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seeds Shoplights to raise seedlings.....?

wordwiz said:

Here's a link where they are $56 plus shipping, $72 total.

The ones I am using are these. I made a rookie mistake and didn't get the one I can easily cut in the 36 cell size.

From AJ's pictures, his are much sturdier than mine but he gets his free!


Thanks for the link. If AJ cannot find the link I will be using them for the pots.

AlabamaJack said:
got them from my local nursery

you are welcome and thank you...no use to be jealous, you will be there in just a little while..

I am in total agreement with the other posts...I am using the cheapest fluoros I can find...and MWM is right the higher the color temperature, the less lumens produced...

Dale, last year, my nursery sold me 10 trays with 20 3 inch contianers in them for 2 bucks each...a whole 20 dollars...this year, I wanted to buy them and he is giving them to me this year for free...some of the ones he is giving me are 4" containers and not exactly what I wanted, but I am not complaining about free...

the one Mike shows in the link are "thinner" material than the 3 inchers I have...let me do some googlin and I will post a link (if I can find them)....

AJ, I will wait for the link, I would actually rather have the 3"ers so I can get more under the lights.

Dale/Mike...check out my edited post...that is the closest thing I can find...

sorry for the hijack JJ...

shoplights was the subject...

Way thinner! I have some - maybe a half dozen or so similar containers - they are probably 10 times as thick. If I could get 800 of them for what you paid (!) I would go for them.

Can you measure the width of the 3" pots? I suspect they are maybe 3.5" or 3.25" at the top.

There are two mindsets here:
1) Buyers are looking for decent plants at the very least cost
2) Buyers are looking for good plants and will pay twice what they should to get them.

I've seen guys walking out of a store beaming because they bought a tomato plant in a six inch pot with a small stake for nearly six bucks. Seen people who search for the cheapest plants they can buy. People tell me women will pay $4-6 for a small plant if they like it. I wish I knew! I figure this year I'll try $2.50 per plant for almost all of them and see what happens.

Back to shoplights:

I am going to buy a couple today and was wondering what I should do. For now I am just going to buy 1 fixture and 2 bulbs.

Does it make sense to buy 1 6500 and 1 4100? Or would 2 6500 bulbs be fine?
JJBagoose said:
Back to shoplights:

I am going to buy a couple today and was wondering what I should do. For now I am just going to buy 1 fixture and 2 bulbs.

Does it make sense to buy 1 6500 and 1 4100? Or would 2 6500 bulbs be fine?

That is all I use, 4 foot shoplight with 2 bulbs. As for the bulbs, I don't know the #'s but they are GE Daylight bulb. They seem to work fine for me and was easy to find in WalMart.
Pepperfreak said:
That is all I use, 4 foot shoplight with 2 bulbs. As for the bulbs, I don't know the #'s but they are GE Daylight bulb. They seem to work fine for me and was easy to find in WalMart.

Perfect, thanks for the response PF.
JJ...what you said the 6500 and 4100 is what I use in my grow area...but I think two 6500s will be good enough for the time they will be indide..
OK, so I didn't get exactly what I wanted at Wallmart tonight. They didn't have the T12 shoplight fixture. They only had T8.

So I bought a T8 shoplight for 10 bucks and 2 6500k bulbs for 8.

Is the T8 as strong as the T12? Will it be sufficient?
