seeds-germination seed germination

planning on trying paper towel/ coffee filted method in containers instead of baggies.I will also use conventional germination this year,but want to experiment a little bit.So in containers is it necessary to cover seeds or can i just place seeds on paper towel/coffee filter then cover container with a lid(similar to Juanitos technique),also is it advisable to soak seed prior to placing in containers?Thanks in advance for any and all advice and your wisdom.
I just started some pequin seeds in between damp paper towels in a Tupperware with lid on today. Also just threw some out in the garden. I didn't soak any of the seeds, I heard it was optional so I'll try when I start my next round. Keep updated!
I have always used the bags in the past.  Might try some of those small clear containers this year.  Would be much easier to just look through a clear lid to see if they have sprouted yet or not.  Only concer is with small baggies, I can get a lot of varieties in their own bags in a small area.  Might need more room and might be more challenging for me to control temps with this method, but looks promising.
jcw10tc said:
Only concer is with small baggies, I can get a lot of varieties in their own bags in a small area.  Might need more room and might be more challenging for me to control temps with this method, but looks promising.
If you're only doing 5-10 seeds of multiple varieties you can always put some folded/ cut paper towel in the bottom of small cups and place them inside the container.