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seeds Seedling help! Bright green mold?

I swear by the stuff !!!!
Yep !! Way to much water ! Water coco coir should be damp NEVER WET, and sometimes I dont mind leaving the plants until wilting or coco is completely dry (as the plants get older) And do a WEIGHT test.... Its about the only way to gauge coco !
As it will look dry ontop but be wet at bottom...
Especially in Ebb & Flow system where it is bottom feed.
Alright, thanks for the speedy replies guys. It's really hard to judge how wet it is for me because I would take some soil and squeeze it and it really didn't feel all to wet. :rolleyes:

I'll yank em out of there ASAP.

How compact should I have the coco, hotpeppa? *will jump to your thread now*

Can I spray the old coco down with the peroxide, let it dry and use it again, or should I just toss it. I don't really care either way, just heard it was reusable.

Cross your fingers for the peppers, and hopefully I'll be engulfed in the wrath of them soon enough! :onfire:
Chuck it. Coir is cheap enough and you don't want to risk spreading mold to your any other plants you may plant in it. That stuff grows like... well... mold.

The coir should be lightly packed. You don't want to pack it down to the point where you lose the benefits coir provides

Fill the pot very loosely with essential soilsâ„¢ 100% Coconut Coir and plant with minimum firming. Water well. Potting soil may be mixed with planting medium at 1:2 ratio and used as a soil conditioner.

Coir is used as a growing medium in the same way as peat moss, rockwool, sawdust, or any other type of growing medium.

Blister said:
Like I mentioned before, I have seen Monkey Juice for sale here in town and thought about trying it. The manufacturer claims that it's specifically designed for coir, but not knowing anything about coir at the time, I didn't pick any up.

I am also experimenting with soaking the coir in VitaMax water to help enrich the coir with vitamins before I plant in it.

Do you fertilize with every watering or do you do it on a standard schedule (like every two weeks)?

i feed with every watering, depending how hot it is and how fast it dries out i usually water/feed once a week... and at times i would let it dry out every now and then to stress the plant for the fact that peppers like a dry loose medium...

Pita said:
Alright, thanks for the speedy replies guys. It's really hard to judge how wet it is for me because I would take some soil and squeeze it and it really didn't feel all to wet. :rolleyes:

I'll yank em out of there ASAP.

How compact should I have the coco, hotpeppa? *will jump to your thread now*

Can I spray the old coco down with the peroxide, let it dry and use it again, or should I just toss it. I don't really care either way, just heard it was reusable.

Cross your fingers for the peppers, and hopefully I'll be engulfed in the wrath of them soon enough! :onfire:

just fill the pot up, you dont really have to compact it at all really...

One other thing, coco coir needs coco coir specific nutes to help the roots intake of micro nutrients...;)
Lookin a bit better? I'm going to mist in a few mins, really lightly. (keep in mind the cfl white-washes)


That's looking great Pita! The coir looks damp, but not wet exactly like it should be. This stuff is great at holding moisture and probably won't need much for extra water for some time. Misting is good for the smaller seedlings, but you'll have to start giving them a little more as they get bigger. In these cases you can apply enough water to make the coir damp throughout. Regular feedings with ferts and nutes should keep things moving along nicely. I'm currently giving my seedlings some root stimulator by plantprod. It's a 10-54-10 feet that's supposed to be used every two weeks for a month. I'm going on to the second feeding and have just trsnsplanted a few peppers from peat to coir. Seems to have really helped them along. The roots were fairly thick and there were more than I expected. I can't wait to see how they do in coir.
a good way to tell when you need to water is like someone said the weight, as well as the simple way of sticking your finger into each cup 1-2 inches... if its dry at that point too, water/feed...

when you first do it, give it a good water/feed..then leave it for week and repeat....get a fan as well, thats important too...

good luck, and share the info..
a couple of them have kind of curled (to varying degrees), or look unhealthy after transplanting. Like shock + too dry. The coco was bone dry today, I watered with a weak superthrive and water mix. Hopefully I can save them... =/ I feel kinda stupid.

I have them under a cfl. Is there ANYTHING else I can do? Should I assume the leaves are infected and spray with the peroxide/water mix?

Can I mix the peroxide in with the superthrive mix?
Yep, they need some water. Bad. This time when you water make sure all the coir is moist. This means that you'll have to put in a fair amount of water. 1/4 cup or so of warm water for each. After you do this you wont have to water them for some time. You did poke holes in the bottom of the cups too right?
Blister said:
Yep, they need some water. Bad. This time when you water make sure all the coir is moist. This means that you'll have to put in a fair amount of water. 1/4 cup or so of warm water for each. After you do this you wont have to water them for some time. You did poke holes in the bottom of the cups too right?

I think most of them are on their way out no matter what :( but I wont give up till they are completely dead. :doh: I've seen some miraculous comebacks, but it probobally won't happen. What's odd is I moistened the coir before planting. I'm so used to soil...I kinda failed at this, haha, but it's a learning experience. I'm going to find some more seeds aswell, and I'm sure I'll do a lot better the next time around.

Yes, I did poke holes in the bottom, thank you for the heads up though, it's an easy thing to over look, and iiiisnt good!

1/4 cup seems like a looot of water! You definately know better than I though :P
Pita said:
I think most of them are on their way out no matter what :( but I wont give up till they are completely dead. :doh: I've seen some miraculous comebacks, but it probobally won't happen. What's odd is I moistened the coir before planting. I'm so used to soil...I kinda failed at this, haha, but it's a learning experience. I'm going to find some more seeds aswell, and I'm sure I'll do a lot better the next time around.

Yes, I did poke holes in the bottom, thank you for the heads up though, it's an easy thing to over look, and iiiisnt good!

1/4 cup seems like a looot of water! You definately know better than I though :P

Give them as much as it takes to make the coir moist.

You may lose some of them, but as you say, there are times when these little guys are pretty tough. I've had them almost laying flat (stems and seed leaves) but perked back up after I watered them. I let them get WAY too dry :oops:
They are all watered up. Cross your fingers for them!!

I got a good 2nd harvest in a week off a couple of my Hab plants, and booy are they delicious! Much hotter than the store bought, and more fruity! The three I grew some seeds are doing great, just transplanted into 2gal containers, and my clone is doing awesome as well. Now if only some of that mojo works its way to the seedlings! :lol:

Anyways, I'm gonna buy some more seeds, the same as before..and maybe a few more varieties. Any suggestions? I'm thinking fatali and chocolate bhut. I started a thread on it already