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Shlogg's Glog 2013... Long overdue update.

Hey THP. Well 2013 is upon us, time to start growing!

I picked 27 varieties to take up the bulk of my garden space. Mostly supers but also a couple cool varieties that aren't so hot. Anyway, I soaked my seeds in a weak herbal tea blend for 24 hours, rinsed them and they are now resting comfortably in my germination tank. I'm trying cotton make-up removal pads to keep them moist instead of paper towels. They seem to work great!

My tank consists of a plastic storage bin filled with water and a fish tank heater. The heater can take a little playing with to get the temps just right but once I find the sweet spot its perfectly constant. I then float my seeds in condiment cups on the warm water. It's really works.

I did have a few hiccups in the process though. I was a bit hasty and put my seeds in the germ tank before getting the temp just right. It reached 86 degrees for a couple hours before I caught it but they should be fine. I've got them at 82 degrees now which I think is perfect. Now I'm just excitedly waiting for tap roots so I can get them all into my seedlings trays.

Here what I have going:
20 TS Moruga Blend
20 7 Pot Brainstrain
20 TS Butch T
20 Bhut Jolokia
10 TS Moruga Blend Yellow
10 7 Pot Brainstrain Yellow
10 7 Pot Primo
10 Bhut Jolokia Chocolate
10 Bhut Jolokia Peach
10 TS Chocolate
10 Douglah
10 Bhut Jolokia Yellow
8 7 Pot Jonah
8 7 Pot Congo SR
8 Billy Boy Douglah Red
4 7 Pot Burgundy
4 TS Orange
4 Devil's Tongue
4 7 Pot Chaguanas
4 Bahamian Goat
4 7 Pot Barrackpore
4 7 Pot Savannah
4 Douglah Yellow
4 Billy Boy Douglah
4 Douglah X Butch T
4 Naga Jolokia
4 Jalabanero

I believe that's it for now. I'll be adding more varieties when I have room in the grow box.

Here's a low quality shot of the boys in their bath:

Thanks for looking!
Yeah it's awesome! It looks like your soil has a lot of clay, this will definitely help.

I've grown in similar soil and it's easier than dealing with the sand I have now. In sand all the good stuff keeps on going down, constant amendments needed.

Can't wait to see how things turn out!
Luckily I haven't grown in sandy soil. The clay isn't that bad. It actually has a lot of nutrients. The main problem with it is the clumping. My second year rows already look great but my first year rows still need a bit of work.

I still have a ways to go before I'm "finished".Hopefully I have atleast 6 rows planted by Sunday. We'll see.

Love dat land ... every ting there looks great!!! That leaf compost looks awesome, that will surely be da bomb! Mon you must have worked your azz off, great job, can't wait to see dem all in the ground ^_^

Edit: Oh I had forgotten all about the list ... what can I say it's huge! Not sure I could deal with that many but will enjoy your pod pics ^_^
Thanks man. I am lucky to have such a large area to grow on. The whole area is a north facing slop but I can't complain. I love it!

The leaf compost looks really good this year. I spent waaaay more than I would've liked on it, hope it pays off.

It has been a huge amount of work but it for a good cause right? I might not till my second year rows next year. That will make things easier.

Varieties, varieties. What can I say? I never met a variety I didn't like.

[sub]Awesome grow plot Shlogg! Lot of work play involved for that mini farm! :dance: [/sub]
Thanks Steve. A lot of back breaking play :).
That's a bunch more work for yourself...You'll get 'er done! I imagine plants are going in as I type! Can't wait to see them all tucked in their new beds.
I wish they were going in. I gotta entertain Mama and the boy today. I gonna hit the garden hard tomorrow. Picking up 4 yards of shredded hardwood, spreading it and then PLANTING!

Check up this clay-clumping in action.

Just for scale, these clumps are huge.

I'll get them all broken up this year with plenty of organic matter (and pepper roots).

I finally have a chance to take my son to his swim class. I'm never off Saturdays but I'm on vacation this week.

