That part isn't very hot at all, but even there all I taste is "pepper".  It has a crisp texture and as you get close to the ribs, it definitely heats up.  I was going to take a picture of the interior, but we ate it all (which I guess says something positive about the flavor).  I'll try to remember to cut another one today.
Thanks for the info, Sawyer :) Yes, from what I've read you get the peach color from crossing a red with a white/cream variety. The chance that you actually get one that's peach is 18,75%. Thin-walled, from what I remember the 7Pot White is thin-walled also and not so hot as your regular 7Pot  :think:
meatfreak said:
Thanks for the info, Sawyer :) Yes, from what I've read you get the peach color from crossing a red with a white/cream variety. The chance that you actually get one that's peach is 18,75%. Thin-walled, from what I remember the 7Pot White is thin-walled also and not so hot as your regular 7Pot  :think:
That's cool.  Maybe I'll try to cross some of my whites (bhuts and GWHs) with something red.   I haven't had much luck with crosses, yet, but I'll keep trying.  Hopefully anything that takes will have time to ripen, or will ripen inside after I bring the pots in for OW.
I sliced and seeded a bunch of peppers yesterday and put them in the dehydrator.  I had gloves on and didn't want to get cap on my camera, so no pictures, but I did notice a couple of things about the 7 Peach.  One, they do have that typical yellowish capsaicin oil on the inside, on the ribs, but not apparent on the inner walls away from the ribs.  The second thing I noticed is how well they hold up after picking.  All the peppers are on a cloth in the shade outside, but they do get some morning sun.  The 7 burgundies and 7 Congo SRs and some of the others were beginning to soften a little, but the 7 Peach were just as firm and crisp as the day I picked them.  Another check in the "pro" column for the 7 Peach!
Dehydrating supers smell wonderful.
Sawyer said:
Found some damaged ghost pods and found the culprit inside.  Anyone know what these turn into?
Fish Bait!!!
Nice looking plants, pods, garden, and harvest.  I too love those burgundys.  I found out one whole pod in an omelet will mess with your stomach the next day lol.
Love the looks of those 7pod translucent pods!!!
Bodeen said:
Fish Bait!!!
Nice looking plants, pods, garden, and harvest.  I too love those burgundys.  I found out one whole pod in an omelet will mess with your stomach the next day lol.
Love the looks of those 7pod translucent pods!!!
Lol!  I let it get away.  Thanks for the compliments.  I can't imaging eating a whole pod of any of these supers in anything.  Do you want some seeds for the 7 Peach?  I've already got you down for some white bhuts, and I wouldn't mind trading for some of your chocolate cayenne seeds, if you have any to spare.
Sawyer said:
That's cool.  Maybe I'll try to cross some of my whites (bhuts and GWHs) with something red.   I haven't had much luck with crosses, yet, but I'll keep trying.  Hopefully anything that takes will have time to ripen, or will ripen inside after I bring the pots in for OW.
I sliced and seeded a bunch of peppers yesterday and put them in the dehydrator.  I had gloves on and didn't want to get cap on my camera, so no pictures, but I did notice a couple of things about the 7 Peach.  One, they do have that typical yellowish capsaicin oil on the inside, on the ribs, but not apparent on the inner walls away from the ribs.  The second thing I noticed is how well they hold up after picking.  All the peppers are on a cloth in the shade outside, but they do get some morning sun.  The 7 burgundies and 7 Congo SRs and some of the others were beginning to soften a little, but the 7 Peach were just as firm and crisp as the day I picked them.  Another check in the "pro" column for the 7 Peach!
Dehydrating supers smell wonderful.
Sounds like an winner on many fronts, thanks for the info :) I like it to when they don't soften that quickly like most superhots do. I dry my peppers in the shed, banned from the house because of the smell :lol:
Bodeen said:
I'd give the 7 peach a try.  Right now I am only 2nd gen on the choc cayenne seeds and I need to grow them out some more to make sure they are running true to form.
Wouldn't mind trying to help out with your choc cayenne as well, sir :)
My wife actually enjoys the smells from the dehydrator while drying peppers.
Now if I could just get her to eat some of the hotties...but she's getting better, now asking for habs to slice and put in food....one step at a time :cheers:
I cut up more peppers for the dryer today and have finally found one I can tell something different about the flavor, the 7 Pot Yellow.  Not quite sure what it is, but it definitely has a certain something I find more pleasing than some of the others.  I ate a small sliver about a millimeter wide and three or four millimeters long and it definitely has some heat, which was mostly of a pleasant lip-tingling sort.  This one is very thick-walled and also holds well after picking.
Emboldened by my (presumed) new-found tolerance, I then ate an equal-sized piece of 7 Pot Brown.  Oops.  It didn't seem terribly much hotter than the yellow, but when I swallowed it, I experienced immediate gastric distress.  I got nauseous and thought for a minute I wasn't going to be able to keep it down.  I did (keep it down), but holy cow those browns are wicked.
I love the smell of the dehydrating peppers.  The woman I went to school with that brought me the apples came into my shop so I could give her some powder and she was amazed at how great it smells.
To me it is like going to Grandma's house during the holidays...the way the kitchen should always smell.
Sawyer said:
Now for some harvest shots.  Here's an overview of today's pull.  Some of the red bhuts and 7P Congo SR Gigantics were picked Friday.



