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seeds Seedling Issues

Whats up? I am running into my first-ish issue of the season and wanted to get your take on it. I had some great looking seedlings once they popped up, however, a few things are happening. One, a handful of them seem to have"stopped". Two, some are loosing one of their cotyledons or kind of drooping.
Here are a few snaps:


These are growing true leaves, and one coty dropped.




What do ya think?

I just planted another 72 flat about an hour ago in case I need backup.

It looks like they're burned...... what did you add to your water. Perhaps an acidic ph reduction soak for those cubes ahead of time?

I can not tell you what is going on but I can say I never had that prob. I only use peat based mix's for seed starts and growing and have never had any issues. I see issues from those trying those starter cubes or new methods. Nothing beats peat for the price. Just get peat balance with lime @ 2 tb sp per gal of mix and wait 2 weeks. Or get basic potting soil.
Greg and SoCal i used pretty much the same water since I planted. They started to show signs like this before I used the diluted fert mix two days ago. What is confusing is that although a few are dropping a few cotyledons new growth looks great. Also it isn't every seedling. Some look very healthy.
Hey Conrad, I ain't givin up on nothin! If anything I'll just learn from some of these and round two may go a bit more smoothly. I just planted another 140 and if I can get these right I will have no need for most of those and some THP members may plenty of free seedlings!
Maybe the cotyledons have given their energy to the new leaves and are just shutting down. If the new leaves get funky, then I'd worry. Until then, +1 SST's comment
Hey Buddy
I don't use any ferts until I move them to the 3.5 x 3.5 pots and then I release the hounds!!
All I can say is go easy boy!!
The good news is you look to have first true sets formed on them...I had a caribbean red sprout with a single cotyledon over a month ago...and its still green and vibrant looking, but absolutely zero development. Just the one little cotyledon standing straight up in the air like he has a question and is raising his hand. +1 to burned I think. Either fert, heat source or maybe they're not wicking water good for you. Are you misting them?
Maybe the cotyledons have given their energy to the new leaves and are just shutting down. If the new leaves get funky, then I'd worry. Until then, +1 SST's comment

Yea, the new growth looks pretty good. I am just keepin my fingers crossed that they won't be too affected. As long as there are some leaves they can get energy to grow. If there isn't it is just a waitin game for some growth. But, hopefully I caught it early enough to not be too big of an issue.

Hey Buddy
I don't use any ferts until I move them to the 3.5 x 3.5 pots and then I release the hounds!!
All I can say is go easy boy!!

Yea, they were super diluted. But I picked up some purified drinking water on the way home and heated it to 80 degrees and hand watered each plug. They looked decent, so we shall see. I will probably hold of on the ferts, even that diluted until I move em.

Patience is not one of my strong suits, but I am learning that now.

The good news is you look to have first true sets formed on them...I had a caribbean red sprout with a single cotyledon over a month ago...and its still green and vibrant looking, but absolutely zero development. Just the one little cotyledon standing straight up in the air like he has a question and is raising his hand. +1 to burned I think. Either fert, heat source or maybe they're not wicking water good for you. Are you misting them?

I am just gonna let them do their thing. I have plenty of room, so we shall see who moves and who stays. I turned the lights from 600w to 450 on Saturday and I haven't been misting. Hopefully if it was a lightsource issue, it will bounce back after a few days.
Hmmm, dunno. The ones in the rooters look too pale also. It's good you've got the seedlings in the Hoffman's to compare stuff.

Is there a way to determine lumens/sq foot with your lights at different settings? Per AJ, I set up my small grow area with the Idea to try to hit 3,000 lumens/sq ft, but not sure about 'over-achieving' beyond that level.
Paralysis by analysis...A term we use in golf. You think so much about your swing you don't know whether to sh#t or wind your watch. I gave my plants 1/16 strength ferts last night and it was probably more like 1/64. I would be lying if I said my hole wasn't puckered when I checked on them today. All was well but I learned not to listen to everything I hear. I heard someone talk about feeding early on when I know for a fact that it is risky and not necessary. I have learned to listen to the plants and not every tom Dick and Harry.
Too much water? Maybe? Hell, I dunno, but on the rare occasions I have over watered, mine can look similar.

Am I way off here more advanced students of the game?
Yeah about a week ago I had a Bishop's Crown with first set established and 2nd set on the way just shrivel up??? it was right in the middle of the tray and everything else on it looked great. I watered and misted it but nothing. Yesterday I dug it up and rinsed the roots (underdeveloped) clean and repotted and today it was standing up straight with second leaves growing again??? It still may not make it, but its damn well trying. Point is, they are survivors so there is hope!
Maybe they're allergic to cats! 3 of 5 photos appear to have cat hairs in them...I don't think its too much light, I was thinking too much heat from the lights maybe. I dunno man, I'm kinda new at this whole super and growing with lights thing thing myself. I am used to buying plants or sewing direct in the garden...I am hoping for a few things...one is that your plants make a full recovery, and two (and even more important to me) is that you figure out what happened and post it so I don't have make the same mistake! :banghead:
Chemical burn............. :eek: ..............(right out of the gates)

as far as the lighting goes, Too hot or too powerful of light such as an HID will crisp the tips and the some,

We shall see. Everything looked pretty good today.

Jack my GLog is MGold86's Glog in the Glog section. I would link robot but I'm on my phone.

Like I said, I rinsed last night with pure warm water and turned the power on the lights down.

Also I have no idea about the hair. I must be loosing mine, cuz they are in an enclosed tent.