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She's here!

I thought we agreed that you'd name her Paula

We considered it Pauly - it was so hard deciding on a name!

Mrs. AJ said tell you she was adorable Mel...

I told her this was her internet grandchild...
Thanks AJ (and Mrs AJ!) your internet grandchild is growing so fast - too bad you cant come and visit!

Awwww, soooo cute! :)

Look at the wonder in her eyes.... life is amazing, isn't it?

Gas - its crazy - just watching her grow is so cool - she's follows you with her eyes and her head turns when she hears my voice - its freaky how quick it all happens!

Nova - you can pinch her chubby cheeks :) she might cry a bit though - you'd prolly scare her!

thanks for all the nice comments guys :)
hey guys,

Ive been awol for a bit but am learning to type quite well left handed.. Little Em has bad reflux which in turn means little sleep and no free hands during the day! Updated pics below.. Unfortunately my heat tolerance is now below 0.. i cant eat spicy food, dairy or acidic food which is leaving my diet pretty bland... My poor plants are just remnants now..was hoping the douglah and fatalli might make it through winter but we've had a few frosty mornings so the outlook is grim! I hsve a bottle of chilli vodka jst waiting to be cracked open but id say that has to wait at least another 6 months.. oh well :)

hope everyone is well, little Em is now 10 weeks old!


thats no good about the reflux. is that why you cant eat hot as well?
My first had colic and reflux bad, took us like 3hrs to get him to sleep cos he was in so much pain and then he'd only sleep for 1hr!

I know what you mean about typing! i have the same problem which is why in my posts there are spelling mistakes or not many capital letters :lol:

hope you can get some new plants started for this season.
hang in there, Mel, the rough times will pass and things will get better.

Thanks for the update pictures, love the laughing one~