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Scottish 2025 Superhot trial begins !

Hi Guy's

The madness has begun again ! ðŸĪŠ 😜😗

My 2024 superhot chilli trial turned out far from ideal trying to find superhots I like but most importantly will thrive in my particular micro climate (my wee Scottish greenhouse)

Firstly 2024 weather was rubbish little sun alot of cloud and temperatures much lower than previous year's 🙁 and let's face it "Scottish sumers" often cool and wet for long periods at best !

Add to the above by a number of mistakes by me 🙄

Such as leaving my horticultural bubble wrap on for most of the season, I'm sure it exacerbated into the natural poor light levels of 2024 :whistle:

Then my lack of seed continuity labelling :banghead: which lead to my culling my only Dorset Naga :seeya:
And a "gigantic" Scotch brains yellow f6 which i hadn't intended.

Then once I'd hardened off my young plant's and moved them out to the unheated greenhouse cardboard underneath and horticultural fleece on top February/March, this in itself is not a problem I've been amazed how they will tolerate such low temperatures 🙂 however..........................potting up too soon into final pots be it 5 litre or 10 litre or bigger rather than slowly potting up one size at a time proved catastrophic when this coincides with temperatures dropping from 10 oC plus to 3oC for the next two or three weeks ! I lost a few varieties that never recovered and really upset the others infact emergency 'down potting " saved the day.

Sowing in November. ðŸĪ”..........personally I think for me in my situation it means I ran out of "spareroom" too soon forcing the earlier hardening off although it would have been ok if I hadn't made the mistake of potting up into cold wet soil. How ever I've started a month later this season.

Only other mistakes I can think of is moving trial varieties from mini kratky 500ml -800 ml to 5 litre ! 😎 the resulting increase in size is spectacular but unwanted if your short on greenhouse space !

Likewise other trial varieties in soil moving from 5 litre pot to 18 litre pot big mistake ! You loose a lot of space and often end up either with loads of pod's you don't really like of enjoy ðŸŦĪ or a large plant that doesn't produce well in your situation. Another issue is you can only keep a single specimen of each variety big mistake !

Reckon I've pretty much laid bare all my mistakes and cock ups of 2024 ........now hopefully I'll learn from them ðŸĪžand hopefully anyone reading this won't repeat them 🙂

I think the urge to pot up either too early or too big is driven firstly by the idea of getting them settled in there final pots quicker and less root disturbance and secondly by greed ðŸŦĢ the what if I grow a small specimen only to find I adore the flavour and heat 😋 but now only have a handful of pod's and have to wait another year to grow it again ! ðŸ˜Ŧ with hind site I think this is kind of the way it has to be when growing in limited space they do say greed is a sin and patience a virtue 🙂

This glog appears to have turned into a review of 2024 which is perhaps not a bad thing............. my discovery of 2024 was Reaper x Moruga f5 from whitehot peppers 😋😋😋 a new favourite delicious !

Now back to my 2025 Scottish superhot trial you will notice I don't list sowing too many varieties as a mistake as I allows you options you won't have if you hadn't sown them. The only issue's are space or rather lack of it ðŸĪĢ the other having the self control to cull varieties as they show themselves to be weak, slow or not thriving. They are the easy ones it's culling the strong healthy specimens purely based on space that's hard 😗

For 2025 I trying to stick to a plan.......firstly sown a month later 👍

Keep trial plant's in mini kratky or if in soil 3 litre or 5 litre pot's MAX ! And hopefully multiples rather than single specimens.

No bubble wrap cardboard below and fleece on top early in the season is enough and more light


15 cell seed tray with commercial seed mix x6 seeds sown in each cell and topped with vermiculite, next day I realised I missed a variety......so added another 3 cells to the propergater.

Hopefully all labelled correctly this time I can't see how there could have been any mistakes this time.

Sown 11.12.24 (11th December 2024)

1. Dorset naga - seaspring seeds
2. Bengle naga - seaspring seeds
3. Zing - semillas
4. Reaper equis - semillas
5. Primotalii - fatalii seeds
6. Hurtberry - fatalii seeds
7. Fatalii gourmet jigsaw - fatalii seeds
8. Chocolate scotch bonnet - white hot peppers
9. Tiberious mauler red f5 - white hot peppers
10. Peach ghost jami - white hot peppers (sown 12.12.24)
11. Reaper x srtsl f8 - white hot peppers (sown 12.12.24)
12. Devils nagabrain f4 - white hot peppers (12.12.24)
13. Scotch brains yellow f7 - self
14. Reaper x Moruga f6 - self
15. Dragons breath - pepper merchant
16. Purple death - pepper merchant
17. Gator jigsaw - peppers merchant
18. Red Nagabrain - pepper merchant

There maybe failed germination there will be culling I will prioritise varieties as the season goes along and I make further decisions

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a fruitful new chilli season 🙂

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I hope you will have an amazing season, @Englander !
I don't know why is it so hard to label them correctly all the time but it is, I have made few mistakes just few weeks into the season. Like, wtf.

I am glad you have made AND LEARNED FROM so many mistakes, because it probably is what's the point of that beautiful growing journey. This year is gonna be different, probably more fun and that's awesome.

And Merry Christmass to you! <3
Hi Guy's

My 2025 Superhot trial is off and running 😎 germination has been excellent with only one exception ðŸĨš but I'm sure I'm worrying unnecessarily.

Given my lableing cock ups over past year's 🙄 this year I've taken extra precautions not only have used a tiny sharpie and cut up milk carton lables in each pot , I've gone further and marked keep cell with masking tape too ðŸĪ“ not taking any chances 😁 however..............😗 I even managed to cock up one of these !! ðŸ˜ģ but I quickly spotted it and thanks to the first lable disaster was everted 🙂


No chances taken double marked 😂

As you can see I placed 6 seeds on the seed compost after soaking with very warm water and covered them in a layer of vermiculite and sprayed to dampen . Placed in a Stewarts electric propergater it has no thermostat, simply plug in ......I'm not overly impressed but if I sit it on double cardboard and put a large folded bath towel over it in I can hit 28 oC otherwise it seems to sit about 24 oC/25oC each year I toy with getting a new sexy one that controls the temp etc......but .....well it work's.


1. Hurtberry = 8 day's
2. Dorset naga = 8 day's
3. Zing = 9 day's
4. Reaper equis = 9 day's
5. Scotch brains = 9 day's
6. Tiberious mauler red = 9 day's
7. Bengle naga = 10 day's
8. Dragons breath = 10 day's
9. Gator jigsaw = 10 day's
10. Red Nagabrain = 10 day's
11. Peach ghost jami = 10 day's
12. Reaper x srtsl = 10 day's
13. Fatallii gourmet = 10 day's
14. Primotalii = 11 day's
15. Devils nagabrain = 11 day's
16. Chocolate scotch bonnet = day's
17. Purple death = 11 day's
18. Reaper x Moruga..............pending............ðŸĨš

Confession time ...........😗 ive panicked already and sown the last of my self saved Reaper x Moruga andhalf dozen of my original white hot peppers Reaper x Moruga seed, im probably jumping the gun plenty of time for the original seeds to germinate. But better safe than sorry as the Reaper x Moruga is blooming delicious 😋


My DIY light box has donevthe job the last few year's 👍


It contains a lizard bulb and holder I got at the local pets shop bulbs lasted a good few seasons already. I keep a wee tub of water and I also mist the seedlings once or twice a day.


Plan this season is too leave the seedlings (x6 seeds in each cell ) in the cells until they "need" potted up I will snip off any weaklings and only keep 3 or 4 healthy seedlings in each cell to grow on.

I will hit have the room to keep all 18 varieties I'm researching each variety and plan to draw up a short best of best options to keep, the other's will be culled either compost heap 😭 or given away to anyone with a greenhouse who wants them.

Any advice and opinions on the varieties would be most welcome ðŸĪ”

Exciting times I get so excited at germination time :dance:
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Looks like you're off to a great start, best of luck this season! :metal:

I grew Peach Ghost Jami some years ago, probably when it was still an unstable cross, but if it is the same variety I can highly recommend it.
The plants I grew yielded tons and tons of peppers in quite small containers (5 liter maybe). The peppers were excellent, surprisingly thick-walled and crunchy. Don't know exactly how hot they were but probably a fair bit over 1 million SHU and when I cut the peppers open they had pools of capsaicin oils. :fireball:
I think this variety will end up on my grow list as well this upcoming season.
Any advice and opinions on the varieties would be most welcome ðŸĪ”

Exciting times I get so excited at germination time :dance:

I can only comment on Yellow Scotch Brains and Chocolate Scotch Bonnet.

