contest Seafood Throwdown

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Wow so many great ones! SumOfMyBits is my top so far. Spicy grilled grouper! And that ceviche to cool the mouth (with peppers lol). Awesome!

Okay I did it Sum. I looked at those spices and it pretty much sealed the deal. Caribbean vibe goin' on (now I get the name... doh!). Hope you win! You need a crown.
Okay I did it Sum. I looked at those spices and it pretty much sealed the deal. Caribbean vibe goin' on (now I get the name... doh!). Hope you win! You need a crown.

Thanks for the vote THP. Yes, Floribbean is a combination of Florida cuisine and Caribbean cuisine. Restaurants in the Keys do a lot of this. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that one of the Floridians pulls off a win, being the "fishing capital of the world" and all.
well, as good as that steelhead was (fyi, steelhead is not a salmon :) ) I had to go with another one. Thanks for the votes from my NW Amigos.

Pauly, you had me at fondue!

Mojo, it was really close between you and Paul. That frutti de mare looks brilliant :lol:
Pauls buffet was indeed awesome, but to clarify my salmon comment...
Steelhead is a member of the salmonid family (Oncorhynchus mykis).

...but I still voted for the grouper and ceviche because it didn't give me SALMONilla.

:) (btw, I support teleporting our dishes, it would make these difficult decisions much easier!)
frydaddy~ SALMONilla. :lol:

Steelheads are ocean-going Rainbow Trout as opposed to land-locked Rainbow Trout and doggone tasty!

Logchief nailed it when he said we need the Star Trek food replicators.
Man, that's some incredible presentations "eeny meeny miney mo WTF to vote fo" :onfire: :woohoo: :dance:

I go along with PRF and Frydad not a salmon fan. TBs tostadas looked awsome but I love a good cream sauce especially curry along with lob and shrimp.
This one was quite hard to vote for but in the end I went with SumBits, with TB and WickedMojo fighting it out for a very close second.
@Boutros--> I was looking forward to a SoCal entry on this throwdown. I know SanD got seafood game! Tight lines on your next trip out B.
I really couldn't make up my mind so I voted for the edible flowers. Foo brought to a new level never seen before here. Good job everyone.
PA-Posse definitely round-house kicked us entrants Chuck Norris style with the foo'. Wheebz... you're a gewd addition to the TD's fo'sho'! had the dish! Not the best pics but it was easy to see amigo that you rocked it harder than chinese 'rithmatic! Contrast of color was fantastic! I give it my vote along with the much deserved hot blue and righteous and....KILLERMANJARO!

SoFloPosse kicks ass!

Paul....I don't know how you pulled that one off after going TDY but it was right there! It was dadgum close compadre!
TB- thanks for the vote BroChacho! SoFlo Posse enforces a high standard on image posting... I'm lucky I squeaked through with such bad pics.

DTS and Boutros- thanks for the vote as well.
This is so hard to vote on, i was going to vote for TB because his dish looked heaps yummy but then i looked through the other thread and saw that he called me a bastige :D

Then i saw that i was being honored by a very kind member and was going to give him the vote, he did after all make my head just that little big bigger.
I took in Paulkys awesomeness and stole some of Salsa ladies Steelheads, dodged the fondue and drank some red curry sauce.

After that though one thing stood out to me, the pure simplistic approach taken by a young man that sadly could not obtain peppers hotter than weeeetle baby red ones, Perko mate, gimme some of dat goodness!
This is so hard to vote on, i was going to vote for TB because his dish looked heaps yummy but then i looked through the other thread and saw that he called me a bastige :D

Then i saw that i was being honored by a very kind member and was going to give him the vote, he did after all make my head just that little big bigger.
I took in Paulkys awesomeness and stole some of Salsa ladies Steelheads, dodged the fondue and drank some red curry sauce.

After that though one thing stood out to me, the pure simplistic approach taken by a young man that sadly could not obtain peppers hotter than weeeetle baby red ones, Perko mate, gimme some of dat goodness!

Our favorite internet whore has spoken. Bastige!! :rofl:
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