I planted a bunch of seeds around the 1st of the year. I had a bunch germinate and then everything seemed to come to a grinding halt. I planted
Black Cobra (ebay)
Mustard Hab (ajijoe)
White Bhut (smokinasschilli)
Large White Hab (ajijoe)
Lemon Drop (Burpee)
Peruvian White Hab (THSC)
Scarlet Lantern (Peppermania)
Aribibi Gusano (Peppermania)
Fatalli (THSC)
Yellow Devil's Tongue (ajijoe)
Carribean Red (Ferry-morse)
Scotch Bonnet (THSC)
Japanese Hot Chili (from the grocery store)
It seems like everything came to a screeching halt after they started off great. I have them on heating pads and have CFL's on them. So far the scotch bonnet hasn't had any germinate, the peruvian is 1/6, fatalli 2/6, scarlet lantern 2/6, black cobra 2/6, the rest are almost all germinated, but everything seemed to happen within the first week, then nothing since. My seed sources are mostly reputable so I'm sure the viability is not the problem. The peppers that sprouted are doing good. Anyone have any idea what's going on? They are in burpee seed starter mix and i water them when they look dried out with a drop or two of superthrive in the water. I planted a bunch of annum varieties in peat pellets the week after and they are almost all germinated. They're right next to the chinense and baccatum box with the same heat level, water, and light.
Black Cobra (ebay)
Mustard Hab (ajijoe)
White Bhut (smokinasschilli)
Large White Hab (ajijoe)
Lemon Drop (Burpee)
Peruvian White Hab (THSC)
Scarlet Lantern (Peppermania)
Aribibi Gusano (Peppermania)
Fatalli (THSC)
Yellow Devil's Tongue (ajijoe)
Carribean Red (Ferry-morse)
Scotch Bonnet (THSC)
Japanese Hot Chili (from the grocery store)
It seems like everything came to a screeching halt after they started off great. I have them on heating pads and have CFL's on them. So far the scotch bonnet hasn't had any germinate, the peruvian is 1/6, fatalli 2/6, scarlet lantern 2/6, black cobra 2/6, the rest are almost all germinated, but everything seemed to happen within the first week, then nothing since. My seed sources are mostly reputable so I'm sure the viability is not the problem. The peppers that sprouted are doing good. Anyone have any idea what's going on? They are in burpee seed starter mix and i water them when they look dried out with a drop or two of superthrive in the water. I planted a bunch of annum varieties in peat pellets the week after and they are almost all germinated. They're right next to the chinense and baccatum box with the same heat level, water, and light.