It depends upon a few factors, for me.
Fresh Pods:
- If I can get the seeds away from the placenta easily, I do so, then give them a brief bath in a 1:10 mix of hydrogen peroxide and water. Then I just lay them on a plate and let them air dry.
- If they're pretty embedded in the placenta, I loosen as much as I can and cut away as much placenta as possible, then lay them on a plate to air dry. When this is the case, clearly it takes longer. When I go to plant the seeds, I do the hydrogen peroxide/water bath before germinating.
Frozen pods:
- Same as for fresh pods.
Dried pods:
- I leave the seeds in pods I'm going to dry, and dry them at a very low temp (95F) to maintain viability of the seeds. When I am either going to use the pods or just want the seeds, they're typically easy to scrape out (if they didn't just fall out.) I do the hydrogen peroxide/water bath before germinating.
Try to store your seeds in a cool, dry place. Some people store in the fridge, but I just store in a drawer.