• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Shlogg's Glog 2013... Long overdue update.

Hey THP. Well 2013 is upon us, time to start growing!

I picked 27 varieties to take up the bulk of my garden space. Mostly supers but also a couple cool varieties that aren't so hot. Anyway, I soaked my seeds in a weak herbal tea blend for 24 hours, rinsed them and they are now resting comfortably in my germination tank. I'm trying cotton make-up removal pads to keep them moist instead of paper towels. They seem to work great!

My tank consists of a plastic storage bin filled with water and a fish tank heater. The heater can take a little playing with to get the temps just right but once I find the sweet spot its perfectly constant. I then float my seeds in condiment cups on the warm water. It's really works.

I did have a few hiccups in the process though. I was a bit hasty and put my seeds in the germ tank before getting the temp just right. It reached 86 degrees for a couple hours before I caught it but they should be fine. I've got them at 82 degrees now which I think is perfect. Now I'm just excitedly waiting for tap roots so I can get them all into my seedlings trays.

Here what I have going:
20 TS Moruga Blend
20 7 Pot Brainstrain
20 TS Butch T
20 Bhut Jolokia
10 TS Moruga Blend Yellow
10 7 Pot Brainstrain Yellow
10 7 Pot Primo
10 Bhut Jolokia Chocolate
10 Bhut Jolokia Peach
10 TS Chocolate
10 Douglah
10 Bhut Jolokia Yellow
8 7 Pot Jonah
8 7 Pot Congo SR
8 Billy Boy Douglah Red
4 7 Pot Burgundy
4 TS Orange
4 Devil's Tongue
4 7 Pot Chaguanas
4 Bahamian Goat
4 7 Pot Barrackpore
4 7 Pot Savannah
4 Douglah Yellow
4 Billy Boy Douglah
4 Douglah X Butch T
4 Naga Jolokia
4 Jalabanero

I believe that's it for now. I'll be adding more varieties when I have room in the grow box.

Here's a low quality shot of the boys in their bath:

Thanks for looking!
Here's another of my 4 days of growth updates:



4/11(Looks like its time for a foliar)


These are my anuums with a lot of chinense, baccatum and wilds sprinkled in.

Not quite as dramatic a change as my last pics but I think they're about to go off.
Just added a pic from yesterday. They're growing slow. I think I'll hit them with a foliar tonight. Not sure what I'll use. Maybe seaweed.
Just over a week to go til plant out. The weather looks to be cooperating just fine too. Half my plants are outside hardening off now. They still haven't seen direct sun yet just a few days in the shade. The temps tonight will get down into the 40s a bit chilly but not dangerous. By the end of this week I hope to have most of my plants acclimated to outdoor life and ready to go in the ground. I have one tray that is still too small for the garden that I'm pushing to grow fast. They are mostly for seed stock anyway so I'm not worried about getting them out early.

I have a lot of garden prep to do before planting. I'm tilling in 3 yards of leaf compost and probably some peat and perlite to my rows then topping off with a few inches of hardwood mulch, around 4 yards worth. I probably using PVC for irrigation this year but I'm still undecided. I might end up using drip tape instead. I also plan on prepping a new area for next year. I have a pretty flat spot with full day sun that is just sod right now. I plan on tilling 10-12 rows 24' long each. I might plant alfalfa there this year and till it into the soil this fall, then cover with as many leaves as I can get and re-till in the spring. My soil is mostly red clay so it needs alot of organic matter added. This second plot will be for nons. Can't wait to get started!

Here's an impenetrable canopy of supers battling for light.

Beneath the canopy is an unforgiving place, where unseen creature's lurk in the perpetual darness.

The 3 tall plants are my Birgit's for the Biggest Plant Growdown.