7P Pot Large Yellow(?):


Found some damaged ghost pods and found the culprit inside.  Anyone know what these turn into?

I'm ashamed to say I let it get away.  Maybe a bird or lizard got it, I hope.  It was there, then it wasn't.
Great harvest shot!

Those Brains look wicked. Neat texture on yours, looks pretty consistent. They look scary.

I enjoy yellow 7's as well. Nice flavor. Lots of heat.

Finally, I think those worms turn into green smudges on the driveway.
Pulpiteer said:
Great harvest shot!

Those Brains look wicked. Neat texture on yours, looks pretty consistent. They look scary.

I enjoy yellow 7's as well. Nice flavor. Lots of heat.

Finally, I think those worms turn into green smudges on the driveway.
Yellow 7 is probably one of my fav peppers, Arksaw-John. Aside from bonnets and Ramon's JA Habs. Gonna add a few to peach bhut ferment at saucing time to alter and yet kick up heat a notch. Great smoked too.
Those nearly look like Catawba worms, but not: still, like Jeff said, they "turn into" fishing bait. If ya see white moth mofos flying around garden, loving a particular plant, think that's the issue. Neem will dissuade the moth. Heavy artillery for the worm and not sure it even works. I go out with can of Raid and knock down the moths. They love to play in late afternoon in mid-summer around here.
Gorgeous harvest! Have noticed that my red fatalii taste like Congo 7's. No semblance to yellow fatalii taste. Be well and HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!
Thanks for the compliments, all.  I cut up those brains a few days ago and put them in the dryer.  You can really see where they get their heat; the interior is crammed full of placenta.  I finally got everything sliced and seeded and into the dryer, one week after harvest.  That was pushing it for the red bhuts.  Quite a few those had to go in the "not for human consumption" bucket.  That stuff will be dried out in the sun and used for animal repellent.  I was partly procrastinating and partly testing the peppers for shelf-life.  Here's a rough ordering from best to worst:
1)  All three of the yellows, TS original, 7 Pot, and not GWH held up very well.  They are all very thick-walled, so that may have something to do with it.
2)  I've got two nots that look the same, a not 7 Burgundy and a not 7 Large Red.  They are smooth, more or less large-bullet-shaped.  Thick-walled, but not as thick as the yellows.  They look a lot like the Trinidad Beans on pepperlover's website, but are more rounded on the blossom end.  Plus the plants are large.  The peppers are definitely not lacking in the heat department.  I just processed these today and hardly any had even begun to get soft, much less go bad.
3)  The peach 7 and the atypical brains also held up quite well.
4)  The red bhuts are good keepers, holding until mid-week before the first started going soft.
5)  The typical brains and burgundies began to get soft after a few days, but are still pretty good keepers. 
6)  The 7 Congo SR Gigantic is the poorest keeper among the ones harvested.  I ascribed this to its large size coupled with its thin walls.  I don't really consider this a significant strike against it, just need to remember it needs to be processed first.
My hands are on fire right now.  I wore the same gloves I used yesterday and I think the capsaicin penetrated the nitrile overnight.  I know I've talked about double-gloving in the past; I should have taken my own advice.
The rain just started.  Almost perfect timing for the in-grounds.  They could have used a watering yesterday, but weren't really stressing yet.
Will make another harvest tomorrow.  Should get a few fataliis along with the others, and a bunch of browns.