• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Show Us Your Pubes! Group GLOG From The Rocoto Giveaway

I am starting this thread for folks who received some Pubescens seeds from me through the Pubescens giveaway. I figured it would be fun to see everyone's progress, plus have a general place to share any pics, growing techniques, and general Pubescens knowledge. I wish everyone great success in their gardens this year.

Even if you didn't receive seeds from me, and want to contribute info about your Pubescens plants this year, please feel free to share.
Man, I'm sad. With all the good things slowly going with my pepper endeavor this season, my little Small Brown Rocoto insists on teasing but remaining a bridesmaid. She's flowering regularly and appears to be setting pods, then the blessed little podlets simply unceremoniously drop. All of them. All my Rocotos, though in different states of health and stages of production, are setting at least some fruit, a few even ripening nicely.

...not my *s-s-sniff* Small Brown...

Peruvian Red
2019-08-14 13.27.19.jpg

Ecuador Red
2019-08-14 13.29.05.jpg

My giantesseses DeSeda Yello, Arequipa & Gelbe Riesen
2019-08-14 13.29.58.jpg

Everything in fabric bags are overachieving. Fabric for everyone next season!
podz said:
I bought a Hurom 43 RPM slow juicer on Sunday and only now it hit me - I can also use it to make chili sauces. This is going to be interesting.
Would also be great to smoke and dehydrate some for powder, but my neighbors wouldn't tolerate it. Really can't wait to move to the countryside - a few more years...
You can also juice some of those juicey rocotos (or any other juicey pepper). I use the juice to make jelly and then you can still dry the pulp and grind it into powder. Do the smoking in the middle of the night when no one is likely to be outside.
skullbiker said:
You can also juice some of those juicey rocotos (or any other juicey pepper). I use the juice to make jelly and then you can still dry the pulp and grind it into powder. Do the smoking in the middle of the night when no one is likely to be outside.
Yes, I was planning to use it for rocotos. With the type of juicer I got (it has a big General Electric ULTEM auger), you can either separate the pulp or leave it in the juice just by flipping a lever. Probably will leave it in the juice and then if the consistency is not just right, hit it with the blender for a few seconds.
It doesn't matter what time of the day I use the smoker (Weber kettle grill) or where in my yard I place the smoker or how far away from the house it is, it always gets pulled straight into the neighbors apartment and their clothes end up smelling like whatever is in my smoker. A few pulled porks and briskets per summer and that's about all they will tolerate. We live in a thick concrete house with zero hVAC (our heating is actually hot water piped in from the city flowing through wall radiators), so people need to keep their windows open until about 1 month after outside temps have cooled (takes that long for the building to cool). There is no solution here, unfortunately.
Thegreenchilemonster said:
My Giant Arequipas are starting to put off some fat ripe pods right now. These bad boys have some seriously thick and juicy walls, and a VERY spicy, long lasting burn.
My largest is still the size of a quarter. I'd better start making room for a long winter finish.....
stettoman said:
My largest is still the size of a quarter. I'd better start making room for a long winter finish.....
These are the seed savers. I picked a good 15 pods at the same time that were slightly smaller than these. I threw those in ziplocs, and into the freezer. I'm going to cut the tops and cores off of these 4 behemoths, save the seeds, then make rocotos rellenos with them
CaneDog said:
Unsmoked rocoto powders?  Mix with other spices, onion and garlic powder and such and salt.  Maybe dehydrate inside or in garage if neighbors are really, really "nosy."
In the largest of dehydrators i.e. larger than my oven, you could do max 5kg at a time. And that would take many hours. 40kg would take a min of 8 days solid. I'd have to take vacation from work. Our garages are each shared with one other neighbor and there is no ventilation. The garages are not attached to our house building, rather in a separate building 150 feet away.
I'll have to live with canned sauces and frozen pods.
stettoman said:
I brought this bruiser in, my Big Apple Red. It seems to get plenty water, little direct sun, yet the leaves are elephantine and like eskimo-gnawed deerskin. Super dark foliage, obviously adequate Nitrogen, trunk, stems and branches so purple that they're almost black.


It quit flowering for a time, all previous dropped. Leaf veins vary from a lighter green to that purple, sometimes both on the same leaf...

2019-08-06 14.43.11.jpg

Lots of new growth, new flower buds, but I don't get the sickly droop & sag & wrinkle. Temps are high 70s to low 80s, humidity hovers between 45% and 55%...am I missing something with this variety? I brought it in for a dose of 24/7 72°F treatment. Don't know what else to try...No ferts have been applied up to now...

I think I've discovered at least part of the problem: The aphids are filthy on this one. I never thought to check before, since they've never really been a problem. 
This is disconcerting, as this plant was placed in the middle of a tight group of potted Rocotos on the deck. I ran out in a blind panic this morning, but after meticulous inspection I found not one bug or evidence of eggs on any of them. Do they lie dormant until brought into the consistent environment of a house? As absurd as that sounds to me, I have a concern, as frost is coming sooner than later...
That sucks.  They definitely can go from very few or even unobservable to an infestation fairly quickly indoors, especially under warm lights.  I'd suggest a few staged sprayings in advance of bringing them in. It'll be more challenging bringing them in bushy to in order to produce versus if you were cutting them back.
One week after the first dose of Canna PK 13/14 added to the nutrient mix and just look at how frosty those buds are now. This stuff is very impressive, do try some if you haven't yet. We just hit them with the second dose today and there is perfect, warm weather in the forecast for the next 10 days! Daytime highs of 23c/73f and nighttime lows of 15c/59f. This is perfect pube weather. 
stettoman said:
Hey CDog, Mini Brown is producing!
Not quite a dozen yet, and because it's in a window sill in the pantry I'm having to Q-Tip the process, but no more blossom drop!
Sweet!  That's great news. Good to hear that one of the browns got its act together and started cooperating.
I've had the bigger of my two XL Browns in the isolation tent for a good week now and it looks like it's starting to set some decent numbers, so that's more good news on the brown front.
Post a pic if you get a chance.