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chinense Shabu Shabu Jolokia

I ordered some seeds form chilepepperpetes this year and most sprouted except the mourga scorpions so i tried again by planting more last week. I paid about 4$ for 10 seeds and only received 9. The first 3 i planted in rockwool cubes did not sprout after 6 weeks. I sent him and email telling him that the seeds looked old and did not sprout so he opted to send me some Shabu Shabu Jolokia strain that grows wild in south west china. Samples have reported to be around 1.2 shu. I was wondering if anyone else has heard of this strain. He supposedly came acroos this strain while traveling in china. Not much info on the web about this pepper plant.
i will start them when i get more work done in my attic. I need some wiring done and outlets installed. I will keep these in isolation if i get them to sprout so i can pass them on if this strain in legit.
They do sound interesting! I'm guessing, provided the story is not a fabrication--not pointing any fingers, just sayin' is all--they would just be another Naga/Bhut type strain that ended up growing in South West China?
i sent him and email stating that the seeds did not sprout and asked if he had time to send me some replacements. He told me that these seeds were in the post and that i'm the only person in the western hemi with them. I'm either blessed or i got hosed.
i sent him and email stating that the seeds did not sprout and asked if he had time to send me some replacements. He told me that these seeds were in the post and that i'm the only person in the western hemi with them. I'm either blessed or i got hosed.

Man I hope you get these and they turn out to be some new stuff, good luck with this mess.
Hi Michael, the shabushabu grows wild in south west china up against the border with burma. Local farmers travel for a month every year picking the ripe pods which are worth a lot of money and renowned throughout china for their fearsome heat. I believe its the furthest east that this chilli ranges and am looking at the moment in burma to fill the gap between nagaland and china. How these chillis got to this part of the world is still a mystery. Stories say that they have always grown there which is not possible as all the solinaceae family were trapped in the new world until being discovered by the spanish/portuguese. However there have been digs on the west coast of the us and chile further south that have discovered traditional chinese boats so maybe they do have a longer history than is known. All things are possible.

The handful of seeds that I have are as far as I know the only ones to have ever been exported. We are crossing the shabushabu with our spanish naga which after 12 seasons needs strengthening. It is the hottest commercially available chilli we have ever measured as most naga from assam bangladesh etc are very rarely anywhere near their potential.

With your grow room you have the opportunity to grow these chillis to the max by controlling the growing environment. There are a lot of products on the market that have the potential of increasing capsaicin levels. We have been experimenting with various chemicals and measuring the results regularly. It works out rather expensive but perhaps one day it will pay off.

I still believe that the naga chilli has the potential to beat the various trinidad chillis as we have had some astounding readings over the years. The long term aim is to grow a large crop of of hundreds of kilos with the magic reading of 1Mshus. All claims of the worlds hottest chilli have always been from a handful of plants which to me doesnt really count. We currently produce a few hundred kilos but the results are so weather dependant that we have only hit the 1m one year with a random cross section of the crop. We are hoping by crossing with the shabushabu we will have a better chance.

The seeds I sent you are the only ones there are at this time. Nobody else has them. Its up to you how you use them but I thought that with your grow room you would be able to produce some seed that you can send back over here and make the most of them in the US. Commercially they are very rare and as far as I know are unknown in the US.

Good luck, Peter

email he sent me yesterday with info on this pepper strain he came across.