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Scorpion Stalemate - not growing

I potted up a scorpion on Jan 30 and it hasn't grown at all in the past week. I pulled it up to re-pot thinking that maybe I had it too we (which I know I didn't). I was surprised to see that there is no root growth whatsoever. It's just kinda sitting there....and losing color slowly. I tried mild fertilizer and epsom salt but nothing. And this was supposed to be my prize winning Scorpion!

Jan 30


Feb 5


Maybe I shocked/ripped the roots during transplant which has stunned them. Is this one of those times where you just throw in the towel??
no. keep trying to baby it until it decides what its gonna do. i have had a bunch of mine either slow down or start losing color, or show some other sign that they arent happy, but most of them have rebounded. i did lose a couple, but compared to the 20 that are still movin along, its not a big loss. dont give up on it, but dont put all your hopes on it either.
thanks for the advice. I have the room and I'm in no rush so if there's a chance of rebound I'll give it some time and hope for the best.
it looks too small for that cup. Maybe you just shocked it a little bit when you transplanted it. I would just leave it and make sure it does not get too wet and eventually it will grow well for you. Just have patience.
Ballz is it still getting cool where you have them? I'm experiencing the same thing and it's not just the scorpions and I'm still letting it get down to 62f at night. I did get them off of the stone the table has on it as it was fairly cool. What are yours sitting one?

Funny, they are all in the same spot but there is such a wide range of growth. Who knows eh?

Most of mine are taking off now. I didn't really adjust the heat too much but I'm pretty much at 68 or more all the time so I should be fine. All of mine are on a wood table beside a southern window and I let them get the sun during the day. I think millworkman is right, I potted up too early and I think maybe I pulled apart the roots accidentally so I'm sure I've shocked it a bit....i've got other scorps on standby so I'm not panicking yet. All the others that I left in their original pots are now starting to take off which is nice to see...3rd true leaves are popping up on most.

I agree some really take off and others in the exact same condition just don't catch on. I guess we'll know which ones to keep in the long run at least!
If you really want to save it you can try replacing that one scorpion's potting mix with a lighter one like seed starting mix. What king of mix are you using by the way? It looks bit heavy.
You might try foliar feeding it some plant food. Just mix up some plant food at about 1/2 strength and mist a little on the plant. You should see some results in a couple of days.

thaichillihead said:
If you really want to save it you can try replacing that one scorpion's potting mix with a lighter one like seed starting mix. What king of mix are you using by the way? It looks bit heavy.

Promix BX is what I'm using. It was started in Promix seed starter then potted up to BX. Those are pretty light mixes so I think I'm okay in that department.
Good to hear the rest of 'em are growing. Did you say you're just going to keep two or three of each species? You have room issues?
Mister_Al said:
You might try foliar feeding it some plant food. Just mix up some plant food at about 1/2 strength and mist a little on the plant. You should see some results in a couple of days.


I've done a bit of that over the past week with a mixed down 20-20-20 water soluble fertilizer..some epsom salt too.....is there something better I should try.
patrick said:
Good to hear the rest of 'em are growing. Did you say you're just going to keep two or three of each species? You have room issues?

My back yard is pretty small...it's only 30 feet X 30 feet so I can fit about 30 in my gardens and I'll have about 20, 5-gallon containers. Considering I'm growing 24 different kinds (went waaayyyy overboard) it'll be 1 or 2 of each for most and 3 for a bunch. It's easy to get carried away isn't it?
What you're using should be fine. It will take 3-4 days to see any results if spraying is going to help them. I'd wait a week to ten days before I'd do it again though.

Ballzworth said:
It's easy to get carried away isn't it?

HAHA I'd say! I still have to find room for about a third of the plants I plan to grow. It looks like I may not be able to grow any corn this year. Not that I grew much corn to begin with. Plenty of corn stalks, not a lot of corn.

Ballzworth, I hear ya on going overboard, I have so many pepper plants growing in my bedroom (I am nutty like that) that I am going to have to do a mass homicide if I cant find homes for them. I have 17 types of hots and 8 types of sweets, my garden is going to need some serious renovation to fit it all and I still need room for tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, dill and of course my favorite, kale.

Dont give up on the little guy, it may bounce back, give it another week and see how it goes. I was having doubts about my plants last week, but I decided to use water and no fert and they have almost doubled in size!!! I started bottom watering as well.
Matt50680 said:
Dont give up on the little guy, it may bounce back, give it another week and see how it goes. I was having doubts about my plants last week, but I decided to use water and no fert and they have almost doubled in size!!! I started bottom watering as well.

Bottom watering on my pot-ups I think is a good idea. I'll try that as well once the roots form more. for now I'll just the little guy stay put and hope for the best over the next week. Thanks!

And good luck on finding the room. That's always an ongoing battle. It's sad to have to throw plants away for that reason. I'm going to start crashing friends gardens I think.