• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Shane's Tiny Glog 2015

Well...wasn't going to post one this season. Not much going on. I am set to leave for 6 months in August so I'm not growing very much this year. Mainly a couple varieties I am trying to stabilize...but I got some volunteers and wilds that overwintered in the ground. I am in the middle of a crazy pre-deployment training schedule, so updates will be sporadic. I really just want to document the crosses on here for future reference. So here are a couple pics.

Primo X...

Romy Mystery X Goat's Weed along the back with Jals in front. 

A couple of the Mystery X GW's in front of a coffee table for reference. They are already about 2.5 feet tall. I am hoping they'll top 11' this season.

These are large orange thai for the Growdown this season. 

A closer look at one...

Some buds on the Mystery X GW

Some action on the Primo X too...

Gave these away...they're in really good hands though! 
The overwintered plants are looking a little sad...

This is an Apache Pepper

And a Galapagoense looking pretty tired as well. 
All of the plants that survived the winter have been neglected, but I just started a feeding schedule and did some weeding and trimming to allow them some better light. Hopefully I will be able to show you some good looking plants in a few weeks. Hope everyone is doing well this year! I am not going to make any promises, but I will try to get on and check out what you all have going soon.
Nice work Shane, where there is a will , there is always a way.Lookin great brother......
Kinda sneaky like though....
....good practice :shh:
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Things look great. .deployed? ? Where to??
I will be mainly in the Persian Gulf area...with a little Africa mixed in for good measure maybe.
millworkman said:
AWESOME Shane!  Great looking plants man.
Thanks bruddah...
OCD Chilehead said:
Great looking hedges Shane. Nice podage. Orange Thai is pretty impressive. Hope you get some ripe pods before deployment.

Thanks for sharing
Not quite to hedge status yet...but they're gonna get there I think! As long as my watering system doesn't fail??? I sure hope I get some ripe ones too!!!
gnslngr said:
Nice work Shane, where there is a will , there is always a way.Lookin great brother......
Kinda sneaky like though....
....good practice :shh:
Sneaky??? Never underestimate the power of the sneakiness!
maximumcapsicum said:
Love the GW X. Looks like you're going to get some sizable pods. Looking forward to your updates when you have the time!
That GW x is a fun and perdy plant for surfe...and I hope I will get a few golf ball and egg sized pods before I deploy!!! :pray:
Speaking of large pods...

My Jals are loaded with them!!!
The rest of these pics are of my Primo X pods...








All for now folks...I'll get back on as soon as I can...