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Heres my latest batches:


The one on the right is great.
here's one I just whipped up. After tasting and sharing some fresh naga morich peppers (from pepper ridge farm) it seemed the best thing to do with the rest is to make a sauce!

1/2 small Walla Walla Sweet onion- minced
1/2 head garlic-
2 Tbsp ground (fresh) ginger
1 ripe mango
1/2 cup vinegar
1/2 cup water
1/2 tsp coriander
1/2 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp salt
7 Naga Morich peppers
2 purple mystery peppers from the garden

I wanted the peppers to be small pieces and all the rest to be thoroughly pureed. So the the onion and garlic went into the food processor first and then the mango, onion, garlic, ginger,vinegar and water all went onto the stove to simmer for 20 minutes or so. When everything was soft it went back into the food processor and got thoroughly whirled.


Just a side note here, be VERY CAREFUL when blendering or food processing hot liquids. The steam can actually force a lid off and splashed liquids can burn.

After the mango-onion stuff was pureed, I put the purple-green chiles in and pulse chopped them until they were the right size. They went into the pot and then the nagas got pulsed (with a little of the sauce I had reserved) until they were to the right size.

Here, the purple peppers are already in the pot and the nagas are in the processor.

The Money Shots-


This sauce is really garlicy and oniony but you can still taste the ginger...and then it hits! Hubby tasted it and said..."Oh, That's GOOD!" And after about 20 seconds he said, " :censored: " :mouthonfire: and started hiccuping. The purple-green peppers faded a little during cooking and I probably wouldn't use them again. I was hoping they would hold their color a little better, but not to worry. It tastes great and still looks pretty good. It just didn't get all the colors to pop.

Our neighbor came up today and we got him to try a sliver of the naga. He wouldn't show it in front of me, but after the guys left the kitchen, Salsadude said he just about melted. I think he deserves the little bottle of sauce just for being a good sport. Or maybe as revenge for stealing the plants that were supposed to go to someone else. LOL!
Lol okay I have to admit I've been drinking lots of milk hahaha


The scorp sauce kicked my butt :woohoo: I nearly had to evacuate the house for a bit while the sauce was boiling. Hope it tastes good I ended up burning so hard I couldn't go back for many taste tests.

The fatalli/yellow 7 sauce was basically the same recipe again with some honey added and a tinny dash of fish sauce and some extra lemon grass.

Will see how they taste in a few weeks.
Hippies scorp sauce is freaking hot lol and my first batch wasn't anywhere as hot but this ones going to be a lot hotter. At one point while cooking it I gave it a tinny taste and ended up with hiccups lol The sauce still doesn't look anywhere near as red as the skobian.

I only added 1 red onion, 2 pears and then the rest was scorps so thats a lot of peppers :) :onfire:

Lol will go have a taste hahaha
Now that burn just seems to keep going


Yeah thats real hot lol Made me hiccup and take a good number of deep gulps lol

Tastes good at this point so it should only get better :)

ahhhhh mmmm hot lol

I opened up a new bottle yesterday and yeah its thick. I added 2x Fatalii's to the yellow 7's so as you said the heat isn't so overwhelming that you can't taste the sauces flavor.

Glad you enjoyed it, its my second favorite with the BT Scorp sauce coming in first :)

To be honest I doubt I'd be able to eat a whole tablespoon of the scorp sauce without running for some milk or ice cream lol Its a nice a nice tasting sauce but this time round I really ramped up the heat, it's at least 50% BT scorp pods. I would compare its effects on the body as the same as a actual pod but maybe just toned down a little bit.

Looking forward to hearing how the scorp sauce goes :)
Lol hahaha yeah the scorp sauce can put you on the toilet in no time at all lol I had a day off work the other day thinking that I had a stomach bug but then remembered I'd had the sauce the night before.

Just had boiled eggs with a good helping of the sauce in each one :) Works a treat

I'm at the point where I don't think I'd change the recipe, all the flavors seem to just settle in so well.

Good stuff Jas, it's nice to hear a chiliheads opinion :woohoo: