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seeds from unripe pods

From everything that I have read it says that viable seeds only come from ripe pods. I did a germination test with seeds that I got from a green Jalapeno now we all know that we can eat green Jalapenos but they are not ripe. Well all 10 seeds germinated. Is anyone else using seeds from unripe pods?

I've taken seeds from an unripe Birdseye chilli before and they germinated. If the seeds look fully grown, oh you know what I mean, then I haven't had a problem. But I prefer to take them from ripe pods, also the kind of chillis I have are normally always ripe when I eat them (when I do my de-seeding).
Yes, I think that ripe is just a sure thing, while green is a gamble. I have harvested green seeds in a pinch. Ie. the pod is about to rot.
Keep up the research! I admire your efforts.
that's very interesting and something I've never tried.

I have read in numerous places that seed from immature pods will not work, so I've never given it a go. just goes to show you can't believe everything you read!
chilliman64 said:
that's very interesting and something I've never tried.

I have read in numerous places that seed from immature pods will not work, so I've never given it a go. just goes to show you can't believe everything you read!

Yes it is very interesting i will try next year with more varieties.

thats good to hear, now you're talking like a true chilehead :lol:
I assumed you meant that you took all the insides out, alot of people say de-seed meaning take the insides out.

I for one dont see the point in de-seeding/de-placenta chiles. I use everything except the stem.
There are actually reasons for taking out the insides of a pepper, (1.) have you ever tried to stuff a pepper with all the placenta and seeds in the way. There are more reasons to de placenta/de seed depending on what you are going to do at any givin time. If i am with a bunch of my beer drinking friends and we are trying to see who can eat the hottest pepper and live to talk about it , no I will not but if I am cooking for some of my business friends on the BBQ or stuffing them or I do not feel like chewing on a bunch of seeds just enjoy the flavor of a really good tasting pepper then yes i will take everything out.

podpiper - to each their own, if you want to eat & taste a chile, that includes the insides! stuffed chiles ? well again to me stuffing chiles are a waste of time or effort since IMO they're to small to put anything worthwhile in them. slice'em & dice'em etc... as you can tell I'm not really into stuffing chiles nor bells. but if someone else wanted to spend the time doing so I have no problem eating them.
chilliman64 said:
that's very interesting and something I've never tried.

I have read in numerous places that seed from immature pods will not work, so I've never given it a go. just goes to show you can't believe everything you read!

Once the unripe pod is picked, it tries to ripen. If the time between when it is picked, and the time it the seeds are removed is long enough, you'll probably get a few viable seeds.

As the pod ripens, so do the seeds. The riper the pod, the more viable and healthy the seeds. If you have no other way to get seeds, by all means try a few from an unripe pod, but don't depend on it.
podpiper - I understand that but does your tongue still not feel/taste the heat ? thats why I believe if you really want to taste the chiles you eat the insides as well. bells theres no point in keep the insides but chiles is that not what you live for is the heat ? then why take the insides out ?
chilihunter, we are going to have to agree to disagree although I eat alot of peppers with the seeds in them but you have to open your mind alittle and realize that there is way more to it than eating them with the seeds in.

When I cook with peppers, I never de-seed them, but when eating them fresh... they just make it less fun.
It's not because of the heat, it's because they are freaking seeds, and I'm not a bird. :O
I deseed lots of peppers. Some pod types have way too many seeds and some I can just do without the extra heat and crunch.
I deseed pretty much always unless I'm making oils or vinegars. I suffer from neither the affliction of a penis nor penis envy, so there is no need for me to grind fibrous and tasteless pepper begats between my teeth as penis extenders. If I need more heat, I add more of the flavorful peppers themselves; it's not like I have a shortage.
Ha ha, a 'Do you de-seed or not' post now. If putting a load of raw Habs or Bonnets in a salad I de-seed. If I ate it raw straight off the plant I wouldn't, same as if I was cooking with chillis I wouldn't de-seed.
Pam, I kinda like the way you put that because it seems that some think that it is the macho thing to do eating the seeds and all. There is a time and a place for seeds, and it is not all the time. jmo.

in my case im too lazy to deseed unless I want to keep seeds lol...Nothing macho there....to me I want to keep seeds ill deseed if not seeds stay in weather eating fresh or in a recepie..lol if I deseeded all my habs from this year id have a tupperware dedicated to seeds alone...