• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Sawyer's 2013 Glog - Last Harvest/First Sauce

I haven't done a grow log before, but thought I'd give it a try this year. I'm growing mostly super hots, so I feel like I'm already behind schedule. Anyone know where January went? No pictures yet, I'll add some later when things (hopefully) start popping.

My setup is a basic home-made 2-tier 1" PVC plant stand. Each tier can accommodate 4 standard 1020 nursery flats and has three 2-bulb T-12 4' 40W fluorescent shop lights suspended above. The bulbs are a mix of Daylight, Wide Spectrum, and Power Twist. (I can't give you a K rating on these off the top of my head.) I use heater mats to try to keep the flats in the comfort zone for germination. They are wired to a dimmer switch so I can adjust the current. Even with the dimmer switch, in the past I've had trouble keeping uniform temperature, so this year I've put a layer of aluminum foil on top of the mats to spread out the heat and a layer of kraft paper on top of that. The flats go directly on the kraft paper. If anyone has any tips or tricks for controlling the temperature of heater mats (without purchasing an expensive thermostat), I'd love to hear about it.

I use standard 1020 nursery trays with 1206 (72-cell) inserts. I filled the inserts to planting depth with Sushine Mix #1 and planted anywhere from 2 (new) to 4 (old) seeds per cell. I then topped off the trays with some peat-based germination mix. I intended to use Fafard 3b germination mix, but didn't want to open a new bag for only four flats. I had a small bag of Miracle Grow and one of Ferry Morse left over from days past so I used one of those, I forget which.

The germination stand is in a back room in the warmest part of the house. As plants geminate and become established they'll be moved, either in whole flats, or potted out separately, to a 3-tier, 5 flat/tier stand in front of a bright picture window on the south side of the house. No lights on that yet and may not need them since the window gets direct sun for several hours per day. I'll be starting a lot of other seeds besides hot peppers, so I can't just leave them on the heater mats 'til plant out.

I started four flats today, one whole flat of self-propagated, pure-strain red Bhut Jolokia and up to 12 cells each of the following (note - I prefer the term 7 Pot to 7pod, but am keeping the 7pod nomenclature here out of deference to the vendor):

(First parenthesis is # of plants from first planting on 2/11, second is # plants/# soaked on 3/4)

Red Bhut Jolokia (my own isolated) (75)
Yellow Bhut Jolokia (PL) (0)
Brown Bhut Jolokia (PL) (1)
White Bhut Jolokia (PL) (8), (15/20)
Yellow Fatalii (RFC) (11), (6/10)
Giant White Habanero (RFC) (7)
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga/Moruga Blend (PL) (10), (28/35)
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga/Moruga Blend (RFC) (14)
T. Scorpion Moruga/Moruga Blend Yellow (PL) (6), (19/25)
T. 7pod Congo SR Gigantic (PL) (9), (2/7)
T. 7pod Large Red (PL) (4)
T. 7pod Large Yellow (PL) (1)
T. 7pod Brain Strain (PL) (10), (2/9)
T. 7pod Brain Strain Yellow (PL) (4), (11/12)
T. 7pod Brown (PL) (17)
T. 7pod Burgundy (PL) (8)
T. Douglah (PL) (5), (4/20)
T. Scorpion Butch T. (PL) (7)
T. Scorpion Yellow (PL) (18)
T. Scorpion Original Strain (PL) (1)
T. Seasoning (PL) (4)

New strains/sources started on 3/4:
Red Bhut Jolokia (PL) (45/50)
Scotch Bonnet Brown (PL) (22/34)
'12 7 Pot Yellow (RFC) (0/11)
'12 Bhut Jolokia Chocolate (PL) (0/14)
Datil (PL) (7/22)
Bhut Jolokia Orange (PL) (15/20)
T. Scorpion CARDI (PL) (7/20)
Tobago Treasure (PL) (8/20)

Started on 3/6:
Red Bhut Jolokia (own isolated) (>50)
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion (CPI) (13)
NuMex Pinata (CPI) (40)
White Bullet Hab (PL) (13)