Here he is eager to start.
Holy Glog! I can't believe I missed this one! Gonna stay tuned. Your rows look spectacular. Gonna be a jungle out there man! I see you grow nice lookin kids as well as plants! Awesome glog bro.
Thanks man! I sure hope its a jungle. If all goes well there won't be any room between rows is a few months. I'll be crawling around on my hands and knees tryin to pick.

Between work and rain I didn't get nearly as much done today as I would've liked. I picked up 2 yards of shredded hardwood and that wad enough for 4 rows. I'm hoping not to get rained out tomorrow so I can finish mulching and plant.

4 rows just waiting patiently for plants.
Yaayyyyy!!!! 500 posts. This is my third year on THP too. Bit slower than most but better late than never.

And away we go!!! Hope the weather lets you get planted sooner rather than later...Rows look great!
I'm afraid they're calling for more of the same weather for the next 2 days. I'm gonna have to bust out the rain gear tomorrow and get them things planted. I've got 190 hardened off and about 70 still inside. Tomorrow morning I'll move the last tray outside to harden and plant them sometime next week.

I still need to set up my irrigation and stake my rows. Lots to do but so rewarding.
504 posts..."This is why he's hot, this is why he's hot...he's hot 'cause he's fly, you ain't 'cause you're not"

Get muddy buddy! Have fun...Several times last year my wife thought I was crazy out there picking Tepins with a rain slicker on...it's theraputic!
It really is. I was gettin my therapy on like a champ today. It rained damn near all day. It was more of a mist and drizzle than a downpour though. Still got mud up to my knees anyway. I got 72 in the dirt so far today. I'm doing a dozen more plants and calling it quits.
Dedication my friend!

I agree therapy; I now sit in front of a PC all day and the first thing I do when I come home is hit the outdoors.
I hope to hit the "real" outdoors a time or two once I get the gardens done. I haven't been fishing yet this year. The Crappy must've had a hell of a spring without me. The bass are calling my name though.

Here an update on my conjoined BJP. You can still see the two stems fused.

One side is slightly dominant but its less obvious now.

That's it for today. More to come mañana.
Took most of the day off from gardening and took my son fishing and to the park. It was a beautiful day, blue sky, lower seventies and just a gentle breeze. He had a great time we even built a sandcastle in the beach volleyball pit.

I did lay down some garden fabric and hand watered 108 plants. I tried using a soaker hose but it missed a few plants so I watered them all. Also did a little fence work and moved some brush leftover from winter. The garden is coming along great.

These are 12 Morugas, 12 Butch Ts, 12 Brainstrains, 12 Bhuts, 6 Yellow Morugas, 6 Yellow Brainstrains, 6 Primos, 6 Douglahs, 6 Chocolate Bhuts, 6 Peach Bhuts, 6 Yellow Bhuts, 6 TS Chocolates, 5 Jonahs, 3 Douglah Reds, 3 Gigantic 7s and 1 Billy Boy Douglah from front to back. Wow that was a mouthful.
These cold nights just won't quit. I'm a little concerned about frost with the low 40s projected for Friday. My garden is in a cold spot that always runs a couple degrees lower than the forecast.

I'll wait to see how things pan out before I go into panic mode.
-Every little ting looks great \o/ … “Alright” ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
-What’s in dat magic dust?
-Great photos
-Good Great luck with the weather holding up, I hear you on rain. While we don’t have it cold here, been raining off/on the last 5 days … enough is enough :/

»» Foobar2k ::: Bob Marley & The Wailers - Lively Up Yourself -Lee Perry Set Disk 2 - 04 - It's Alright ::: 1:26/2:38 (••••••••••) ::: 409 kbps ««
Wondered if anyone would ask that. The "magic dust" is worm castings, dried sea kelp, espoma biotone starter plus, mycorrhizae, azomite and bat guano. Just tried mixing them together this year to streamline things. Previously I would add everything individually before planting. Thanks for tuning!
Hope the weather holds out for you, been worried as we're forecast for 42-43 tonight and Sat.

A sprinkler will save the plants from a frost if it comes to that.

Fingers are crossed for you.