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seeds Seedlings looking bad

Hello Everyone ,

Some of my seedlings aren't looking great. I hope the photos give you the story. I'd like know what may be wrong and how to fix things. A few I didn't show have purple on the leaves .

Thanks & Peace ,
P. Dreadie




PD...get the leaves further away from the soil...soil borne disease/infection from bacteria is much more readily available to the plant with leaves touching or close to the soil...if it were me, I would remove the effecte parts of the leaves or the whole leaf...

don't worry about the purplish color on the leaves...simply the plants way of dealing with a lot of light...
Thanks AJ ,

My cups had way less soil to start. I added more just recently because the stems were so thin. I could remove some dirt .... should I ? And the parts you'd remove from the leaves are the parts with a dark spot .... right ? I don't feel good about removing leaves because there's so few !! But if you think it's best .......

P. Dreadie
yup, just cut the effected parts of the leaves off if there aren't many...they will look raggedy but still work ok...then when the plants grow more you can remove them...as far as the soil goes...I don't let any soil get within 1/2" of my leaves and when they are mature and outside, it is at least 6" to the bottom leaves...take your fingers and just press the soil down a little and that will probably be OK...

good luck man...
I wouldn't worry too much about removing the extra soil now. Do your cups have drainage holes in them? Remember once chilis get going they are hard to kill off, removing a few of the affected leaves will not harm it.

Have you checked the PH of your soil, and what fertilizer/ soil combo are you using? I'm curious as you may have a build up of salts that needs to be flushed out.
AJ will do ...... Matt Berry of course I poked hole in the bottoms of the styro cups , 8 in each cup. LOL The pH of the soil was fine going in. So it should be close enough for now. I've been using Ionic 5-2-6 nutrients at half strength as of now. When they go to my beds the fertilizer will be more natural.

...... no foliar feeding

P. Dreadie
FadeToBlack said:
Looks like the leaves are puckering due to lack of calcium.

That's what I was thinking too. The cupping and yellowing are generally signs of a lack of magnesium. A foliar feeding of epsom salts will take care of that over time.
ZanderSpice, in your picture the leaves looks a lot more damaged but my plants are younger , I think you may well be right. Kind of goes along with what AJ said. The soil was sterile , some seeds were from a seed dealer but most were home grown seeds from different folks.

FadeToBlack , Blister, and RichardK .... I'll give them a product I have. It's Magnesium and Calcium.

Thanks & Peace,
P. Dreadie
ZanderSpice ..... most are doing better. The one in the very top photo dropped most it's leaves but it's starting new growth at the old nodes. I cut the dark spots off the leaves that needed it. I've sprayed the plants with a mag/ cal product several times and they are looking better. The leaves are dark green and over I'm happier now .

P. Dreadie
Aside from that black spot. it looks like a calcium deficiency to me. try grinding up some calcium tablets/supplements, then put the powder in some water and both spray the leaves and water the plants with it. I've taken to adding the powdered calcium to my potting soil mix as I used to have very bumpy leaves. They are now flat as a pancake.
Ok Pepper Heads ,

All my plants are now green with no spots and looking good. But I have a few that still have curled leaves. The supplement I started using is
Cal-Mag from Botanicare. It's a calcium, magnesium mix. It also has Iron & trace minerals. At first I sprayed it on the plants , then started adding it to my water/nutrient mix. Should I get a calcium supplement ? If so ..... what ?

P. Dreadie
if you are using the CalMag plus IMO you shouldn't need more calcium...don't know what the issue is with the curling leaves
Be careful and don't over do it with the CalMag. You may have a pH problem that isn't allowing the plant to absorb the nutes. Get yourself a simple pH tester and follow instructions. Best of luck to you P. Dreadie.

I had a fungus problem too due to leaves being in the dirt. I cut off all the affected areas, removed some dirt and gave it a good dose of a Hydrogen Peroxide solution and the plant is recovering quite nicely.
Thanks AJ ..... I thought the Cal/Mag should have been enough and it was for most.

patrick ..... I'll get some plain water and check the pH then flush the plants. Several that are doing fine and check the pH with my meter. Then flush the problem plants and compare the pH of the run off of both .

Thanks guys !

P. Dreadie
About not over doing it with the Cal/Mag plus ....... I've been bottom feeding every time , then about the 4th or 5th time I flush with water. All the plants are in styro cups under CFL lights at this time . I started adding 1 teaspoon Cal/Mag plus per gal to my water/nutrient mix . Am I over doing it ? Any suggestions ?

What about when the plants are in buckets or my raised beds ?

P. Dreadie