I mentioned YSB in my review of what I grew in 2024. It was a really nice surprise. Very hot, but with a delicious Yellow Scotch Bonnet flavor and also just enough citrus flavor to complement it without being overwhelmingly citrusy (think between Yellow SB and Fatalii). It's a solid choice if you're looking for something with great flavor.

I grew the Chocolate Scotch Bonnet a few times over the years, starting in about 2005. The version I acquired was a little smaller and more uniform-shaped than the Chocolate Habaneros that were circulating. I really like that one and prefer it over Chocolate Habaneros. It was most comparable to my Congo Black, which is a really nice pepper too. Chocolate Scotch Bonnets and Congo Blacks don't seem to have as much of the grassy flavor as Chocolate Habaneros do, and the flavor of the former two is smokier and stronger, more earthy. I've also noticed that Chocolate Habaneros have a greenish placenta and thinner walls, and Congo Black/Chocolate Scotch Bonnets have a red placenta and thicker walls. The Congo Black is a Trinidad landrace, versus the Chocolate Scotch Bonnet which is (of course) from Jamaica, and both are great, and are a really nice addition to the garden.

A little, anecdotal piece of history if you're interested: before the arrival of the Indian and Trinidad landrace chinenses and the advent of the superhots, the collective opinion among serious growers was that the Chocolate SB was one of the world's hottest peppers (if not the world's hottest at that time). People rarely differentiated between it and the Chocolate Habanero/Congo Black Habanero in terms of heat, and I think the nomenclature was not as tight as it is now, but generally speaking the chocolate chinenses were regarded as the world's hottest. It was unseated by the Red Savina and subsequently the Bhut Jolokia when they started running HPLC tests to determine SHU's. I've tried Red Savinas and I really don't think they're hotter than Chocolate SB/Congo Black, but maybe it was just the growing conditions that I had.
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Hi Guy's

1st of January i gently pricked out the strong two seedlings of each variety and moved them to a 7cm pot compost, perlite, vermiculite, blood and meal.


The newly potted up seedlings in my home made light box ...............


Fast forward to the 8th January and as you can see with these "Zings" the 4 undisturbed seedlings have progressed faster than the 2 "best" seedlings I pricked out on the 1st of January........Root disturbance ? Or compost mix or differences ? Probably the first.

I have a second sowing :

Wiri wiri
Zimbabwe bird chilli
Black naga
Dorset naga
Habenero fruit burst

that has just germinated and I'm going to use these as a test to experiment not going to prick out till much more advanced and Pot 2 specimens into 7cm pot with the commercial and 2 specimens into 7 cm pot with compost, perlite, vermiculite, blood and bone meal mix just to settle the question.

Mean while I've ungraded my lighting got a Spider farm SF1000 grow light in the sales wow ! 😎

Currently on 50% on the dimmer Wow ! Just wow ! Made a pvc pipe frame and since the 4th of January it's been suspended over my seedlings who seem to be enjoying it.


Taken today as you can see the seedlings in the original seed cells are still outdoing the pricked out seedlings.


Learnt a few thing's this season already ðŸĪ“ every days a school day 👍

I've already culled Nagabrain red from this season's and a couple of other's I'm toying with culling.

At present :

Equis reaper
Peach ghost jami

Seem to be the most vigorous varieties....................
Hi Guy's

My current seedlings are as follows:

1. Hurtberry
2. Dorset Naga
3. Zing
4. Reaper equis
5. Scotch brains F7
5. Tiberius mauler red f5
6. Bengle Naga
7. Dragons breath
8. Gator jigsaw
9. Peach ghost jami
10. Fatallii gourmet jigsaw
11. Primotalii
12 Devils Nagabrain red f4
13. Chocolate scotch bonnet
14. Purple death
15. Reaper x Moruga f5 - whp so far my f6 self saved seeds - (two sowings) have not germinated ðŸ˜Ē

Some of you may have noticed I've dropped the Reaper x SRTSL..............I'm toying with dropping the Devils Nagabrain...........?

Apparently the Reaper Equis turned up in a 2021 grow at Semillas in the Canary Islands and is a stable mutation rather than a cross, a bit like the Bengle Naga from sea spring seeds a mutation in a poly tunnel of Bhut jolokia.

