Seeds for Science - Middle School Class Project in Action! time you pop in...can we get this moved to glogs or something a bit more appropriate now that the growing is in full swing?

Also...I appologize for my piss poor record keeping...but whomever sent the purple jalapeno are now a rock star to these kids. 100% germ rate, and about 80-85 seedlings already cranking out first leaves. Kids are stoked!
LMAO...dude...those purple jalapenos...they are insane! Also...let it be known that I wore my Sic-T the day we planted them.

*just sayin'
This community made an amazing thing happen this school year.  We took kids and showed them something...not to convert them to chile-heads, but to show them they can do something productive.  The project was in its first year, so it wasn't as big as I would have liked to see it get.  That said, we raised a few hundred bucks.  Not much to you and I...but to the kids, it may as well have been $3,000.  That's enought to equip our labs with things we've needed for a few years.  It's enough to round out our netbooks to finish off the set with enough for every student.  More was proof that these kids CAN make a difference.
We owe you all a great deal of thanks...YOU made it happen...I was just there to steer a little.
We may have all been cars making up the train, but your skills as engineer was greatly appreciated.

Hope future years continue it.