Sharing cuttings?

Does anyone share cuttings of pepper plants? I have done it a few times with others just wandering if people here do the same. I'm not talking about rooted plants just clippings of the plant. I would send people cuttings if they wanted them. My collection isn't huge at the moment rather limited but I will share if anyone wants anything.
How long are cuttings able to stay viable without being rooted or in a humidity dome or something? My cuttings always wilt quickly unless immediately placed in water prior to being re-cut & stuck in cloning media. Clones and cuttings are an awesome way to share a neat unstable hybrid for sure!
When we send them we take the cutting wrap the stem in moist paper towel and place in a zip lock bag. I have had cuts take 4 days to arrive and did fine. When I get a cut I just recut the stem dip it in rooting hormone and put it in a rock wool cube in a humididome and wait.
I send stuff in pill bottle type snap lid containers with a piece of damp rockwool.
That way I can usually use a Bubble envelope instead of a box for shipping.
It's a little cheaper...
Use a container big enough for whatever cutting is being sent.
I know a person who is thinking about selling rooted cuttings from their unstable super hot plants and other veggies.I'd think it would be a great way to get an early start on your garden in places that have a short season.
Sounds interesting if done later in the year right before the first frost. I don't know too many people who want to take cuttings of their plants during the season. At the end of the season I'm sure you will get plenty of takers. I know I'm planning on taking a lot of cuttings this fall under the premise that rooting clones will take up less space than over wintering a full size plant and I'll have the  the same peppers that I grew this year.
i dont have any thing "rare" yet  som habanero some banana, cherry, and thai, i do have 15 ghost seeds tho i would be willing to trade Cuttings for something else when its grown big enough to trim
Yea for sure they take up a lot less room than a full grown plant. The thing I like is you know the donner plant and know what to expect from it.No spending alot of time on a plant that doesn't turn out to be what you expected.
Rooted cuts would be cool as long as the roots were kept moist during shipping.
I'm definitely in. I've already tested a homemade cloner I made and it works nice. I had a rough start and when it hit hight temps (115ºF+) a few of mine died but I still have some late starts and they're not growing to well in the heat... So whether they produce or not I'm gonna clone them or just root wash them and put them in the cloner depending on the size and if I have any that I can't keep I can ship em to whoever wants them to try the shipping thing.

Who knows it might be the next best way to ship seedlings/cuttings.

, Walter
With all the unstable stuff going around rooted clones are the only way to go these days.

Why spend months growing from seed to find out it didn't grow true when you could clone something and KNOW what it will grow,assuming you got the clone from a trusted source.

I don't see clone sasbe offers though in the future.

Lots of work to grow said plant and clone it.
BUT the cost of buying a rooted clone will insure you get what you wanted to grow.
I'm talking about a cool cross that probably only 1 person got from seed that won't grow true from seed.
The super hot craze has created a lot of unstable crosses.
I see rooted clones as the best way to get most new stuff without having to deal with unstable seeds.

As stated already,an added + is they are smaller than overwintering plants AND are bigger than seedlings so you can get them in the ground or pot earlier.

I see the cost to the buyer as being higher than buying starter plants BUT they are from stuff that otherwise would be 1 trick ponies from seed
If the cross/cutting has whatever-taste and or super heat or looks people want.
Cuttings are the only way to get that plant if it is a cross.

I'd LOVE to get a few cuttings from stuff Chris has grown that were crosses that are a crap shoot as far as seeds go.
Not just Chris's stuff,there is a LOT of stuff out there that isn't stable.

Get cuttings from the actual plant that was a couple million scovilles or whatever else floats your boat.

A rooted cutting can be sent in a pill bottle with a chunk of rockwool or whatever in a few days within the U.S.
I have some that by September or so should be ready to clone and trade. I have some Chocolate Habanero,Bhut Jolokia, Dorset Naga and Butch T Scorpions. I have a few more but they are seedlings right now.
I'd be in for a rooted cutting exchange.
bhuts, butch T, trinidad scorps, morugas, paper lanterns, fataliis and a host of others.
One thing that we ought to consider is that we have a picture of the pods that those plants produced so others are sure about what they are getting. Wayyyyy too many unintentional crosses around. it would limit the caveat emptor  factor somewhat.
I would be in, but I guess for me it wouldn't work out. Since I don't have any that are podding up. In the fall if I get some to pod up I'll be in for trades too.

The one I would be mostly interested in would be the BUBBLEGUM. I can also keep growing it during winter and share cuttings in the spring or whenever it's appropriate.

Here's some pics of the way I clone.

Tepin. 7/17/13 (idk why it's curled down, but it's growing and it's showing a couple of buds)


Same Tepin.


, Walter
I think this is a great idea, especially as already said for the unstable hybrids.  Could definitely do it to save on over winter room as well.  I might have to experiment with air layering on peppers.
I'm in for sure. I've already been passing out clones of one of my awesome tomato plants to all my friends & coworkers this year & this will give me the excuse I need to finish building that aero cloner.
I'd be in, except I live in Canada which would be a problem.  Unless of course there's other canucks out there that would be interested.
The key to sharing clones is making sure you quarantine everything you get for a couple weeks so that you can make sure they're pest/disease.  Otherwise you risk infecting the rest of your room.  It's a lot easier to monitor spray a couple clones then a full room