Siamese Naga

well I have found my first pepper that is definetly not normal I hope that it continues to grow.


I would definitely let it mature and save some seeds in case it is incredible.(of course no guarantee that the seeds would be mutants but it's worth a shot!)
I have a Scotch Bonett hybrid that has one of those double things. And yes, I'm letting it grow and will definately save the seeds.
Well that certainly is a very intersting growth you got there Podpiper!! Keep that camera clicking as it matures as I think you have all our interests!! Perhaps double the growth = double the strength!!!:mouthonfire:
Well I thought i would post another pic it is not changing much other than getting bigger and it is definetly two seperate peppers.



podpiper - in your last pic, am I seeing things ? but what about the pod behind the doubleheaded pod that you're showing off. it looks like 2 stems or nodes (or whatever you call them ?) join together for 1 pod.
what the heck are you growing here, a mutant :lol:
I have to tell you that the Nagas that i am growing are doing some strange things in this pic there are 8 pods coming out of one node the two smallest pods in the cluster are not in the eight that are coming out of the same node I will get a better pic tomorrow

