I just found this locally on craigslist. This year I had just used two T12 shop lights to start my 20 plants until they went outside. I thought for the right price I could pick this up for next year. Maybe offer 80 bucks? Any thoughts?
You setin up a growhouse sure he was gonna grow peppers, they bust people down here all the time and they aint growin peppers in their houses. Hmmm this single fam house has a $1500 dollar electric bill wonder whats up with that?
That was one of my thoughts. My flouros seemed to work well but just thought I could get something a bit better. Is it worth it to switch from T12s to T8s or 5s? I will probably remain with 20 plants again next year. It's about all I can handle with it just being another hobby.
+1 if your only starting your plants indoors it probably ain't worth it... cheap though it is. It's in the mid-late stages of growth that CFLs start to pale.
If you have any plans to move indoors in the future however, I would snap it up!