Seed Offer Poll

What (OP, not isolated) seeds would you like me to offer?

  • Total voters
These plants are still going strong. I'd like to help people out w/ some seed for next season. This will be a US only offer. What seeds do people need? I can probably do 15 envelopes.
I don't think I can close the poll, but voting is over. Yellow Scorpion wins!!!

To anyone who voted for something else, please let me know when I do the Yellow Scorpion offer and I'll try to send you your pick.

I'm still harvesting seeds, but I've got a lot of Yellow Scorpion set aside. I'm running a germination test now and should post the offer in a couple weeks. All 23 who voted will be first in line. I recognized a few names from overseas, shouldn't be a problem.

I want the offer to go smoothly and don't want to mess around w/ a lot of envelopes etc... Here's what I was thinking:

I'll send out the seeds in standard envelopes and if they get crushed I'll resend via SASBE.
By requesting seed you are taking a chance that you will foot the postage bill for yourself and 9 others.
10 people at a time are selected. One of those 10 will be randomly selected to pay for all 10 envelopes, something like $5. The other nine get a free ride.
If one of the 10 volunteers to pay, they will get extra seeds.

Sound good?

Oh yeah, please wait for the offer to be posted. I won't keep track otherwise.