• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SG Winter 2012

I'm growing a very limited number of plants during the Winter. These are all crosses and I'm starting them early in case they inherit any extra-long season traits.



Were your galapas hairy as soon as they broke the surface? I have a second one coming up now,and they are alittle fuzzy but not like yours. Hope I didn't mix my seeds up. A couple other wilds I have came up without hair but got fuzzy after a couple days.
extremely interesting crosses. How are they doing?

Everything's doing well, I'm just taking a photo break until my regular 2013 seedlings get more photogenic...

Were your galapas hairy as soon as they broke the surface? I have a second one coming up now,and they are alittle fuzzy but not like yours. Hope I didn't mix my seeds up. A couple other wilds I have came up without hair but got fuzzy after a couple days.

When they first emerge you have to look very close to see the hairs (especially if you're starting them in somewhat dark conditions), after a couple of days in decent light they start to look more fuzzy. Give it some time... if it's not real fuzzy, who knows maybe it's a cross if not a mix-up...
I have cgn 22208 also,I am gonna toss them in some dirt. It could be certain ones aren't as fuzzy??? I have seen 3 different accession numbers. Thanks for the info.
I don't know about you guys but I'm feeling pretty fuzzy right now.

My wilds are still hiding under the dirt.....they must be camera shy...

I have cgn 22208 also,I am gonna toss them in some dirt. It could be certain ones aren't as fuzzy??? I have seen 3 different accession numbers. Thanks for the info.

As far as I understand it, the different accession numbers really don't produce consistently different results. It's a wild plant, so they're not stabilized in the same way as non-wilds. I think if it's not furry, it's not galapagoense since this is one of the main morphological features used in IDing them.

I don't know about you guys but I'm feeling pretty fuzzy right now.

My wilds are still hiding under the dirt.....they must be camera shy...


Some of them take forever and have some strange germination requirements. Last year after giving up on some I put them in my basement near a window (cooler temps and some partial periodic sun) where they finally germinated when they felt like it.

Nice progress, SG.

Thanks PG, I'll start up my 2013 glog one of these days.