seeds-germination Seedling woes

Hello everyone,

This is my second year growing peppers and the first year I'm doing it from seed. My seeds are germinating fine but now that some have sprouted I'm encountering some problems. The cotyledon leaves of some are starting to curl up and the plant is sagging. They don't have any true leaves yet as the oldest sprouted less than a week ago.

My first thought was underwatering. I was using a spray bottle because last year I tended to over water but I think the water didn't penetrate the soil this time and dried under the lights. I watered enough to make sure the water soaked through and noticed the water sat on the top before soaking in because it was especially dry. I also thought maybe the light was too close but then I see people recommend no further than 2 inches which mine were at.

My final question is about the container they're in. I used small Dixie cups to germinate and they worked quite well, but I'm thinking regular size solo cups might be good to hold more water and have more space. Mostly wondering if it's too early to transplant since they have no true leaves. I'm not home at the moment to add pictures but I will get some later tonight so just general suggestions at the moment. Thanks for any help you can give.
Definitely too early to transplant into a bigger cup. Wondering how did uou germinate them in Dixie cup? Did you put then on top of a heat mat? And did you put them in dirt within the Dixie cup? Having trouble germinating some seeds myself and looking for a better set up. Thanks in advance.
Actually they're already looking much better after watering wish I would have taken a picture when they were more sick :P for germination I filled Dixie cups with Miracle Gro seed starting mix, watered them thoroughly and let the dirt dry a little. I soaked the seeds in regular tap water overnight then planted in the moist but not muddy soil, covered the group of ~39 cups in plastic wrap on a metal baking pan. I then put the pan on a heating pad and covered the whole thing in a blanket. Unfortunately my heating pad shuts off every half hour so I turn it on every time I remember and it goes cold overnight but it's been working so far.

I'll be able to post pictures soon
You only need the heating pad for germination. Once the seeds sprout, you should remove them from the heating pad or they'll get leggy (you want them to grow more out, not up.) The Dixie cups are fine if you've cut holes in the bottoms. And yes, the shriveling up can be from underwatering - most likely since you said they perked up after you watered. Giving a good drenching is the best approach, as you ensure the water gets to the roots that way. Just make sure you have sufficient drainage and a fan to help keep the surface dry to avoid fungus from forming.
Here is a picture of the only one that has curled leaves after watering. The only ones that are still folded are because the seed is still stuck to the leaves but they're gradually working their way out so I don't want to interfere and kill anything.
Yeah I have two stations, germination on the pad and then growth under the lights just under the table. I have the fan but I'm not sure how much to run it.

Thanks for all the help so far
No worries about the one that's somewhat curled at this point. Keep an eye on the ones where the seed casing is stuck on the cotyledons. As long as they're really coming out you won't have a problem, but if they don't fully come out soon enough, the part that is stuck inside will die off. This won't necessarily kill the plant, just that part of the cotyledons. If that becomes a concern you can remove the seed casing yourself by first misting it thoroughly to wet and soften it, then pinch along the "seam" of the casing to widen the opening and tug GENTLY. If it doesn't slide right off, wait another day and try again.
If you start the fan on them from the moment they pop up you can run it 24/7 - think about seedlings outside; the wind never really stops. Since you haven't done that, you'll need to acclimate them to the fan. Ideally you should use an oscillating fan at a low setting. However, if you don't have variable speeds and/or don't have an oscillating fan, use reflection - point the fan at a wall or other solid object in a manner that allows the air to circulate towards the seedlings so they get a gentle breeze. If it's gentle enough you can let it run all day now. Otherwise start with an hour at a time, gradually increasing each day. 
A little update. I was able to get the seeds off of all of the plants using the above method. Letting them soak made it pretty easy. They're all standing relatively straight now, just waiting for true leaves. Thanks everyone
You will find Miracle Grow Seed Starter Mix is easier to wet if you mix up a little pulverised (powdered) soil in it, and it goes further too.