Shorerider's heavy haulage.

Thanks for the compliments all, they are very much appreciated. The end results of a great season are always hit or miss, but I can say that I am definitely happy with my harvest this season.
Malarky said:
Nice Haul! could you post any close ups of the aji margariteno? I've read a lot of people had a very hard time germinating it.
I've posted some closeups, and a short review of the Aji Margariteno here:
chiltepin said:
Good post! SR. Growing 1/2 of what you have pictured --- here in California June is the real start. I've got these going:

Aji Margariteno, Malih-Hellow,Brazilian Starfish, Hot Chocolate Jamaican Habanero, Albanian Red Hot, Jalapeño, and Tabasco. Also (yellow) devils tongue.

How are the Aji Marg and Malih-Helow? Looking forward to them.

Also, Albanian Red Hot not a big producer? Last year I only got a few.
See the link above for my thoughts on the Aji Margariteno.
The Malih-Helow are a nice pod, they are sweet (hence the second word in its name) but I found that they dried out quickly after turning red, and had a papery texture to them. Heat is mild, but it does have a nice kick.
I grew the Albanian Red Hot mostly because of its novelty wrinkled/cracked skin more than anything. Mine wasn't a big producer, but the pods are big, thick walled, and juicy. Heat is mild, and it does have good flavor. 
willow said:
Some beautiful looking peppers! Love the look of Aji Pineapple,Brazilian Starfish, how do they taste?
The Aji Pineapple is one of my new favourites, it has a slight sour, fruitiness to it almost reminiscent of a Pineapple, but that could just be my mind playing tricks because of the name. Either way, it does have a great tase, mild heat, and is a prolific producer. The powder made from this pod has a wonderful taste, and is a great addition to most food. I'll definitely be growing this next season. 
The Brazilian Starfish is another one I'll be growing again next season. Another prolific producer, and quite a large plant, mine got to over 3ft tall. Pods are reasonably thick walled, juicy, and have a medium heat. Flavor sort of reminds me of raw green peas, not unpleasant, but it's noticeable. Heat is low, to medium.
Maligator said:
Great haul Shorerider :woohoo:

You're gonna be busy processing all those bad boys!!! ;)
Thanks, and yes, I spent the better part of a whole day topping every pod. The Tabasco have been turned into powder, the rest are in the freezer awaiting their fate. 
Here's a few more pics of each days harvest.
Day 1.

Day 2.

Day 3.

Dried Tabasco pods.

Tabasco powder.

mpicante said:
Thats not a nice haul as others have previously stated.That is one GREAT HARVEST in my opinion.Great work and your peppers look awesome good work especially with winter on its way!!!
Thank you. We're already more than a month into our winter, and while I will start my new seasons plants soon, I still have many pods that need picking.
Aji Pineapple (Parsley up front)

Brazilian Starfish 

There are even the odd flowers here and there.  :P
nice fence!
how long does it take you to harvest the tobasco pods?
i grew an enormous tabasco plant years ago... you just could not harvest more than a few handfulls without wanting to kill yourself.
i let most of them shrivel up and rot which looks pretty cool to be honest.
queequeg152 said:
nice fence!
how long does it take you to harvest the tobasco pods?
i grew an enormous tabasco plant years ago... you just could not harvest more than a few handfulls without wanting to kill yourself.
i let most of them shrivel up and rot which looks pretty cool to be honest.
Ha, yes, I know that I have a nice fence. Did you notice my neighbors kitty though?
Most of my Tabasco pods were also very shriveled when I picked them, and what a PITA it is, which is why I turned them in to powder. Same goes for all the Cayenne pods that are now dried up on my plants, but I'll smoke those first.
haha thats a cat on the roof?
cats would explode into flames this time of year...houston asphalt roofs can exceede like 170 degrees in some cases. 
im guessing its much cooler right now in austraila?
i really did not mind not harvesting my tabasco plant. it really does look pretty with the mixture of red and pale green-yellow. its like an ornimental plant you can harvest if you get board.
Yes it is a cat, but only a metal shillohet. :party: 
My neighbor had a big flock of pigeons nesting under his solar panels. There were sometimes 50+ pigeons on the roof, and as you would imagine they were filling up his gutters with heaps of crap. So, he installed a few cat shillohets about a month ago and they seem to have helped scare them off.
Tabasco were one of the very fist varieties I ever grew, and I have grown them every year since. The only problem is that they grow tightly grouped pods, which are sometimes a real chore to pick. But they are hardy, don't seem too bothered by our winters too much, and just produce heaps of pods every year.
Brazilian Starfish looks like it puts out a serious amount of pods, it is still loaded and big! I think I ordered some of those seeds or a cross...Heard they taste very good too. Nice job across the board.