Seventh Circle Hot Sauce

Last week was torture. I took a trip to hell and back. It's amazing the things you see down there. The 9 circles of hell house some interesting and down right terrifying people and spirits. I do recommend the food at a little diner on the 7th circle. The chef is a big scarred man who makes some excellent food. His grilled Hickory pork chops are a great dish to have with the au gratin potatoes on the side. On every table was a bowl of sauce for the food and it was tasty in an evil way. The burn was welcome and surprising. It took a little convincing, but I was able to extract the recipe from the cook and bring it back. Yellow 7pots bring the heat to play with strawberries and pineapple with a parsnip base. I made this first batch to see if the flavor, that was so good in hell, would be received well here.


7 ingredients
7pot peppers
$7 a bottle
Enjoy the 7th Circle Burn!
I have personally had the privilege of tasting this very fine sauce. Today I put it in my chili. Very Good. Yesterday I ate it on some nuggets. Good flavor, good burn from the mad scientist Justaguy.
Will do JayT. Will be there all day Friday. Saturday is up in the air as I don't have a place to crash Friday night.
I have a complaint Brian about your hot sauce. The Pineapple Habanero sauce you sent me was SO GOOD I couldn't put it down. I really, really liked it. I used it on everything I ate. lol. Perfect blend of flavor and heat. Note: FLAVOR came first. :) Top notch product. I don't usually get into hot sauces too much, but that one won me over!!

Now I'm going to your website and seeing all kinds of ones that sound great. Oh no. The flavor combinations are stellar.

I have a complaint Brian about your hot sauce. The Pineapple Habanero sauce you sent me was SO GOOD I couldn't put it down. I really, really liked it. I used it on everything I ate. lol. Perfect blend of flavor and heat. Note: FLAVOR came first. :) Top notch product. I don't usually get into hot sauces too much, but that one won me over!!

Now I'm going to your website and seeing all kinds of ones that sound great. Oh no. The flavor combinations are stellar.

I am sincerely sorry Chris. Now I feel like the "pusherman" :rofl: . On the bright side the withdraw is simply a somewhat dull palate for a little and possibly the desire to eat more fresh fruit. You have some of your own powdered crack A.K.A. Chocolate Thunder so rehab should not be needed. I wish you the best and I will try to fix this horrible problem with my product....NOT!!!

Glad you liked it :D
Just made some Seventh Circle Tuna Casserole. Recipe as follows:

Make tuna casserole.
Dump a Sh*t ton of Seventh Circle on it.

This bottle is not gonna last. Also, if you want my fried chicken recipe. Replace tuna casserole with fried chicken.
