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Should I toss it to be safe?

Hey everyone... Long time since I've checked in here.. Need some advice from my chile heads...

3 weeks ago I made a green Jalapeño Serrano hot sauce... I didn't like the taste ( I used too much lime juice)..... So it's been in my fridge ever since in Tupperware..... I was going to make another batch without any lime and add the 2 batches to see if I could salvage the first batch....

My question:

If the original batch that's been refridgerated in Tupperware for 3 weeks has an acceptable ph, is it ok to still use, combine with new batch, and bottle, to give to friends and family?

Or should I just dump it and start over all together?

taste the first batch and see if it's still good...if the pH was right on the first batch that is in the fridge and it was refrigerated, it should still be good...what pH did the batch result in?
It tastes good besides the tart ( too much lime) flavor... I don't have the exact ph rating on hand because I'm not by my notes... But it was in the safe range of 3.7-3.9. I refridgerated it as soon as I properly let it cool off after boiling it down etc.
I just didn't know if it was still safe to bottle and combine with another batch since I didn't bottle it, and since it's been in Tupperware for 3 weeks in the fridge.
Should be fine as long as the rebatch gets properly boiled up.  Simmer for at least 15 minutes along with the fresh ingredients, then process as usual.
Perfect. Thanks everyone! Definitely not throwing it away after reading your comments... Funny thing is this sauce is for my family and friends that can't handle the heat... When I try it I have to keep asking people "are you sure you can feel any heat?" I used a 80/20 jalapeño/Serrano ratio.... I really wanted to do a 50/50... But I have to remember this is for those chile heads that can't handle or enjoy a lot of heat!