Seed Trading Parcel 2009 - Canada/USA




Plants can get big.
My 3+ year old yellow Manzano was over 7ft. tall and had branches just as long.
And that was in a 15 gal. pot.
In the ground they get bigger.
csn you cross a pube with a chinense? mike some cool pods, ima have to wait till the package gets to me again to get my hands on those puppies good looks mike!
In general C.Pubescens doesn't/can't/won't cross with anything but a C.Pubescens.
But people are trying to cross some wild species with Chinense,Annuum etc.,using the wild varieties as a go between to get crosses with C.Pubescens.
There are some wild varieties that will cross with Annuums,Chinense etc. and will also cross with a Pubescens.
At least thats what I've read.
I've also read that they are playing with tissue cultures to get crossed varieties from ones that won't cross by themselves in nature.

I've got a lot of Manzano seeds for trade(prefered) or SASBE. if you don't want to wait or want to make sure you get seeds from the ones I have put in the pack and or others.
:onfire: The parcel is being dropped off at our Post Office this morning, bound for North Bay ;)
Thats where the next 2 players live :):onfire:

I'll post later, once i have sent it...but its taped up and ready to go
Yellow Manzano against shed.




Today,1 season old plants in 3 gal. pots(too small pots for them)
Mostly red Manzanos and Rocoto.Some orange and yellows too.


Little golfballs-today

Penny said:
:onfire: The parcel is being dropped off at our Post Office this morning, bound for North Bay ;)
Thats where the next 2 players live :):onfire:

I'll post later, once i have sent it...but its taped up and ready to go

Sorry i didnt get back to post yesturday, between christmas shopping and a christmas party.

Anyhooooo.....the yellow envelope is off to Ryan in North Bay and scheduled to arrive, Wednesday or Thursday this week
Lets see if our post office is correct, they said 3-4 days or by Wednesday, Thursday, when i can drive to where it was going to in about 3 1/2....LOL!!
Sorry Arlo

Coming in from L.A. from over the bourder
Flying in the Post Office airliner
Packages flying all over the plane
Could we ever feel much finer

Coming in from Los Angeles
Mailed out a parcel of seeds
Don't touch my Parcel Mr. Customs man

There is a guy with pods from Mexico
No he couldn't be much hotter
Walking in the hall with his things and all
Sweating, he said he was the Pod Piper

Coming in from Los Angeles
Mailed out a parcel of seeds
Don't touch my Parcel Mr. Customs man

Hip, Chiliwoman waitin for pods galore
Some spill on the escalator
There a guy in line with Bhuts on his mind
Thinks he's already got them

Coming in from Los Angeles
Mailed out a parcel of seeds
Don't touch my Parcel Mr. Customs man...
Round 2

Is it too late for me to get in on round 2?
I would love to be involved and I have some seeds from Redwood City.