So I'm new to growing peppers and I'm a little familiar with hydroponics. Don't want to be too dry but I'd like to give all the info. Worried about the brown edges on the leaves.
Seeded them in rockwool with PH adjusted water on Jan 30, 2020. All, except the reapers, sprouted within 2-3 weeks. All were in humidity dome with heating pad set to 80F and put by window for soft natural light.
Then I transferred them to my grow closet same everything except used an old fluorescent light that wasn't very powerful for a week or so until my new light arrived.
So for a week and a half they've been under a regular warehouse LED light 5000K with dimmer and adjusted the light using a PAR Meter. I set the lights to 185 micro moles above the leaves while they were in the dome. Opened the dome vents and put a fan in the room. Leaves started to brown a little over a week ago. Then I moved them out of the dome and put a fan on them and nothing has changed. I mean they seem to be growing slowly, but still have those brown edges. Also a week ago I started watering them with a weak solution of General Hydro's 3 part solution. I did a 250PPM solution.
I think they might just be over watered as the rockwool doesn't seem to drying out even with the fan on it. Just today it seems they lost a little moisture, but the rockwool is still very moist.
Room is temp controlled at 78F and 32% RH. Humidity is not controlled. Inside the dome it's of course about 80F and 85% RH, but they're not in there anymore.
It's either over watering or nutrient burn, I would think. Any comments?
Maybe the damage has stopped, but it doesn't get rid of the brown? It just stays until the leaves get much bigger??
Seeded them in rockwool with PH adjusted water on Jan 30, 2020. All, except the reapers, sprouted within 2-3 weeks. All were in humidity dome with heating pad set to 80F and put by window for soft natural light.
Then I transferred them to my grow closet same everything except used an old fluorescent light that wasn't very powerful for a week or so until my new light arrived.
So for a week and a half they've been under a regular warehouse LED light 5000K with dimmer and adjusted the light using a PAR Meter. I set the lights to 185 micro moles above the leaves while they were in the dome. Opened the dome vents and put a fan in the room. Leaves started to brown a little over a week ago. Then I moved them out of the dome and put a fan on them and nothing has changed. I mean they seem to be growing slowly, but still have those brown edges. Also a week ago I started watering them with a weak solution of General Hydro's 3 part solution. I did a 250PPM solution.
I think they might just be over watered as the rockwool doesn't seem to drying out even with the fan on it. Just today it seems they lost a little moisture, but the rockwool is still very moist.
Room is temp controlled at 78F and 32% RH. Humidity is not controlled. Inside the dome it's of course about 80F and 85% RH, but they're not in there anymore.
It's either over watering or nutrient burn, I would think. Any comments?
Maybe the damage has stopped, but it doesn't get rid of the brown? It just stays until the leaves get much bigger??