My second sowing of :

Wiri wiri
Zimbabwe bird chilli
Black naga
Dorset naga
Habanero fruit burst

Are loving new Spider farm SF1000 grow light 😁
Hi Guy's


My superhots under the spiderfarm SF1000 grow light my grow list has changed slightly a few subtractions and a few additions....... ðŸĪ” 😗 😁 😎

Now looking like :

1. Hurtberry
2. Dorset naga
3. Zing
4. Reaper equis
5. Scotch brains F7
6. Tiberious mauler red F5
7. Bengle naga
8. Dragons breath
9. Gator jigsaw
10. Peach ghost jami
11. Fatallii gourmet jigsaw
12. Chocolate scotch bonnet (not really superhot)
13. Purple death
14. Reaper x Moruga F5
15. Dorset naga orange (new addition)
16. Black Naga

There are also some :
Wiri wiri
Zimbabwe bird chilli
Fruit burst habanero

I've resown a few varieties Dorset Naga, Dragons breath as I've found the first pricked out gave not done as well as those left along in the original seed cell ......lesson learned 👍

That's the beauty of sowing early in the year 👍😁 gives you time to play with.......and more options.


Purple death from the original sowing.......slowly slowly


Hurtberry from original sowing but left in the orginal seed cell.....a marked difference !


Reaper equis from the original sowing and again left in it's original seed cell ! Far more advanced than those "best" "pricked out"

I shall hang on to the original sowing of Purple death but I've resown and expect the new one's left undisturbed to excell the original ðŸĪž

Lessons learned for next season 👍
That purple death is beautiful! ðŸ˜ē


Look at "Purple death" on Fatallii seeds website and pepper merchant website they look "stunning " 😍 and gnarly too ðŸĪŠ I have high hope's ðŸĪž

My seeds came from pepper merchant 👍

7 Pot Primo crossed with Purple bhut sounds like a perfect recipe 😊

Hi Guy's

I had "Saturday inventory/cull/pot up/and aphid check" yesterday plus checking each individual seedling let's you water those requiring more than others.

For me the early start is essential due to our short season and rubbish Scottish sun ....kind of a "panic time" really starting early is essential in case of failed germination, poor seedlings, bug attack, accidents........😗 come on we all have managed to drop, knock over, squash one of our most precious specimens 😭ðŸĪŽ

Starting early with too many varieties and trying for 6 seedlings of each, and then culling poor specimens quickly and then culling every time you pot up slowly reducing untill ideally I'm left with 2 of each of the varieties I'm interested in by the time there ready to move to the greenhouse ðŸĪž

Yesterday I watched Chilli chumps videos yesterday he lists Hours of sunshine a year as follows :

England = 1500 hrs

Vancouver, Canada = 1900 hrs

New York = 2500 hrs

Mongolia = 2791 hrs

I'd imagine my wee Scottish greenhouse that's not in an ideal position and obscured on two sides by a fence and large shed gets considerably less hours on sun than England !!
But it's all I got to work with, like the old Scottish saying "you can only pish with the #ock you're got" (sorry ladies) 😉

Below is a photo taken yesterday after the inventory etc I'll include everything in the photo that I've counted superhots, non superhots, Rocotos, tomatoes didn't count the onions ðŸ˜ĩ‍ðŸ’Ŧ but there's 6 to 8 in each cell ! ðŸŦĢ and they will be moved to a cooler place soon.


Looking at the photos even I'm amazed how much I've squeezed under the grow light 😂

Inventory : 08.02.25 No particular order just as i went through them, variety/number/pot size.

Bengle naga x1 9cm
Hurtberry x 1 9cm
Tiberius mauler x1 9cm
Fatallii gourmet jigsaw x1 9cm
Rocoto cap 867 x1 9cm
Purple death x2 7cm
Black naga x1 7cm
Hurtberry x1 7cm
Tiberius mauler x1 7cm
wiri wiri x4 7cm
Dorset naga x2 7cm
Habenero fruit burst x4 7cm
Zimbabwe bird chilli x6 7cm
Rocoto cap 363 x2 7cm
Scotch brains x2 7cm
Rocoto Peron x1 7cm
Reaper x moruga x2 7cm
Rocoto long x2 7cm
Bengle naga x1 7cm
Zing x2 7cm
Gator jigsaw x2 7cm
Reaper equis x2 7cm
Rocoto Montufar x1 7cm
Fatallii gourmet jigsaw x1 7cm
Chocolate bonnet x2 7cm
Dorset naga orange x2 3cm cell
Dragons breath x 5 3cm cell
Rocoto Montufar x4 3cm cell
Reaper x srtsl x2 3cm cell
Rocoto Peron x1 3cm cell
Hurtberry x1 2cm cell
Grushovka tomatoe x8 2cm cell

As you can see all these will not fit under the grow light as the get potted up, I will have to prioritise the best specimen of variety in my priority list and the second best and less priority varieties will end up on a window ledge or as close to a window as I can get them.

