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Shakshouka! (photographed recipe)


This how i make it.
it basicly made with egg's, but i do it (as you see) without eggs, more like an hot complex dip.
Shakshouka in Slang means a “all mixed up.”
First pardon about my english, i'm much better in hebrew, but i'll do my best.

Part one, you take 5 tommetos and cut the end of it, and let them boil for the skin to come off:

Then, you take Halapinio pepper, i use 1. but u can use 10, or what pepper u like.
i like it hot, but not trying to kill my self with it (:
this is hot i'm pilling the skin of the pepper:

Part tow, cutting 9 tooth of garlic, let it lay in solt for 10 min, for the liquids to get out in diffusion

You fry the garlic till it get brown/goldish

that is how the tomatos look like after they boiled for 14 min, much more easy to get the skin off.

take some Bell (Sweet) peppers. cut them to half and put in the hoven, again to remove the skin:

then you cut them to long stips, like this:

Cook the tommatos and the garlik for somthing 10 min, on small fire, dont let it burn and dont add water

now u can add the cut bell peppres:

This is how it looks like

add some Black pepper, i think it called english pepper...i use somthing like a half a spoon of it:

This is how it looks 30 min later:

Then u add the skinless pepper, after u do it, cash and cut him with somthing...

i add him near the end of the cooking so the heat wont kill the heat of the pepper (:
Great pics and recipe descriptions, Avi! Thanks for posting. That might be just the inspiration needed for a sauce I have to make.
See, when u feel that u can peel the skin easly then u can stop boiling. after 15 sec it still attached to the tomatoes pretty hard from my expreiance
i forgot to write about the olive oil, use somthing like 5 spoons of olive oil.
well this looks like something I can really enjoy and it sounds spectacular. what would be the effect with a little chopped celantro like a garnish? A fried egg on the side and some fried steak? I cant stand it I gotta try this.
What is the country of origin, is this a Hebrew dish?
Its true origin is in north Africa, but the dish greatly evolved in Israel. poaching eggs in the Shakshuka is a must, as it's the only constant ingredient. some variations include pre-grilled/roasted/fried meats and sausages in the Shakshuka.


Google pics (Hebrew):

Google pics (English):

Feel free to take inspiration.
I actually think eggs are the one constant ingredient in shakshuka... lol. shakshuka with no eggs is like guacamole with no avocado.

eggs is constant! how can i made huevos ranchero without eggs??
I thing this Shakshouka is almost a variant of mexican "huevos ranchero" :D