Tall lanky plants those Birgit's are. Til next time. Over and out :lol:
Just for shoots and giggles, I figured I'd update my list with all that I have going currently.
  1. TS Moruga Blend
  2. 7 Pot Brainstrain
  3. TS Butch T
  4. Bhut Jolokia
  5. TS Moruga Blend Yellow
  6. 7 Pot Brainstrain Yellow
  7. 7 Pot Primo
  8. Bhut Jolokia Chocolate
  9. Bhut Jolokia Peach
  10. TS Chocolate
  11. Douglah
  12. Bhut Jolokia Yellow
  13. 7 Pot Jonah
  14. 7 Pot Congo SR
  15. Billy Boy Douglah Red
  16. 7 Pot Burgundy
  17. TS Orange
  18. Devil's Tongue
  19. 7 Pot Chaguanas
  20. Bahamian Goat
  21. 7 Pot Barrackpore
  22. 7 Pot Savannah
  23. Douglah Yellow
  24. Billy Boy Douglah
  25. Douglah X Butch T
  26. Naga Jolokia
  27. Jalabanero
  28. Paper Lantern
  29. Habanero Big Sun
  30. Congo Black
  31. Harold's St. Barts
  32. Habanero White (No idea which type. Hopefully not bullet.)
  33. Habanero Peach
  34. Scotch Bonnet TFM
  35. Scotch Bonnet Red
  36. Tobago Treasure
  37. Trinidad SB Yellow
  38. Scotch Bonnet Brown
  39. Jamaican Yellow
  40. BJ x Douglah
  41. BJ x Thai Dragon
  42. BJ x TS
  43. BJ Indian Carbon
  44. BJ White
  45. BJ Purple
  46. Infinity (Gnarly, Very hot)
  47. TS Cardi
  48. Naga Morich
  49. Fatalii Chocolate
  50. Fatalii
  51. Nagabon
  52. Beni Highland
  53. Sepia Serpent
  54. Datil
  55. PI 441598
  56. Peruvian White Habanero
  57. Pimenta de Neyde
  58. Blue Mystery
  59. Most Prolific
  60. Manzano Orange
  61. Manzano Yellow
  62. Rocoto (From market in Lima, Peru)
  63. Rocoto (From market in Cajamarca, Peru)
  64. Unknown Bangladesh 1 (From a friends garden in Bangladesh)
  65. Unknown Bangladesh 2 (Same garden different variety)
  66. Tepin Wild Mexican
  67. PI 260478
  68. Tabasco (Louisiana Variety)
  69. Bradley's Bahamian
  70. Maui Purple
  71. Peru Purple
  72. Thai Black
  73. Thai Red Hot Ornamental
  74. Thai Dragon
  75. Goat's Weed
  76. Birgit's Locoto
  77. Aji Amarillo (From market in Lima)
  78. Aji Amarillo (From market in Paracas)
  79. Hanoi X Cajamarca F2
  80. Aji Limo
  81. Aji Umba
  82. Aji Pico Pajaro
  83. Aji Cajamarca
  84. Aji Limon
  85. Aji Cristal
  86. Ancient Sweet
  87. Big Jim
  88. Ancho
  89. Peter
  90. Peter Yellow
  91. Jalapeño Purple
  92. Jalapeño Biker Billy
  93. Jalapeño M
  94. Jalapeño Giant
  95. Brazilian Starfish
  96. Bishop's Hat
  97. Habanero Mustard
  98. Unknown Sri Lanka
Wow! Just noticed I only have 98 varieties. I do have some Tovarii and an Eximium I been aching to try. Maybe I'll start those up now to bring me to an even hundred. :crazy:
Edit: I forgot about my West Virginia Pea. Just got it from CCN. That's makes 99.
Thanks peeps.

Frost advisory tonight, what a bummer. I'm off from Tuesday onward this week and plan to prep the garden and plant almost everything out. Hope this is old man winter's last hoorah for the year. I had to bring all the kiddies inside for a sleep over tonight. Back to the dining room they go. Mama is gonna be thrilled :).


These things are just begging to be put in the dirt. I can't wait to see them spread their wings once they get some room.


Watch out for your babies tonight mid-atlantic growers. It gonna be a cold one.
Started work on the garden this mornin. The temps are still low at night. It's has been in the 40s high 30s the past couple. The extended Outlook looks good though. I'm aiming for plantout by the end of the week.

Here a shot of the garden from the kitchen window this morning.


My first four rows are beginning their second season. I'm adding 5 more this year. I picked up 4 yards of leaf compost to put down today. I'll add some more goodies before I til tomorrow.

Here we go!


Lotta work to git to. I'll keep ya posted!

I started 2 more but I lost my only Bishops Hat. Hopefully I'll make it to 100 but these rare wilds seem pretty finicky. ColoradoRonin has promised me a few seeds from his badass Reapers so I'll start them as well.

4 yards is alot buy I wish I had more. They're charging 32 bucks a yard for it here. Too expensive for me to buy anymore. It amazing quality though.

I may end up sleeping in the play house if the wife gets fed up with all the peppers I bring home. It's a beautiful property but I only grow there. I don't live there unfortunately.

Got a fair amount of work done today. I spread all the compost and shoveled all the spill over from winter back on the rows. Each row is 20' by 3'. I plant 2 rows of 12 plants per row for pods and 3 rows of 18 for seeds. 6 rows are for pods 2 rows for seed and one for nons.

Here's a couple shots from the end of the work day.


These first 4 rows rise a good 18" from ground level.


Thanks for looking!
Been running the tiller all day. Finally takin a breather so I figured I update the glog.

Loaded up the truck with some stuff to break up my clay.


Ready to start amending.


The snow-capped peaks of the "Great Super Hot Mountains".


Ready to roll!


Allright, got it all mixed in. Now to rake all the spill over back into the rows.

Looks good my friend, quite a bit of work went into that, I saw that pick axe:). I know from experience.

I'm thinking you're gonna have a great grow this year. Cheers!

Thanks Devv. It was a lot of work, and I don't even have a single plant in the ground yet. Fortunately I didn't need the pick ax. I just brought it down "just in case". Still have a ways to go before I can sit back and watch them grow.
Hope both of our grows are great this year. Thanks for commenting!

My first 2 rows are ready for mulch! Came out pretty good too.

The new plot we're working on.

Another load of leaf compost for the new plot.

I don't know if this picture does it justice but this stuff is Freakin awesome!

That's it for today.
Yeah it's awesome! It looks like your soil has a lot of clay, this will definitely help.

I've grown in similar soil and it's easier than dealing with the sand I have now. In sand all the good stuff keeps on going down, constant amendments needed.

Can't wait to see how things turn out!
Love dat land ... every ting there looks great!!! That leaf compost looks awesome, that will surely be da bomb! Mon you must have worked your azz off, great job, can't wait to see dem all in the ground ^_^

Edit: Oh I had forgotten all about the list ... what can I say it's huge! Not sure I could deal with that many but will enjoy your pod pics ^_^