Good news no aphids were found 👍ðŸĪžthis is the first year I've ever had a problem indoors at this time, given the small size of seedlings I didn't want to use a spray.........so I went old school very fine tweezers and a couple of times every day go over each plant figured if I could kill the faster than they could breed I'd win :dance:took a week or so but I went from killing a dozen or more first couple of day's to one or two then finally.......no signs 🙏

You can also see from my inventory there has been culling and resowing of some varieties also some additions.

The superhots are my priority this year as I'm trying to "fine tune" my superhot favourites next season i will only grow my favourite's and any new ones from this year, and possibly a couple of trial varieties.

My favourites as of 2024 were:

Ring of fire (eaten green 😋)
Dorset naga red
Bengle naga red
Trinidad moruga scorpion red
Chocolate scotch bonnet
Scotch brains yellow
Reaper x moruga
Rocoto long (outdoor only)

My biggest lesson learned this season so far is transferring seedlings from the original seed cell to the 7cm pot.

I've always been keen to prick out the first and most vigorous seedlings to pot on however the season given the extra space given by my new grow light I was able to keep the spares in there original seed cell and even at the edge of the grow light I quickly found there advanced faster then those better one's I'd potted up early on.

Hence the resowing of some varieties hopefully the 2nd round will come on faster and over take the originals.


Here's an example my Rocoto cap 867 only 2 or 3 germinated one was really weedy and poor so I pulled it out I left the other two to fight it out, of the others Rocoto I simply pricked out the "best" and potted up to a 7cm pot as I only wanted one specimen of each Rocoto.

Mean I couldn't make my mind up which of the Cap 867 was best ? So left them undisturbed.......I quickly noticed these two undisturbed seedlings were growing way faster then the "best" I'd already potted up .

As you can see from the photo above the the difference ! ðŸ˜ģ from now on I will my seedlings longer before carefully snipping of the poorer seedlings and then care splitting the seed cell into two with minimum root disturbance and potting up two best to 7cm pot's.

Every day's a school day as they say 🙂 another reason for early start to recover from any unseen issues.
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Hi Guy's

Not liking having all my eggs in one basket this morning I "kratkyfied" some of my second best seedlings firstly to save space secondly to hedge my bets :thumbsup:


2" net pot

Tiberious mauler red 2" net pot

2" net pot

2" net pot

2" net pot

Fatallii gourmet jigsaw 3" net pot

3" net pot

My "best" are still in 9cm pot's
Hi Guy's

Quick update I've moved some non superhots and spare out to the greenhouse under a fleece tent I made from pvc tubing. Last couple of weeks temps inside the greenhouse have been min 4oC night to 23 oC days mostly mins of around 7 oC at night the plants aren't too happy but I know from experience it won't kill them.


Last year I simply laid the fleece on the plant's this little tent works much better :thumbsup:

Today I potted up some of my "best" soil plants from 9cm pots to 11cm pot's after checking the root's


My best Hurtberry all those potted up today had root's systems like this

Tiberius mauler
Bengle naga
Reaper equis
Reaper x moruga f5
Peach ghost jami
Fatallii gourmet jigsaw

Are all now in 11cm pot's......................

In 9cm pot's I've.............

Dorset naga
Black naga

In 7cm pot's ive.................

Purple death
Dragons breath
Reaper x srtsl
Dorset naga orange

This season I've been using Chilli focus liquid fertiliser



Seems to be doing a good job 🙂 plus my hew LED grow light
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Hi Guy's

I've potted up a few more plants the Purple death which has been abit slow seems to have put on a growth spurt 😁 I'm besotted with this plant it's so pretty ðŸĨ° I have high hope's i hope it tastes as good as it looks ðŸĪž


I've two this fella in a 9cm pot and another in a micro kratky at present.

Most of my trial plant's are now in 11cm pot's and growing fast under the grow light and feeding with the liquid feed.

At present my Bengle Naga (seaspring seeds - Dorset Naga guys) in 11cm pot seems to be the first with buds !

My Dorset naga is a bit younger and not as advanced the only other at present which I can "just" see "tiny" buds is my Fatallii gourmet Jigsaw which I'm quite surprised at as I've found it very slow to mature in the past but very tasty.

