• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SG Winter 2012

I'm growing a very limited number of plants during the Winter. These are all crosses and I'm starting them early in case they inherit any extra-long season traits.



Nice starts, Charles, looking forward to watching them grow nice and big!

Just out of curiousity though, what are we looking at here?
Nice starts, Charles, looking forward to watching them grow nice and big!

Just out of curiousity though, what are we looking at here?

Thank you sir... I thought I'd have a little fun and keep them shrouded in mystery (in plain sight)... I can assure you that they are all quite unusual... if they keep growing they'll put out some really strange fruit...
In that case, continue with the mystery thing. Mystery is fun! :D

I got the idea from another member on THP who I think got tired of explaining his crosses to everyone, but yeah mystery is fun...

Did you take those pictures with an LG Electronics LS670? Very impressive for a phone cam, nice shots :)

Thanks, yes camera on the phone... that's probably that's what it is... I don't pay that close attention
That 1st one is a fury little guy.......is it an "Islander or a Mountaineer"

Haha, no island crosses germinating yet (but they are in the works)... this one is actually neither, it is very strange.... I'll reveal them later on once they start maturing... although I really doubt anyone will be able to guess ;)

Here's my little "islander" F1 cross seed (inside the pod):

I'll germinate those as soon as it ripens...
Haha...this is fun. Is the islander crossed with an annuum? I was under the impression that is the only mate they will accept?
Haha...this is fun. Is the islander crossed with an annuum? I was under the impression that is the only mate they will accept?

For this answer you will have to wait... I've made interspecific crosses before only to have the seed turn out non-viable... so when this fruit ripens and if the seedlings grow... that's the real test and when things will get interesting. F2 plants would be incredible!

Looking great. Interested to see the cross results.

Thank you, the best will be if they make it to fruit.
Very nice, SG. I love new crosses and will definitely keep tabs on your glog! Are you going for taste or looks with your new crosses?
C. galapagoense ripening:

I am so jealous! :P

I've been trying to grow C. galapagoense for a long time now. I actually had two going last season but the idiots above me at my old place decided to wash their patio and pushed all the water down right where all my baby plants were sitting getting some sun. I was furious! One died pretty much right away and the other held on for a little bit after a repot but died not long after. :(

Is that the crossed pod? Keen to see what you have in store for us! Hurry up and get those seeds sown... chop chop! :P

Pimenta da Neyde x Bhut F1, first flower:

Looking nice! It will be interesting to see how yours turns out.

I've been trying to cross a Naga with PDN but so far my three attempts have failed. The flowers keep aborting. Now that my PDN has stopped flowering, I will have to wait for another wave.
I am very happy about this galapagoense pod ripening (it is not the cross), I have had a lot of trouble with germinating and growing them too. One of my crossed fruit is getting there, shouldn't be much longer now.

I made three nedye x bhut crosses, I'm only growing one, but I've given seed to a handful of people on here.
I am very happy about this galapagoense pod ripening (it is not the cross), I have had a lot of trouble with germinating and growing them too. One of my crossed fruit is getting there, shouldn't be much longer now.

I made three nedye x bhut crosses, I'm only growing one, but I've given seed to a handful of people on here.

Ah well, it's still a ripe pod nonetheless! Have you had a chance to taste them yet or will this be your first? And just out of curiousity, do you get the strange odour from the plant as some have reported?

I just noticed three new buds on my PDN. Looks like it doesn't want to stop. :D
Ah well, it's still a ripe pod nonetheless! Have you had a chance to taste them yet or will this be your first? And just out of curiousity, do you get the strange odour from the plant as some have reported?

I just noticed three new buds on my PDN. Looks like it doesn't want to stop. :D

I haven't noticed the smell... maybe faintly. I've had one ripen on this plant before, was actually tasty, none of those seeds germinated though... I hope these do, I'm trying a different method. Yeah, that PdN must like your climate better than here...
I didn't really notice the smell from mine either. Maybe faintly too. I thought maybe just because it was young, but I have heard certain--still unknown?--conditions possibly trigger it.

Inspired I went and cross-pollinated my own wild today. It's no C. galapagoense but I crossed a C. chacoense with a baccatum and a C. annuum with chaco. Also inspired, they shall remain a mystery. :shh: Now to play the waiting game and see if they take!