Seeds for Science - Middle School Class Project in Action!

Too bad.
Have a load of "mystery seeds"---all hot to super-- I was going to give away here in the spring.
Refugees from the cutting board, but all of uncertain pollination.
So they will end up harvesting after coming back to school the following year. Nice way to segway into the next year.

Actually, we'll be selling healthy plants ready for the folks to put in their gardens.

Great to read everyone's donating! Now what we would like to see in return *WG rollseyes*.

"a year long project, to compost, harvest seeds, dry, germinate, grow, and at the end of the year, sell the chile plants to the public to raise money for the science department." <<-- now that sounds like one heck of an exciting glog to follow \o/ Don't let us down and have the kids participate in the picture taking and writing updates, you know "home work," ;)

Edit: No need for pictures of the kids, I know many parents don't like their kids faces plaster on the net but plenty of peppers would certainly do the trick :)

I know...that's why I posted pics in which the kids faces aren't really identifiable.
Yee sir! Compost.....and full sun until about 3:00pm. My wish for everyone this holiday season is full sun till 3. Rock on science children!!
LB - I've got some isolated Bhut Jolokia seeds I'd be more than happy to send your way. If you're interested just shoot a PM.

Great to see all the support for this.

Cheers! you people realize what you have done? I told my students about the overwhelming support here...the seed stock coming...and they were cheering, and high fiving each other in class! Think about that. 12-13 year olds were excited that people from all over the country are eager to help them with their project...their learning...their success! Not video games...or the new phone they They are excited about learning, and a lot of it is due to YOUR SUPPORT. Ya'll are amazing...and these kids are on fire, taking ownership for their education.

I can't thank you enough.
While you have the seed, time, and enthusiastic help you should try some upside down plants. Kind of like the topsy turvy tomato thing. From what I have been told the small pod wilds do best. I have a friend that gets the hangers that have a bowl made with coir(I think). He flips them upside down and puts in a wild or a tomato start lets it get a hold for a week of so, then flips, hangs, adds dirt and a flower of his wife's choosing. He says they are the ying and the yang for a couple.
Interesting idea...and we are planning on trying that, as well as pots on their be able to see tropisms (plant movements in response to stimuli).
To all our supporters...THANKS! We have received a bunch of packages, that will be met with thank you notes sent back. If I haven't responded to you personally...don't fret...these kids WILL be sending thank-you's.
I think ornamental peppers would sell, and they are easy to grow and germinate, I have some Chinese 5 colors and numex twilight I can share, where do I send the seeds?

I think ornamental peppers would sell, and they are easy to grow and germinate, I have some Chinese 5 colors and numex twilight I can share, where do I send the seeds?
Thought y'all might like to see a couple of pics. Germination was Valentine's Day...transplanting babies this week. The seeds were all rockin'...only a couple varieties had poor germination rates, and that was due to the students flooding the baggies.

I was hoping they would be motivated enough to do a website, or even a FB page...but unfortunately...the world we live in these's hard to motivate even the top performers to step out and take it to the next level.

So...I'll post progress here as the season progresses.

Thanks again!


  • IMG_20130222_112351.jpg
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  • IMG_20130225_151626.jpg
    165.4 KB · Views: 100 in Texas, V-day germination usually sees pods a'pickin' by early June. But there are a lot of variables to this...the biggest of which is growing environment.