Searing meat Help?

Hey everyone,

Ok I moved into an apartment about 2 months ago and their ventilation system is poor and I've been getting into searing meat lately, So any advice would be good and mucho appreciated.

1. Recirculating hood, you can get one for like $49.
2. Cover meat with pot lid. said:

1. Recirculating hood, you can get one for like $49.
2. Cover meat with pot lid.
Thanks I will have to look for one, I will have to ask my land lady if I can install it though, but shouldn't be a problem!
If you don't know what a recirculating hood is, it does not hook up to an exhaust system, it recirculates the air through a charcoal filter. They work well to eliminate smoke, smells, and grease. Just measure the width of your range. Broan makes economy models. Your landlord shouldn't have a problem, but may require a licensed electrician to install. said:
If you don't know what a recirculating hood is, it does not hook up to an exhaust system, it recirculates the air through a charcoal filter. They work well to eliminate smoke, smells, and grease. Just measure the width of your range. Broan makes economy models. Your landlord shouldn't have a problem, but may require a licensed electrician to install.
Thank you for the explanation what it does, Can my step dad install with out a problem since he has electrical experience?

He installed quite a few things over the years such as Celling fans, Light fixtures, and so on.
Probably, I'd ask the landlord. Good luck.
PhatManDerek said:
Thank you I will do that before I get it.

I've also been wanting to grill up hot peppers to eat them with ranch dressing!

Thats the spirit!! Search poppers on the search feature here, they will no doubt take your interest.;)
Oh yeah no kidding, I love hot peppers but I've only had them in Pico De Gallio. I make that stuff on a weakly basis and I eat it alone with out any chips, However I do put it in scrambled eggs or an omelet.
PhatManDerek said:
Hey everyone,

Ok I moved into an apartment about 2 months ago and their ventilation system is poor and I've been getting into searing meat lately, So any advice would be good and mucho appreciated.

Haha i run into the same problem living in an apartment. Trying to sear steaks = smoked out house. But it's worth it.

I usually just put a sock over the smoke detector, and open the front door. Results in less smoke but jealous neighbors :)
Txclosetgrower said:
Haha i run into the same problem living in an apartment. Trying to sear steaks = smoked out house. But it's worth it.

I usually just put a sock over the smoke detector, and open the front door. Results in less smoke but jealous neighbors :)
I could try that but I would open the main window & put 2 socks over the fire alerm, I would open the door but my apartment complex is very much like Shinefeilds was on tv.
imaguitargod said:
Disable the smoke alarm, then re-enable it when you are done.
Actually maintenance is going to come over today and they will set the smoke alarm to low/medium so I can sear some meat with out setting off the alarm again.

Thank you for everyone's help.

By the way has any ever used a forman to sear meat only?
PhatManDerek said:
By the way has any ever used a forman to sear meat only?

Cast iron skillet is where it's at. If you don't own one, do yourself a huge favor and get one. Should cost
PhatManDerek said:
Will it work on an electric stove?

That's part of the beauty of cast iron. You can use it on electric, gas, induction, campfire etc. They can be heated to ridiculous temperatures which is why they are so good for searing things. I'll have to show you how to make steak on one