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smoking Screw Y'all

The Hot Pepper

Ribs and salmon... screw y'all.

Ain' no saucy rib, I do a dry rib... RUB ONLY! Screw y'all.

Smoked salmon...

Apple and pecan mix.
KaBoom!!!! Good for you Boss! 
Hey, bust open that salmon, eh?! I wanna see those money shots!!!!
Whoa. Screw you pal!

I don't know what to say! Looks pretty damm good there Patron.
Nice Smoke ring, nice bark. Nice and juicy lookin. Nice dry rub. Nice paper plate.
The Salmon is oversmoked tho. too hot maybe.

It looks like you have a pack-rat's nest in your grill. Cocoanut husk?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Here CJ.
Scovie, nope... see juices here.
gemme... not sure on that yet lol.

Screw y'all!
Screw you! That Salmon looks fantastic! :lol:

Blackened... but Fantastic.

nice work gettin it done boss!
Pictures are darker than it was but it did have a sugary rub and a tropical type hot sauce/mop so screw you, and thanks.
My faith has been restored!!!!!    :dance:
I'll bet that salmon got gobbled up finger-full, by decadent  finger-full!!!! Too much awesomeness for forks!
I'd say show us what you do with the leftovers.....but I don't think there will be any!!!!!  :D
Thanks for the sliced pics.  They look delicious!  Would you share the Apple / pecan recipe ?  :pray: 
(At first look, I thought that you had made salmon jerky  :doh: )
Mucho Gracias
SanPatricio said:
Thanks for the sliced pics.  They look delicious!  Would you share the Apple / pecan recipe ?  :pray: 
(At first look, I thought that you had made salmon jerkey  :doh: )
Mucho Gracias
Pretty sure he means apple and pecan wood. 