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Show Us Your Pubes! Group GLOG From The Rocoto Giveaway

I am starting this thread for folks who received some Pubescens seeds from me through the Pubescens giveaway. I figured it would be fun to see everyone's progress, plus have a general place to share any pics, growing techniques, and general Pubescens knowledge. I wish everyone great success in their gardens this year.

Even if you didn't receive seeds from me, and want to contribute info about your Pubescens plants this year, please feel free to share.
Sure, no reason they couldn't be the same variety.  It sounds like they have many similarities. Then again, I'm sure there's no shortage of local pube varieties that people named after red apples - in fact, I kind of like the idea of more varieties being out there because then there's more new ones to try.  I have a Manzana Rojo from Mexico too (my OW died this Spring, but I started 2 new ones this season).  It produces much smaller pods and seems to do better with heat.  But I also know of a particular Mexican Manzana variety that produce much larger pods. So yeah, probably lots of "red apples."
Maybe you should consider a side-by-side grow next season and see if they're the same.  I'm pretty sure you could get a hold of some seeds.
Wow, some really nice plants and pods on here recently. My Manzano's in the garden are looking nice but really aren't producing very many pod's. On the other hand the 7 gal. deck plant is going crazy with it's size and pod production but it seems like forever and nothing is ripening as of yet.
So if size matters this guy is about 38" tall and almost 4 feet wide.
deck pep.jpg

It's growing a ton of blossoms but dropping them at a high rate, probably due to the high temps we've been getting.
deck bloom.jpg

I hope to be sharing some ripe fruit in the near future.
Here is my hedge of big apple rocotos. There are 3 plants in there, sandwiched between an aji charapita plant on the right, and an aji limo plant on the left. The aji charapita was supposed to be a natural barrier between my big apples, and giant rocotos, but the rocotos have pretty much smothered the aji charapita The big apple rocoto got hit with some strange leaf curl a month ago, but is still getting super thick with foliage. It doesn't seem to flower as profusely as most of my other Pubes do, but each flower is setting a pod, so it's all good.


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It looks like the Santa Natalias will be deep red after all. They go through the same color change as an aji limo rojo, which is unique to me, in all of the rocoto varieties I've grown. Green-super dark green-yellow-orange-salmon-red. I'll be picking one and trying it out in the next day or two.


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I will get a pic later but my smaller mini red AINT red. Looks like it crossed with a Miraflores yellow. Pods need a couple more days to be fully ripe. They are about the size of a cherry tomato. Im pretty certain i used seeds i took out of a mini red pod i got from Lewis. He had plants growing side by side...i think.
Sampled both aji oro pods now. Got seeds from the larger one. Very thick juicy flesh and this one was a little hotter than the first. Still on the mild side but that is quite alright with me. When i got a couple more im gunna make a mild rocoto and SRP sauce.
I know I keep coming back to this Arequipeño, but it's become so productive I simply can't help it.


As heavily as it's flowering it is setting fruit. The branch I bagged started with two unopened blossoms, now there are over a half dozen, most already setting and new buds starting to emerge.

The blossom "cluster" continues to develop...


Remember this is the second season for this little beast; it was barren last year and not really considered as an OW candidate. It snuck into the plant room when my head was turned. It flowered profusely last January, made a big purple display and then Dropped. Every. Blossom.

My own Ugly Duckling....OK, who's got the rellenos recipe for these puppies?!?
I picked a small handful of my Jelly Bean Rocotos today. Pics are in the Harvest thread. I was pleasantly surprised to see it flowering again. Lots of new blooms. More pods are turning on the "orange" mini red too. Got a couple ripe off it to sample. Seems to me i got a single orange pod off one of those plants months ago and then nothing else inside. That lone pod was pretty freaking hot as i recall too.
I tasted the smallest orange (possible cross). A little more vegetable flavor than fruit. Like pumpkin, sweet tater or squash maybe. Possibly could have ripened longer? Aroma was fruity. Got quite a few seeds from that little bastard. Maybe mid serrano heat level.
Sofar all i have sampled this year are milder than what Lewis sent me and the few i got last year. I find rocotos to be a hard heat to relay accurately because the are so sweet and juicy. The samples last year though were not something i could really snack on without cramping.
How hot are those big browns and are they hot weather tolerant? Im searching for a milder large rocoto, preferably red but color isnt a deal breaker. Sweet and milder though are needed because i dont like rellenos that melt my face off. :D
ShowMeDaSauce said:
How hot are those big browns and are they hot weather tolerant? Im searching for a milder large rocoto, preferably red but color isnt a deal breaker. Sweet and milder though are needed because i dont like rellenos that melt my face off. :D
I'm about to try these big browns out in a few days for the first time. This is my first time growing them. They flowered and podded up no problem during the 95-100 degree daily heat we went through in July.

My only complaint is that it is super hard to tell when they are ripe. I'll give it a few more days, and pick one to crack open. This variety definitely seems like a stuffer, since brown rocoto sauce doesn't really seem too aesthetically pleasing.