• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Show Us Your Pubes! Group GLOG From The Rocoto Giveaway

I am starting this thread for folks who received some Pubescens seeds from me through the Pubescens giveaway. I figured it would be fun to see everyone's progress, plus have a general place to share any pics, growing techniques, and general Pubescens knowledge. I wish everyone great success in their gardens this year.

Even if you didn't receive seeds from me, and want to contribute info about your Pubescens plants this year, please feel free to share.
That's my take too - and the L Red in particular is a really healthy looking plant.
Are the lower leaves limp and wilty or more stiff and buckled?  Sometimes high temps will buckle the older leaves on Pubs - higher in the center and lower around the edges - and they appear wilted, but they're actually more rigid than before. I'd expect a more generalized wilting with a subterranean issue, but then again, I'm no subterranean marauder expert.
Took a few pics out watering today. 
Gelbe Riesen is setting some decent pods and looking a lot greener now since getting proper nutes.  I OW'd this one and somehow missed re-potting it when I put it out for the new season.  Has a funky two-tone look as do a couple others I treated similarly.

San Isidro is always a top performing Roc for my climate, turning into big bushy plants with solid production.  I have 1 OW and 4 first season SI's, so hopefully lots of ripe pods down the road a bit.

San Isidro looking for a little love...
My odd ball Miraflores is finally producing a couple flowers and the new growth looks more normal/taller. The Aji Arnaucho (chinense) i got during the seed give away is in a full spectrum of colors. Just a beautiful plant. Going outside in a few minutes to check on it all. Get some pics when i do.
My buddie in Idaho says his are loading up heavy with pods. Crazy bastard even ate a green mini red. :) He said he couldn't believe how juicy it was. Said it was pretty damn hot too. He is totally thrilled with rocotos atm.
CaneDog said:
That's my take too - and the L Red in particular is a really healthy looking plant.
Are the lower leaves limp and wilty or more stiff and buckled?  Sometimes high temps will buckle the older leaves on Pubs - higher in the center and lower around the edges - and they appear wilted, but they're actually more rigid than before. I'd expect a more generalized wilting with a subterranean issue, but then again, I'm no subterranean marauder expert.
Yah, that Large Red is the darkest green of all my pubies, I'm glad I found that worm when I did.
Yes, the lower leaves are limp and wilty, more today than yesterday. We got a really nice all day soaker yesterday without getting too wet, about a half inch. Some folks close to us had 3+ inches in their gauges.
Pepper plants will droop their leaves to protect pods from sun, but this is NOT that. These leaves are retaining color, but have little to no vigor. The growth above seems normal. I'm close to positive this is munch damage, just don't know if it's current or a lingering result of a past attack.
I'll update when anything improves......or worse.... :mope:
My little one i will over winter. Pod is hard to see but its starting to turn.

This is my big Mini Red. I keep it under a shade bag. It just keeps growing.


DAMN!!!! forgot the Miraflores!!!...Sorry its over 90F and i had to water the plants.
These Arnaucho though are cool. Mediumish heat and not really that strong of a chinense flavor at all. I think im going to make sweet pickled pepper rings out of them.

So my Red Rocoto's (rear) and Wiri Wiri's (front) are doing well as far as growth, but no fruit yet.  Lots of tiny flowers on the Wiri Wiri plants but none on the Rocoto's.  I think maybe Southern Utah is just too hot for growing the Rocoto pepper.  It's been around 100 degrees for the last few weeks with not much relief in sight.  So I have no closeup pics as there is nothing to show off :confused:


I have 4 Mini-Rocoto's growing in other beds that I am somewhat concerned about.  They have something going on with some of the leaves that I can't seem to resolve.  None of my other pepper plants have this problem, only on the Mini-Rocoto's and a few of the leaves on my larger Rocoto pepper plants.  Anyone have an idea what this might be?
There are some GEE-orgeous Rocotos growing in this thread!
As I promised, I'm updating on the Ecuadorian Red. It is not improving, though it doesn't seem the really be getting any worse, though the wilt does show a bit more now up top. As you can see, minimal blossom action going on.

I'm not positive, but pretty sure that there is a critter below grade snacking on roots. Never had this issue before, so I'm not really sure how to proceed. The only recourse that comes to mind is to pull the plant and rinse the little bastige out of the roots, then replant. It's kinda late for that in Zone 3. All my other plants, Pubes and otherwise, are robust and thriving, including the Peruvian Red that had the cutworm working it. If anyone has any advice beyond the nuclear option, please indulge me...
Speaking of robust, my other Rocotos are doing well, though only a few have really gotten into the blossom production. Until the other day every last flower was falling off. So, as impressed as I am with you guys and your busy little pubescens, I'm finally proud to declare a set pod:

This is on the Turbo Pube, I'm hoping that it's starting a trend.
stettoman said:
There are some GEE-orgeous Rocotos growing in this thread!
As I promised, I'm updating on the Ecuadorian Red. It is not improving, though it doesn't seem the really be getting any worse, though the wilt does show a bit more now up top. As you can see, minimal blossom action going on.

I'm not positive, but pretty sure that there is a critter below grade snacking on roots. Never had this issue before, so I'm not really sure how to proceed. The only recourse that comes to mind is to pull the plant and rinse the little bastige out of the roots, then replant. It's kinda late for that in Zone 3. All my other plants, Pubes and otherwise, are robust and thriving, including the Peruvian Red that had the cutworm working it. If anyone has any advice beyond the nuclear option, please indulge me...
Speaking of robust, my other Rocotos are doing well, though only a few have really gotten into the blossom production. Until the other day every last flower was falling off. So, as impressed as I am with you guys and your busy little pubescens, I'm finally proud to declare a set pod:

This is on the Turbo Pube, I'm hoping that it's starting a trend.
Pods/flowers begin showing after she forks....your first set have arrived.
good luck and hope she takes off for ya!!
Thegreenchilemonster said:
Turbo Pube! Are you feeding your rocoto plants any nutes?
Aye, they're getting a mild foliar dose of Alaska Fish Fert (5-1-1) every week, every 2 they get a drink of CNS17 (3-1-2). The Turbo has been flowering heavily for quite some time, went through a "heat spell" in the 90's where I had them in full shade about three weeks ago, but only the Turbo and a second Peruvian Red have been flowering profusely. Until now there's been a lot of purple petals lining the trailer floor. Rain has been quite regular, no deluge, but a half inch here, a half inch there.
The Peruvian Red is competing...

She got an even dozen full blooms and at least twice that many coming.
Bummer about the Ecuadorian stettoman, but hope it manages and good that the others are kicking it into gear. 
We've been getting hotter than normal temps here too and it's pumping the breaks some on what should be peak pod setting.  Looks like your rocs are ready to roll though and hopefully more moderate temps will prevail.  There's only so much season to get things done and pubes aren't the fastest peppers out there.