• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

seacowboy 2015

Here goes another year of learning, experimenting and with a bit of luck more success than years past.  Last year proved to give some excellent yields however they started later than I had hoped, and will try and remedy that this year by getting started a bit earlier. As with most of us chileheads we are overwhelmed with the huge numbers in varieties available to us with more coming out each season, while I do plan to expand the number of varieties I grow this year from last, I have weeded out some (unfortunately only a few) to skip this year.  I will be expanding my secondary grow area down at my hunt camp, last year I only planted about 35 plants there, this year I am shooting for about 150 plants.  For the grow here at the house I am going to make the best attempt I can at expanding my grow in pubes all in containers with a sun shade to help keep them protected in our warmer months.  The in ground grow will be decreased to allow for easier tending and harvesting, yes the field of green was nice, but a royal pain in the ass to crawl through to pick peppers and check plants. 
Soil prep started at the end of last season with my first go at a winter cover crop, I used a mix of oats, beans, rye, and beets.  They came up good, and will hopefully come back to life as the temperature rises come spring.  The container soil will be recycled and replenished with a mix of all organic nutrients that seemed to do well for me last season.
Seeds went into the new AeroGarden Ultra LED just now. 
The wait now begins. 
Nice job, Jason! I'm glad to see that you DID decide to have a grow...and a big one, at that. I also have a few of your chocolate BBG7 growing right now...as well as your Kraken Scorpion and BOC. Is that a chocolate Ghost Scorpion on your list?! There's another one I must find. Lol.
Thanks guys. Got home last night and was shocked how well they were doing. Didn't count how many did not germinate but it's not many.

The timer shows its been 32 days but I think it's been a few more since seeds were sown, guess I can look back on first page for the exact date. Figured I would give them their first trimming.

Well KD I think the problems will come when switching from the 'cheater box' to soil. Gotta take the good with the bad I suppose. But they are looking good right I agree.
After being out of town for another week and having pruned rather heavy they bounced back and some.


After another trim.


Tomorrow will be transplant to soil in solo cups. Will keep my fingers crossed for no issues.
After being out of town for another week and having pruned rather heavy they bounced back and some.


After another trim.


Tomorrow will be transplant to soil in solo cups. Will keep my fingers crossed for no issues.
Got everything transplanted this morning but left in a rush to catch my flight back to work so I didn't get a pic in their new homes. Watered them heavy and will have my wife keep the wet for awhile so they can acclimate to the soil. Try and have her snap a pic in a few days to see how their adjusting.

It is tough Sawyer, I definitely couldn't do it without my wife's help while I'm gone.

Seeds should arrive tomorrow Scorched and will have my wife go through them for me and get them headed down the road to ikeepfish ASAP. Snow may delay her trips to the post office a little though.
Another good update Jason, just noticed the digital face on the aerogarden that's cool you can use to track. hope all is well, be safe out on the water!
All the plants survived their transplanting to soil and another 3 weeks away. Didn't put on quite as much growth as I had expected but can't complain since their all still alive. Mixed their first round of low dose fertilizer, fulvic acid, kelp and Sea90. Temps are trying to creep up slowly, the cover crop should get back to growing again soon and will get chopped and tilled in around the end of the month. Will be starting another round in the aerogarden this wkd.


Just looking great Jason!
Glad the wife takes an interest and keeps those beauties up and running while you're at work. Mine the same way, and one can't beat that!
Keep it green, spring is closer than we think!