Unrecorded plant date:
Orange Hab (PL) (2)
TS Cardi (PL) (7)
Dorset Naga (PL) (5)

Started on 3/25:
Yellow Bhut Jolokia (PL) - 8/?
Long Choco Habanero (AjiJoe) - 17/42
Pimenta da Neyde (PL) - 14/30
Giant Mexican Rocoto (PL) - 0/40
CAP 1144 (PL) - 0/21
(old) Yellow Habanero (Trade Winds) - 0/24
(old) Jamaican Red Mushroom (RFC) - 0/18
Trinidad Congo Red (PL) - 10/12
Datil (PL) - 9/22 (4 hh)
7 Pot Primo (PL) - 5/18
Early Jalapeno (PL) - 19/36
Cracked Jalapeno (PL) - 33/36
Large Hot Cherry (PL) - 33/36
Surprise Hot Mix (AjiJoe) - 97/144

Edit 4/3: add sources PL=pepperlover, RFC=Refining Fire Chiles, CPI=Chile Pepper Institute
Edit 4/3: (in blue)
Edit 4/29: Edit title (again)
Hi Buzz, it's been awhile, but I wanted to stop in and see how your harvest is going. You got you some nice ones coming in it looks like. How's the weather down your way?
Devv said:
Glad to see that your scoring nice pulls, your season started off a bit rough with weather, having to travel etc.
But those pepper plants still kicked in and filled your buckets.
Thanks, Scott.  I still expect to travel next May, but hopefully the weather will be more cooperative and I can get more in the ground before hand.  The few plants that got planted out earlier this year produced far better than the later ones.  And, yeah, even the later ones eventually started producing, and still are to some extent.
wahlee76 said:
Funky or not, those peppers look armed and dangerous :fireball:
I still haven't tasted one... maybe today.  For the most part, I'm going to let the in-grounds die with the winter weather (if/when it arrives), but I think I'll try to OW that one funky reaper.
JJJessee said:
Nice poddage, Saw. 
My Alma Papikas were slow to ripen and the freeze last weekend got'em.  I got a few powdered, but there are a few mild peppers that need more time than I'd figuredn to ripen.
Thanks, JJJ.  I've got a few more of those out there starting to turn.  I like to put paprika on popcorn, so it will be interesting to see how these do in that role.  And you're right, some of my superhots (red bhuts, for one) matured faster than some of the mild ones.
stickman said:
Hi Buzz, it's been awhile, but I wanted to stop in and see how your harvest is going. You got you some nice ones coming in it looks like. How's the weather down your way?
Hey, Rick, thanks for stopping by.  I got side-tracked last week and was already behind on harvesting.  These next few days should see some big pulls (and subsequent picture posting).  I dodged another frost this morning and the next chance is next weekend with some nice warming up before and after (according to current forecasts).  Some of the in-grounds (Yellow Cardi, Fatalii, jals) have lost most of their leaves, but the pods are still ripening.  I've got a bucket of Fatalii, 7Burgundy and 7Peach right here next to me to process this morning.
Jamison said:
Looking good man, looking good!
Thanks, Jamison.  Stayed tuned for more pics soon.
WalkGood said:
John great looking MoA pods brethren, awesome job \o/
Wondering how you like the Jigsaw taste?
Thanks, Ramon.  I should have some more MoA pods soon. 
I just now tasted the Jigsaw and Funky Reaper, tiny little bites of each.  I think the Reaper is hotter, but I like the taste of the Jigsaw better.  I've found it takes me a few tries to identify flavors in these peppers, but I think the Jigsaw had a richer, maybe nuttier, flavor than the Reaper.  Sorry I can't be more specific right now.  I'll try them again tomorrow and maybe something more will occur to me.
From 1 lb, 6 oz of deseeded Fatalii pods I got 24 fluid oz of pure Fatalii Fire puree:

Actually, I had enough extra to fill a condiment cup for taste testing.  As you might guess from the ingredients in the picture, I basically followed AjiJoe's puree recipe, but used 1/4 lb pepper to 1/4 cup vinegar, with an extra splash of vinegar for good measure.  Also, instead of measuring the reduction, I just simmered it until it got to the "sploot, sploot" stage and the surface would hold some structure when disturbed.  I did this very slowly and managed not to fume up the house.  I thought at first maybe the cooking had killed the heat, until I tasted a drop.  Nope, still hot (holy cow, is it hot).  And the clean up got me good.
I got a whiff of papaya when deseeding the pods, so I'm thinking of turning this puree into a sauce with papaya and I'm not sure what else yet.
Edit 11/10/13:  That should be Alabama Jack's puree recipe, not AjiJoe's.  My bad; credit where credit is due.
Bodeen said:
Nice looking pull.  How do you like Jigsaw?
As a plant, I love it.  It's healthy, vigorous, and productive.  It's the last plant I started from seed this year and has caught up with and passed some of the others in terms of producing ripe pods.  It's definitely on the grow list for next year.  (Well, I got some of the seeds Dale was distributing, so I'll be participating in that effort, but I'd grow it anyway.)
As for taste, I'm still trying to develop an opinion.  I compared it to the Funky Reaper and I like the flavor better, but I don't think it is as hot.  I'll nibble on them some more tomorrow.
Thanks, Scott.  I've got a little bit of that puree in the fridge, but haven't worked up the nerve to taste it. 
This is likely to be the last of the 7 Pot Peach pods (and a couple of Burgundies, but there will be more of them):

Some of these are past their prime, but most are okay.  There are a few more Peach pods out there that may go ahead and ripen, but not many.  Still need to take some cuttings from this plant.  I guess I'll just dry these because there aren't enough to make a decent quantity of puree.
Glad to see you're still stumpin' along there Buzz... nice puree and pods... have you thought of using some of the Fatali puree to make Jerk marinade? I bet it'll be good in Apple Butter too... think of that on a braised pork loin this winter!
stickman said:
Glad to see you're still stumpin' along there Buzz... nice puree and pods... have you thought of using some of the Fatali puree to make Jerk marinade? I bet it'll be good in Apple Butter too... think of that on a braised pork loin this winter!
Thanks, Rick.  I hadn't considered a Jerk marinade, but will now.  I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with the purees.  I did puree those 7P Peach pods.  Got less than a pint, but it'll be good for something.  Right now I'm just trying to get everything processed as easily as possible, either dried or pureed.  The sauces, etc, will come later.  It's been drizzling pretty steadily here for what seems like days.  The high humidity together with the cool temperatures is really testing the plants.  (Not that I'm complaining, not having a killing frost yet, here in November... who'd a thunk it?)
[SIZE=medium]John thanks for the prelim on the Jigsaw as mine are still little seedlings and it’ll be a long while before I’ll get to try one out. I do the same as you describe, I modify my opinion along the way as one taste isn’t always enough to nail it.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Great job on the Fatalii Fire puree for a minute there I thought I was looking at my Tres Alarmas Caribbean MoA Sauce cause your color came out wonderful \o/[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Great harvest, love da colors … sad to read this is the last of your 7 Pot Peach, are you going to OW her?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Hab a great week brethren :)[/SIZE]
I may overwinter the Peach, but I have so many potted plants already, room is going to be a problem.  At the very least, I'll take some cuttings. 
Looks like the rain has passed for the day, so hopefully today will be a big harvest day.
Thanks, Jamie and Penny.  I thought the same about the peach looking translucent, but holding them up to a light they don't seem anymore translucent than others.  I guess it's some sort of illusion. 
Oh, and they aren't habs, or at least they aren't supposed to be.  They came from some 7 Pot Burgundy seeds.  There was a lot of variation in those seeds.  One produces these peach-colored pods, one produces caramel-colored pods, one produces bright red pods, and, of course, several produce the expected burgundy-colored pods.  I like them all and am saving seed from all.
Question then.... do they have a bit of a fruity flavor to them? I haven't tried those ones and I read that they have a fruity flavor, is that true?