Seventh Circle Hot Sauce

Just made some Seventh Circle Tuna Casserole. Recipe as follows:

Make tuna casserole.
Dump a Sh*t ton of Seventh Circle on it.

This bottle is not gonna last. Also, if you want my fried chicken recipe. Replace tuna casserole with fried chicken.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I can get with the simplicity of that recipe. My fried chicken gets a metric sh*t ton of HABermelon on it, I will have to try your version.
Its funny, when I tried it first alone, I was thinking thanksgiving, ham, ect. and now I cant stop putting it on everything. Has a unique, one of a kind taste that is just great. The more I eat, the more I likey! Family is coming for Thanksgiving and this will be the holy grail for me! Full circle on Seventh Circle! :rofl:
Sorry to JayT for the fuming of his house while cooking with this. Hehe. Ok so I am not really sorry, but for laughing so hard I fell off my chair? Yeah that may have been wrong. :D
Yeah, so I decided to make a beautiful Aji Tuna steak last night. I sprinkled it with A Peppadew, Lime, and Cilantro seasoning blend and pan seared it with a little of my ghost pepper garlic oil. All was going well, but I decided for fun to add a GENEROUS dose of 7th Circle to the tuna after I flipped it. Another minute later I flipped it again. When the 7th Circle side hit the pan. The gates of hell opened up with a cloud of smoke and fire that rivaled the mushroom cloud of Mount St Hellens. The house was immediately immersed in a cloud of eye tearing, breathtaking fumes. I opened the doors and after much coughing and some yelling and scolding from the Mrs., the tuna was served. And, it was delicious. This is a great sauce. Stay tuned for an official review. Oh and if anyone wants to see the tuna, it is here:
I've gotta add to the good reviews. Nice hot yellow pepper flavor. Something about the chemicals that make up the heat for yellow peppers cause a delayed reaction. For a few seconds, it is mild, then your saliva breaks down something and the heat kicks in! Great stuff!!