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Screwing with Wikipedia

In case someone bought into the hype, as far as I know neither Dragons Breath nor Pepper X have ever been shown to be hotter than the Carolina Reaper.  Oh but someone said it, someone repeated it, and now it seems it is fact.  First there was the Carolina Reaper, then the Dragon's Breach beat it, then Pepper X beat Dragon's breath.  Guys, we have a member here named Tom who works for South West Biolabs that will test your peppers and issue official lab results for $50.00 a pop.  Its just not that hard.
Oh but booth have a Wikipedia page which reports how they compare to each other.  This is particularly funny with Pepper X because as far as I know, nobody other than the reported creator has ever grown the thing.  At least with Dragon's breath you can buy the seed stock, grow it and decide for yourself.  Hell, there is even a question of what color Pepper X might be.

Seems to me, a dedicated group of individuals could create web references to a new completely made up pepper, then change the Wikipedia pages to say that something trumped Pepper X and Draagons Breath.  My choice would be the Death Jalapeno or something equally insane.  Maybe we could say it was first cultivated by that guy that invented peanut butter.  Ye, and he also invented the hottest peanut brittle in the world.
wikipedia is edited by anybody, this is not news...
Wiki: "I love you!"
Wiki: " The truck's paid for."
Wiki: " Check's in the mail."
Wiki: " I'm sterile."
Wiki: " I don't have herpes."
Wiki: " I'll treat you like a sister...only differnt." 
Wiki: "We need your money to survive."
The new The Last Dab is called The Last Dab Redux and claims to have CHOCOLATE Pepper X peppers. I saw the video of Ted Barrus with what he was sent in the mail, but have no idea what that actually was.
I don't think it's cool to play games on wiki, the system is built on trust, and a lot of people rely on it. It has a lot of good info. Perhaps save games for facebook and your circle of friends, but wiki is the world, and it's not perfect but once too many people start playing games then it goes by bye.
Ghaleon said:
The new The Last Dab is called The Last Dab Redux and claims to have CHOCOLATE Pepper X peppers. I saw the video of Ted Barrus with what he was sent in the mail, but have no idea what that actually was.

It's actually ReduXX because it has both red and chocolate (2 Xs). Though Pepper X could be anything at this point.
Ghaleon said:
The new The Last Dab is called The Last Dab Redux and claims to have CHOCOLATE Pepper X peppers. I saw the video of Ted Barrus with what he was sent in the mail, but have no idea what that actually was.

So now there is pepper x green, pepper x red, and pepper x chocolate.  When it comes to Pepper X and the Last Dab, I find myself in awe at the marketing but also looking for the Great Egress.  Pepper X is People!
The Hot Pepper said:
I don't think it's cool to play games on wiki, the system is built on trust, and a lot of people rely on it. It has a lot of good info. Perhaps save games for facebook and your circle of friends, but wiki is the world, and it's not perfect but once too many people start playing games then it goes by bye.

To some degree I agree.  Its just some of it is so insane.  This pepper bit is just kind of silly, to list and make claims about things that have not even been shown to exist.  But there are so many other bits of insanity in there.  Best example is the Church and School of Wicca.  Have not checked in much time, but back in the day there were people lined up and waiting to change any reference to the child sex junk they taught.  Same thing happened with a group that I think is being called Family International.  Mention a factual and documented thing involving the abuse of children and someone changes it within an hour.  Its bonkers.
The Hot Pepper said:
I don't think it's cool to play games on wiki, the system is built on trust, and a lot of people rely on it. It has a lot of good info. Perhaps save games for facebook and your circle of friends, but wiki is the world, and it's not perfect but once too many people start playing games then it goes by bye.
No, it's not cool.  But alas, life has shown us repeatedly that all experiments which begin with trust and freewill, end with a harsh reminder of the fundamentals of basic human nature. 
The Hot Pepper said:
I don't think it's cool to play games on wiki, the system is built on trust, and a lot of people rely on it. It has a lot of good info. Perhaps save games for facebook and your circle of friends, but wiki is the world, and it's not perfect but once too many people start playing games then it goes by bye.
But sometimes it needs to be improved by a little frivolity that's insightful, case in point.> Read the first paragraph.

Now read the changes that were made early Sunday morning (And changed back.)....

