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Should I repot or let be?

I started this season with my own potting mix which was equal parts peat moss, top soil, and mushroom compost. Being my first season I quickly learned that this mix was too heavy and compacted and most plants got moved to a different mix earlier with much improved results. I forgot that I had another plant, a fillius blue, out front in the same mix. It has now started to flower and fruit but it is very wimpy. Should I repot into my much improved mix or would I be better off leaving it in this terrible dwarfing mix? I know the mix it is in now is bad and is holding it back, I just don't know if repotting would do more harm than good now that it has started fruiting. Thanks ahead of time for the help.
I would pick the fruits off and re-pot it into better soil allowing it to become stronger before fruiting. It wouldn't hurt to put a fan on it to strengthen the stem as well. Also make sure that the mix you're using has enough nutrients for the entire life span of the plant. If it does not I recommend finding a granular time release fertilizer to mix into the soil (organic fertilizers are less likely to burn the plants) once a month, liquid fertilizers also work well.

Good luck growing!
you are still early in your growing season, pick the little flowers off. back off on any more fertilizer and just give them water. you can mix part of your soil with peat or coir if you think it is too heavy. then add the plant back to the mix. any good microbes should be remaining.

good luck
As the others said, pick the fruits off and repot. It may not get as tall but it'll surely bush out nicely and give you a much better yeild in the long run.
Definitely go with the repotting, as BC said it's still early in the season. Picking off the pods diverts the resources to the rest of the plant. In the end it should produce a better yield.

Good luck!!
Thanks guys! I repotted this evening and plucked off all the small fruit, open flowers, and buds that look like they could open within the week. Now the waiting game.
I had the same problem last year. I took the word of the dumb person at the nursery and planted a whole lot in compacted heavy soil. I didn't pot up and let them grow. They got to a small size and never grew at all from there no matter what else I did to them.

Good luck with your plant, you definitely did the right thing.