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bigt said:
Very nice setup Jimmy. Those plants look great. You'll be knee deep in pods and loving life soon!

Always loving life BigT, but fresh pods will make it all the better. Most will be quite a while away but I'm hoping to eat my Afghan a bit sooner..:)
FadeToBlack said:
I would think you could do the same. Does it get that cold where you live?

No I definitely can't harvest all year. We don't get a lot of frosty mornings, but it's still too cold in winter. The plants don't even survive outdoors, let alone fruit. If I remember right I picked the last pods in early June.
I've been quite slack of late in the garden. Unpredictable weather hasn't helped with that. After I planted that last lot we had a solid week of rain and I had to hack a few rotten leaves off some plants. I've also had some unidentified critters eating leaves and one of my greenhouses had an aphid infestation. It was the one I put the Bunnings bought O Habs in. I checked those plants good and proper before I bought them but I'm thinking they were the culprit. One spray of pyrethrum and I haven't seen any since. Last weekend we had a couple of storms come through and play havoc with heavy rains and winds so I've lost even more leaves but everything is still growing even though they don't look too pretty:


I've added 3 Bih Jolokia with room for another(right), 2 Trinidad Scorpion with room for another, 3 Fatali and 3 Choc Habs. Still plenty more to get in though so I best get cracking.
Well I figure it's about time I updated this so here's some(read: many) pics:
4 Jalapeno. I let all early pods ripen, which seemed to completely stop the plants from growing so they're a bit on the wee side:

3 Serrano:

2 Tabasco:

2 Cayenne (Ring of Fire):

All of the above plants were put out quite early in the season and were stunted for a while but all are coming good now.
4 Dorset Nagas:

I really don't think these plants like the hot, dry Melbourne summers. They're the first to wilt in the heat and I've only had one ripe pod from them, with only one other set so far. They get the same treatment as all the other plants but don't look as good as the rest. I might try the Morich next year. The one on the right just about curled up and died last month but is coming back now.
This is the larger one:

5 Yellow 7Pots:

These things are amazing plants they just keep on getting bigger and they produce heaps. They're all over 3 feet tall besides one. I've had a few ripe runts so far but I'm hanging out for this beauty to ripen:
Another Yellow 7Pot shot:

3 7Pot Jonahs:

And some pod shots:


I had to get down and dirty for these pics, should have pulled some weeds while I was at it. There's not much light down there and the flash tends to screw up the pics.
Trinidad Scorpion:

It's only recently started setting pods but the plant is pretty big, about 3 feet tall and 2 feet across the top. I have another in behind it but it took ages to recover from bug and/or slug damage and some shitty weather and now I think it's being overshadowed by the plants around it so I don't hold out much hope for it. There's another sickly looking TS a few posts back next to the Yellow 7s. I kept it in a pot for a little too lomg but it might come good for me.
One of about a dozen Scorpions to set so far (damn flash):

2 Bih Jolokias (against fence):

And the largest pod so far:

The Bihs have only just started setting pods too and I think will be good producers.
3 Fatalis:

And some pod shots:


3 Choc Habs:

The 2 at the front also took ages to recover from weather and bugs/slugs but they're still getting plenty of sun and are coming good.
Choc Habs:

I had the first ripe Choc Hab with lunch today....:onfire:

I've still got a few stragglers in pots to go in the ground yet, better get my arse into gear. I've sent a few plants to board with friends so I can get a better chance of pure seeds, a TS, Bih, Yellow7 and a Choc Hab. I'll be taking probably a Jonah to work but for the rest I might have to get to teabagging or who knows what I'll end up with next year. Hope you enjoy the pics.
wow thats a big update

Your fatali and scorpian patches look great.

I love the taste of the Dorsets, looks like thier slowly getting there.

Timmmy newbie said:
I love the taste of the Dorsets, looks like thier slowly getting there.


I've only had one undersize one but it still packed a punch. Can't wait until I get some decent ones.... if I ever do.