I have a few spare plant's in my fleece tent in the greenhouse temperatures today inside under the fleece were min -1.1 oC min and 30.2oC max unexpected frost th
is morning and bright sunny day. I shall have to start adjusting the roof window ram thingy to open about15oC otherwise in summer temperatures can rocket ! Oh the plants are fine by the way.

I need to do another inventory soon but I'll wait till next week as I have 5 or 6 plant's going to friends, plus I may cull a few.

Photo today under my spiderfarm SF1000 today......right old mix..... some determinate tomatoes in a tray at the back Grushovka, Legend and Tumbling Tom's, some Rocoto's a few young chinense .....Dorset naga orange, Dragons breath, Reaper x SRTSL and young Rocoto's there's a few mini kratky in there too but surprisingly difficult to see !

I'm currently still planning on keeping my trial varieties in 3 litre soil pot's too squeeze in as much as possible 😁 and force earlier fruiting to taste test.

My favourites Dorset, Bengle, Reaper x moruga will either be converted to larger kratky or 10 or 20 litre pot's ..............:think:


Buds on the Bengle naga............
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Hi Guy's

Little update on my superhots.....today glorious blue sky and a large glowing orb which I'm told is the sun ðŸĪ” ðŸĪĢ almost forgot what it looks like ! And a barmy 14 oC outside wow ! Feels so mild out ! The greenhouse automatic window has finally nudged open hitting 23 oC

I've moved my main plant's into the greenhouse for the day and they will come back in this afternoon, took the opportunity to photograph them.


My Dorset naga is the youngest of these probably by about a month


Bengle naga already forked and small buds

Hurtberry big robust plant


Peach ghost jami


Fatallii gourmet jigsaw


Gator jigsaw




Reaper equis


Tiberius mauler red has a different form from all the others much taller and more open I've a second specimen it's identical in form.


Reaper x Moruga

Currently :

Bengle naga
Reaper equis
Zing Tiberius mauler red
Fatallii gourmet jigsaw
Reaper x Moruga
Peach ghost jami

Have all forked and some showing small buds.


Still under lights in the house today are

Purple death
Purple death - kratky
Dorset naga orange x2
Dragons breath x2
Black naga
Reaper x srtsl
Dorset naga x 2
Dorset naga- kratky
Reaper x moruga- kratky

A few other odds and sod's I rehomed four plants on Tuesday and a further two are going to new homes soon.

If you look carefully you may just see some edmea on some of the leaves I'll increase ventilation and let them dry out a wee bit and hopefully see and end of it. ðŸĪž

I still have not decided if the trial plant's will go into 3 litre or 5 litre pots or small kratky set ups ........I shall have to ponder the subject some more .............ðŸĪ”


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Hi Guy's

A glorious day here highs of 14oC felt like spring ! heck summer 🙂 sun blazing in the sky 😎

Pruned and chipped my ornamental Hawthorn tree .......finally ! A few other garden jobs done 👍

Chillies spent the night in the greenhouse low of 9 oC under the fleece and the sun today highs of 25 oC in the greenhouse.

Sat out back with a fresh ground columbain coffee splash of double cream trying to absorb as much vitamin D as possible 😊 and wrote out a plan for my superhots in 2025...............ðŸĪ”

I have limited space in the greenhouse and cull hard and find writing out a plan of attack helps it often changes but I find it helps. As the plant's grow I often discard varieties that seem slow to mature in my micro climate.


Dorset naga = 20 litre kratky

Bengle naga = 20 litre kratky

Reaper x Moruga f5 = 5 litre possibly 20 litre kratky

Fatalii gourmet jigsaw = 5 litre possibly 20 litre kratky


Purple death

Dorset naga orange


Reaper Equis

Tiberius mauler

Black naga

Dragons breath

Gator Jigsaw

Peach ghost jami

Today I converted the Dorset naga, Bengle naga, Fatalli gourmet Jigsaw, Reaper x Moruga f5 to 5 litre kratky from 11cm soil.


My four subjects to be converted to kratky .......................


A basin of warm water to wash out the soil from the root ball 3" net pot I cut out some or all of the inner and outter circle as not to damage the roots as I twist and pull them through and lead the pot with presoaked expanded clay pebbles.


The four now all in there 5 litre kratky set up which holds 3.5 litres filled to the Base of the 3" pot I've never had any issues with these conversions the plant's seem to adapt very easily 👍

These can easily be upgraded to to my 20 litre buckets ...........but before the roots get crazy big and won't come through the hole !
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