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Seeds from Turkey

According to the Chileman site

Species: Annuum Origin: Turkey Heat: Hot

A 4-6 inch long mild, thin skinned Cayenne type pepper from Turkey. Sometimes called Turkish Hot.

Hope this could help you out a bit.
My link

They’re common peppers for Balkan Peninsula. They have shape, taste and texture of cayenne pepper.
Sill trying to figure out the second one. :lol:
grew turkish hot in 2005. not sure if it's one of those you described but these were awsome. great yield. cayenish but with a sweetness to them. not as hot as jalapenos.
Very interesting. The person I got these from labeled them "sweet," so now I'm really curious. Going to have to throw this in the grow list just to see what the crap they are. Thanks for the input folks!
Turkeys do not reproduce from seed :)
What? Yes they do..... Next you are going to tell me babies don't come from the stork!

A co-worker grew these last year. They are good, a mild heat (we are talking store bought jalapeño heat here) like a cayenne (quick sharp heat that dissipates fast, best I can describe it) with a sweet flesh. Good to cook with if others around you can't take heat, but will be a pepper flavored tick-tack to you if you want some zap.
Ok, I don't want this to turn into the "Turkey Thread" but I thought I'd have to add my 2 cents. Honestly, I would believe those buggers reproduce from seed with the amount of birds around here in central PA. Flocks of over 100 birds in some places! Now all I have to do is get some time to go hunt them.

Now that I'm done with that. . .back to peppers! :dance: