food Shout out to GIP!


Thought about doing some ribs but caught pork steaks on sale too cheap to pass up. So pork steak it is.

Need seasoning... hmm, aha! Some great stuff from my Yankee bud GIP!

A little something for the chef...

Apply liberally....


Masher said:
Well son of a ####$, that looks awesome.

I love that aji confetti, really good stuff.

Can't imagine the other rub anything less.

Looks delicious!!!

The rub is as good as anything commercial I've ever had, all things considered. The meat was perfect, just a little pinch of salt was my only addition, otherwise on-point in every regard. Hopefully I've enough left to still do a small slab of ribs.
The confetti, well, like you mentioned is great. Haven't had it for very long but have used it on more stuff than you could shake a stick at. Almost gone... (subliminal hint to GIP).. A whole new experience for me. Totally rocked one of my favorite "comfort food" dishes of sauerkraut and spareribs. Too late in the season to try and grow my own.. again, hint hint.... ;)
Rajun Gardener said:
Dang, way to rub it in Reggie. I'm over here cooking pre-made burgers and Ore-Ida fries to save time while I prep for the rain storm they call Barry. That Hurrycane better knock the power out or I'll be pissed.
Cheers to you and the good eats!!
I am only a facsimile - of a copy - of a re-run of your skills, but I appreciate the kind words anyway. I hope you miss the brunt of it. Went through Hugo in '89. "Sucks to high hell" by any stretch. My fingers are crossed for ya!
luvmesump3pp3rz said:
that food looks fantastic! i`ve had that IPA and it was good. Happy Friday Reggie!  :cheers:
Thanks Kev! Happy Friday to you as well. Yes good beer, but realized upon reading the label it is 9% ABV. Full belly and a couple of those and its a wrap. My day/week is winding down rather quickly now.  ;)
Will sleep like Rip Van Winkle tonight... Cheers bud  :cheers:
Rajun Gardener said:
Dang, way to rub it in Reggie. I'm over here cooking pre-made burgers and Ore-Ida fries to save time while I prep for the rain storm they call Barry. That Hurrycane better knock the power out or I'll be pissed.
Cheers to you and the good eats!!
That beer looks like pineapple juice! Lol

Regie, that is one heck of a plate you have going on there. What is bbq gravy?
BBQ gravy.
Easy answer, but since I’ve the platform to do it here, I will give the whole story as to what it is and why.
My father was born in 1928 at the on-set of the “Great Depression.” Growing up he had very little. It was common practice by those from that era to not “waste” anything. All stuff was utilized to maximum potential. On pigs, you “ate everything but the squeal.” I don’t think it was a purely “southern” thing (but widespread nationally) was the saving of fats rendered from cooked meats, with Bacon fat being the most popular. It was common for folks in that era (and I think it picked back up in WWII) to save meat fats in a crock kept in the kitchen. Can be used later for frying stuff or seasoning dishes.
So, the gravy. My dad made gravy from the cooked fats. Cooked sausage would end up as sausage and gravy (from the fat) for “biscuits and gravy.”  Fried chicken produced gravy as well from the drippings. So here I just continue as I was taught – I caught some fat as it rendered from the steaks. Then put the fat in a pan and added some BBQ sauce. Got it hot and added a little flour for thickening. Bam! BBQ gravy..
I will go ahead and shout GIP out as well, last year he sent me garlic, and said I could plant it or eat it, I didnt try one clove, planted it all.

Could have pulled some sooner, but I think I have 10 nice ones to re-plant, and 9 others that I should probably make some sauce out of. Thanks again man! And the smoked serrano powder derserves plenty of shout outs.



