seeds Should I soak seeds overnight before?

Got my Jiffy pugs getting ready to start germinating just wondering if I should soak the seeds overnight or if it matters going to be doing it indoors under 67K T5's  then plan on transferring into 5 gallon pots and growing out on my sun deck.   
As do I. I also make it a point to put in a capful/teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide into every container I'm soaking the seeds :)
SadisticPeppers said:
As do I. I also make it a point to put in a capful/teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide into every container I'm soaking the seeds :)
In how much water for the cap full? and can I ask why never heard of this before.
Gargoyle91 said:
In how much water for the cap full? and can I ask why never heard of this before.
I usually do an 8 ounce mason jar for soaking my seeds
do you just leave them in water overnight? I've planted a few chilli seeds into jiffy pods, and most have come up except for peter pepper. they were planted a month ago, so I thought I might try more seeds.
I've noticed no difference between soaked and non-soaked seeds in my (admittedly non-vast) experience.  I'd err on the side of laziness whenever there's not a compelling reason to expend precious effort.
Unless you have some of that "self-restraint" that I've heard of, in a few months you'll be asking yourself "Why did I plant so many goddamn seeds?!" anyway, so anything that might kill them early can only be a good thing.
I am new, but ive experimented some with germination. I did paper towel method. Overnight soak then paper towel. And various dirts in regular old seed trays. Covered with wrap, and uncovered. Honestly, the ones with no special treatment, just regular potting soil in a tray (uncovered) were out of the ground ready to grow while the same batch of seeds in paper towels were just starting to sprout their root. As i said, im new and whatever works for you is what you should do, but until it stops working im just keeping it simple and putting seed in dirt and growing peppers
I usually find soaking not worth the bother.  It seems to reduce time to germination by a couple days vs putting them directly in soil at that time, but it is easier to just do that two days earlier.
Some claim that soaking in a very mild tea solution will also help, but I am always looking to reduce extra steps through good planning.
When in doubt, I try to follow the KISS strategy - Keep It Simple, Stupid! :) Life and peppers are already too complicated.