show-off Second try at pics.


Plant Stand

Propagation Box

Tomatoes and Peppers

The light on top is adjustable. On the lower levels, I have to move the plants up to the lights. I use blocks of wood or what is ever handy.
ok.. so by the time they are at the bottom without blocks of wood, they are ready to be planted out?! nice sollution! what kind of peppers are you growing?
nice setup and great looking plants
I am growing bell, frying, anahiem, and jalapeno peppers. My wife and I make and can salsa. we plan on about 100 pints this year. I tried to start some hab's but I couldn't get any to start. I'll get them at the nursery. better luck next year.
It's my own design. I made the stand and box from mainly scrap materials (boards and plywood). I'm the sort that can visualize things and then build it. I drive my children crazy sometimes with what I make.
RowBear said:
It's my own design. I made the stand and box from mainly scrap materials (boards and plywood). I'm the sort that can visualize things and then build it. I drive my children crazy sometimes with what I make.

That is so cool. I can visualize, but sometimes things turn out differently. Sometimes its like sitting down to draw a rose and having a beautiful rose in mind. But the finished picture looks like a stick figure...LOL However, if I really plan something out, it works...Not with drawing though.
RowBear said:
It's my own design. I made the stand and box from mainly scrap materials (boards and plywood). I'm the sort that can visualize things and then build it. I drive my children crazy sometimes with what I make.

I'm impressed. That's a rare talent.

My father could do that, but he failed to pass it along to me. When my old Aussie Rusty needed a handicap ramp- her hips were starting to fail and the back steps were steep- he showed up at my house with some boards and carpet scraps, eyeballed the steps, and built the ramp lickity split. No drawing or measuring, just "This is what I think will work."